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Published October 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a power facility in Fort Stewart, Georgia. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a power facility; and for site work for a power facility.

Project Description: Construct a 10 Mega Watt (MW) natural gas generation plant connected to Fort Stewart Substation. Install an underground natural gas line to service the generation plant. Provide each generator with a unit step up transformer to match the distribution voltage. A paralleling switchgear is to be provided for paralleling and control of the generators and connection of the redundant feeders to the substation. Potential transformers will be provided for relaying and metering requirements on each way. Protective relaying will be provided to include source protection, feeder protection, and generation protection and synchronization. Modify substation by upgrading the relaying on the circuit breakers to provide synchronization with the generators. Upgrade the feeder breakers to provide operational compatibility with new switchgear and the main service. Installation of a microgrid control system to match mission critical facility loads with available supply (in parallel operation and islanded modes). The microgrid control system will include, but not limited to the following: transfer switches, interface relays, microgrid controllers, and fiber optic communication connections. Install controls and connect to an existing solar photovoltaic (PV) array to the microgrid. This project will allow approximately 10MW of existing PV to be connected to the microgrid currently without causing a challenge with frequency fluctuations or voltage drops in the event of increasing cloud cover. Connect and integrate microgrid control system with existing SCADA system to allow remote read, write, management, communication, and operation of protective devices. Additional solar PV can be connected to the microgrid in the future to meet expanding demand. Install step down transformer to provide solar output connectivity to the microgrid system. The system is considered External Information Technology (IT) and should be secured in accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) 8510. The installation and private utility will need to agree on security controls that meet the intent of DoD 8510 and DoD 8520 Security of Unclassified Information on Non-DoD system. The installation may require the vendor to ensure design meets the intent of Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-010 06 Cyber Security of Facility Related Control Systems and any other current DoD Policy that is applicable. The microgrid will be installed on a stand-alone network with the possibility of an interconnection to the private utilities monitoring and control system. The microgrid system will be designed in accordance with United Facility Criteria 4-010-06 Cybersecurity of Facility Related Control Systems or current policy. All construction deliverables will be in accordance with Unified Facility Guide Spec 25 05 11 Cybersecurity for Facility Control Systems or current guide. Both documents can be located on the Whole Building Design site. Disclosure of Magnitude of Construction in accordance with DFARS 236.204(ii): Between $25,000,000 and $100,000,000 Sources sought responses require the following: 1. Submit a capability statement (does not need to be complex) that demonstrates the firm's ability to complete a project of this magnitude and complexity. Capability Statement should contain the following information: a. Company Name b. Address (as registered in System for Award Management - SAM) c. Point of Contact d. Phone number e. Email address f. CAGE Code/SAM UEI number g. any applicable socio-economic categories 2. Explain the complexities, regulations, and challenges the project creates in the current economic climate. Will long lead times for materials (normal or specialty materials), labor needs (standard skills or any specialty skills), or geographic location present issues with this acquisition 3. Provide bonding ability. Aggregate and per contract. 4. Submittal (Optional but preferred) Complete attached Project Labor Agreement (PLA) questionnaire. Submit Capabilities and PLA questionnaire to the Contract Specialist (Primary Point of Contact) by 1700 EST 11 October 2024 via email. A pre-solicitation is anticipated to be posted by mid-November 2024. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Power Plant


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October 10, 2025


To Be Determined, Fort Stewart, GA

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