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Published October 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Wausau, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The City of Wausau conducts regularly scheduled public meetings in the Council Chambers room at the City Hall. The City of Wausau is seeking a qualified AV contractor to furnish and install a complete and functioning audio, video, and control system including needed electronic devices, microphones, speakers, tv, cabling. This system should be able to provide: Meetings with excellent audio for both local attendees and remote participants using high quality microphones and speaker systems TVs to show content clearly to everyone in the room including the public, the council and committee staff as well as the presenters Connections to existing cameras for live and recorded video feeds Video conference using Cisco equipment compatible with existing Cisco video systems at CCITC Room controls for lighting interfaces Hearing support systems for those with hearing impairments Integrations to the voting system that is in use Integration to the existing video production equipment It is the responsibility of all proposers to carefully read the entire Request for Proposal (RFP) which contains provisions applicable to successful submission and completion of a proposal. If you discover any ambiguity, inconsistency or error in the RFP, you must notify Choua Khang, City-County Information Technology Commission, 407 Grant Street, Wausau, WI 54403-4783 in writing. Only interpretations or corrections of the RFP made in writing by CCITC are binding. You should not rely on interpretations or corrections made in any other way. All requests for interpretations or corrections must be received by CCITC no later than five days prior to the deadline for submitting proposals. Responses to questions will be posted to the State of Wisconsin Vendornet site. Overview 1.Operation: The City of Wausau Chamber Council room is currently utilizing a control system for room audio and video conferencing. This system, originally installed in 2001, utilizes a computer hooked up to select audio only or audio with video conferencing. Video conferences are conducted with Cisco Webex and Microsoft Teams on our intranet and parties not on our network utilizing the Internet. Specific New Hardware and Equipment 1. (1) 82' TV and all mounting and wiring necessary 2. (2) 52-55" TVs facing the audience (place on the sides and in the middle of the room) and all mounting and wiring necessary 3. Audio amplifiers and signal processors 4. Review the existing overhead speakers and, if recommended, include replacement costs 7 5. New boom microphones at all 16 stage positions with button to mute Preferably mics with excellent pickup such as electric condenser, or similar models. Standard pickup on mics such as Shure SM58s do not work well for people unfamiliar with how to talk directly into microphones. Recommend a solution that will work well in the application. An example would be mics similar to the Shure MX418 series 6. (2) new cordless mics (1 handheld, 1 lavalier). 7. Amplifiers for room audio 8. Signal processing to minimize feedback 9. Inputs for two customer provided feeds showing video and providing audio from the clerk position 10. Inputs for presenters at podium to show their laptop's video audio 11. Creston control system for managing volumes, starting and stopping audio and video conferences, presenting content from either of the two clerk's PC or the presentors content, integrating with room lighting (if possible), 12. Creston controls for dialing regularly used Webex calls, Teams calls and phones 13. Provide and integrate the current version of what replaced the Cisco C60 or equivalent 14. 3. 4. 5. Interface Requirements 1. Integrate Cisco codec with CCITC's current Cisco domain conferencing. 2. Integrate Cisco calls with Crestron room controls. 3. Integrate video feed from Cisco gear and room camera for video production (public equipment doesn't need replacement). Send video and audio feeds from room to public access television production studio at the back of the room 4. Integrate both PCs at the clerk station to present content and switch between content, agenda, and voting software. 5. Integrate the existing TV facing the stage for council members to view the same content that is on the other TVs 6. Integrate into the existing television production and recording equipment provided and maintained by Wausau Public Access. This is in a production room at the back of the council chambers. Repurpose Equipment 1. Route the TV cable in the middle of the room underground. 2. Check overhead/ceiling speakers and update if needed. (same or newer versions of them) 3. Reuse the Polycom speaker and integrate it into the room audio. 4. Provider may reuse the existing equipment rack if it works for the new equipment. Equipment Removal 1. Remove all existing equipment to be replaced 8 6. Construction - A number of physical construction changes are required. We believe that the best outcome will be if the AV proposer subcontracts the construction work itself. However, we understand that some AV providers may not want to do that. Therefore, please have your response clearly list that either you do not want to bid on the construction or not. If you proposed to subcontract the construction costs, clearly show those as a separate line item : 1. Electrical - accommodate battery charging setup and provide any additional power and air exchange/cooling as needed for racks and equipment 2. Reconstruct wall behind mayor's position to make room for 82" TV recessed in the wall. Provide TV mounting hardware. Contractor to finish off laminate as needed to assure that finished product looks finished and complete 3. Reconstruct wall behind existing rack to improve access to back of rack. 4. Reconstruct counter area by clerk to recess two 24" TV screens so that they do not extend above higher counter. 5. Electrical - Provide two USB jacks at each of the 16 locations for council and staff members to be able to charge devices. 6. Must use qualified and properly licensed and insured contractors for construction and electrical work. Insurance COI must be provided to CCITC for all contractors working at City Hall. City must be listed as an additional insured. No waiver of subrogation is allowed. 7. 8. 9. 10. Installation & Configuration 1. Proposal must include ALL costs associated with installing, configuring and supporting the system for at least one year. 2. All hardware, software and software licenses to support the system. 3. A project plan with dates and deliverables. Training The proposal must include training costs and an overview on how you will provide training. Documentation The proposer should provide user documentation including but not limited to: 1) 2) 3) Detailed system training manuals which thoroughly explain setup, use and maintenance of the system. Proposer will grant permission to make copies of the manual to be used by CCITC. Installation instructions for all software components, including client computers, network servers, peripheral devices, instrumentation, databases and any other vendor supplied utilities or existing customer assets which are required for the software to be implemented and supported by the CCIT staff. Support SLAs and Uptime agreements 1) State SLAs for responding to support issue/tickets. If based upon severity, please include each severity level and corresponding SLAs. 2) State what your standard support business hours are. 9 3) State what after business hours support options are and if there are additional costs. 4) 11. 12. 13. Please describe maintenance downtime, length, and typical frequency of these activities (monthly, quarterly etc.). Warranty The proposer must provide CCITC with a one (1) year warranty period which will begin when the system is accepted by CCITC. The proposer should warrant all software provided to be free of defects during this one year period. Any repairs or "bug fixes" required during this period will be made at no expense to CCITC. Project Management The proposal should include what your experience has shown to be a realistic delivery and implementation schedule. The schedule does not need to be dated, but should break out the implementation schedule in terms of weeks following contract signing. The schedule should show periods of performance and milestones for deliverables. Tasks to be performed by you as well as by CCITC should be specifically stated and included in the schedule. Payments will be tied to performance milestones with no more than 25% at contract signing, milestones along the project schedule at 20% withheld until final acceptance by the City and CCITC. We will be hosting an in-person Q&A session on October 14th at 1pm CT, with a virtual option for those who wish to join online. Following the session, all answers will be made available and posted online for everyone to access.




Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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