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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Somerville, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Estimated Construction Cost $100,000 annually and $300,000 total if contract is renewed for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 heating seasons Temporary Boiler Unit for The Brown School The Chief Procurement Officer reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if, in her sole judgment, the best interest of the City of Somerville would be served by so doing. QUESTIONS DUE: 10/09/24 by 1PM EST The project scope includes the installation of a 100 Horsepower (minimum) oil-fired, low pressure steam boiler including all required ancillary equipment provided in a trailer or other completely enclosed temporary configuration, and a 1,000-gallon (minimum) above ground fuel-oil storage tank, including pre- and postseason delivery/removal transportation. The packaged temporary boiler unit and fuel-oil storage tank will be installed in the designated location between the Brown School building and the wrought iron fence on the north (Kidder Ave) side of the property, within approximately 100 feet of the existing steam and condensate mains located in the basement level boiler room. The selected contractor will prepare temporary boiler connections by making the following permanent modifications to existing Brown School boiler room utilities: o Install the required electrical service connection from the designated circuit breaker panel o Install the required municipal make-up water supply tap o Replace the existing boiler isolation valve on the steam main/header, install three (3) 2" threaded taps on the steam main piping, create means for drip leg and steam trap on steam main if needed. o Install condensate return piping tap(s) sized to meet building and temporary boiler needs. o The existing Brown School boiler's feed tank has a duplex pump set that is actuated by that boiler's pump control float switch. Contractor to install means of actuating the boiler room feed tank pump set to pump make-up water from the boiler room feed tank to the temporary boiler's feed tank in the trailer. Question Deadline 10/09/2024 at 1:00 PM ET Questions concerning this solicitation must be delivered in writing to: Sonia Castro Procurement Manager Somerville City Hall Procurement & Contracting Services Department 93 Highland Avenue Somerville, MA 02143 Or emailed to: Or faxed to: 617-625-1344




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201 Willow Ave, Somerville, MA

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