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Published November 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Jackson, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of November 14,2024,, this project has not yet been awarded. The project is expected to be awarded on December 10, 2024. Provide and install two nominal 10-ton Gas/Electric pad mounted Package Units mounted outside at the Southwest corner of the building adjacent to the Dry Storage. Provide all required unit operating and maintenance clearances and required clearance form adjacent pad mount transformer. Basis of design is Carrier Model 48FCDN12, 3600 CFM at 0.6"ESP, 11.00 EER. Provide the following options: hinged access panels, low ambient cooling to 0 deg.F, 2" MERV 8 filters, hot gas reheat, motorized outdoor air damper, low gas heat with stainless steel heat exchanger, 14" high curb for pad mounting. The Butts County School System [hereinafter referred to as the "System"] issues this invitation to bid for purchase and Installation of Air Conditioning for the kitchen at HMS and JHS Contractors must bid for the entire system. Contractors must provide all of the information required by this request for proposals. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder(s) to ensure that bids are received by Mr. Chris Thurston, Director of Maintenance, on or before the closing date and time. The bid submission date and time shall be strictly observed. The System shall in no way be responsible for delays caused by any occurrence. Under no circumstances shall bids received after the specified date and time be considered. The System reserves the right to amend this Invitation for Bid prior to the due date. The Butts County School System reserves the right to award bids to other than the lowest bidder, or to reject any and all bids, if such action would best serve the interests of the System. The contract period (if needed) shall be one (1) year from the beginning date with four (4) additional one (1) year options to renew by mutual agreement between the System and the contractor. The System may terminate their participation in this contract in whole or in part with thirty (30) days' notice, for their convenience, or because of failure of the contractor to fulfill the contract obligations in any respect. Friday October 18th, 2024 @ 2:00 P.M. EST All questions submitted in writing to the Director of Maintenance by email at thurstonC@bcssk12.org Monday October 21st, 2024 @ 5:00 P.M. EST Last day Addenda will be posted. All questions will be clarified through an addendum. Addendum will be posted with the RFP on the System website by 5:00 P.M TERMS OF CONTRACT: The initial contract term will be from November 14th, 2024 through November 14th, 2025. The contract will be for installation and warranty work. The laws of the State of Georgia and the policies of the System shall govern this agreement in all respects. Items and/or services on this order are exempt from Federal Excise Tax and Georgia Sales and Use Tax. All questions or concerns must be directed in writing or by email to the following: The Butts County School System Attn: Mr. Chris Thurston Director of Maintenance 181 N. Mulberry Street Jackson, GA 30233 thurstonC@bcssk12.org. Submission of a proposal signifies the Contractor's agreement that its proposal and the content thereof are valid and will become part of the contract that is negotiated between the Butts County School System and the successful contractor. All prices submitted with the proposal shall remain in effect for the contract period. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Providing and maintaining adequate insurance coverage is a material obligation of the Contractor and is of the essence of this contract. All such insurance shall meet all laws of the State of Georgia. Such insurance coverage shall be obtained from companies that are authorized to provide such coverage and that are authorized by the Commissioner of Insurance to do business in Georgia. The Contractor shall at all times comply with the terms of such insurance policies, and all requirements of the insurer under any such insurance policies, except as they may conflict with existing Georgia laws or this contract. The limits of coverage under each insurance policy maintained by the Contractor shall not be interpreted as limiting the Contractor's liability and obligations under the contract.




Public - County


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October 31, 2024

November 14, 2024


Multiple Locations, Jackson, GA

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