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Published October 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Snohomish, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

City of Snohomish Request for Qualifications Professional Services for First Street Master Plan The City of Snohomish requests statements of qualifications from qualified consultants to provide planning and design services for the First Street Master Plan, with a focus on Historic Downtown Snohomish. Initial findings and design options have been developed by students from the University of Washington Urban Planning program will serve as a foundational starting point for this project. The consultant's responsibilities will include further developing the comprehensive master plan, facilitating public meetings, conducting topographic survey, and preparing preliminary cost estimate. This project area spans the First Street from Avenue J to Lincoln Avenue, encompassing historic buildings, pedestrian walkways, parking areas, utility upgrades (sewer, water, and storm), street lighting, and public spaces. The master plan will aim to preserve the historic character while enhancing safety, functionality and accessibility. All services must be performed or supervised by person appropriately licensed and registered under Washington State laws governing the practice Project Tasks Project tasks shall include, but are not limited to: 1. Review of site and existing information, including the University of Washington Urban Planning Student Concept Project. 2. Develop master plan a. Identify distinct sections based on zoning characteristics and needs, and create a cohesive master plan. i. Phase 1: Avenue D to Maple Avenue 1. Incorporate connections to Kla Ha Ya Park and Cady Landing. 2. Activate the gazebo space at the south end of Avenue A and enhance pedestrian improvements. ii. Phase 2: Avenue J to Avenue D 1. Improve pedestrian corridors and expand/improve parking. 2. Plan for and connect to the future park at the existing City Operations and Maintenance site (1801 First Street). 3. Establish a connection to the Riverview Wildlife Refuge Trail. iii. Phase 3: Maple Avenue to Lincoln Avenue 1. Ensure pedestrian connectivity to existing and proposed non-motorized networks. 3. Attend and develop materials for public outreach meetings. 4. Topographic survey. 5. Historic Building Inventory and Cultural Resources assessment. 6. Develop planning level cost estimate. 7. Provide assistance with permitting processes. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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