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Published October 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Sardis, Mississippi. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Highway 51 N, Sardis, MS 38666. Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked as follows: Proposal Submitted in Response to Security Camera Project. For questions or clarifications, email bids@northpanolaschools.org. The North Panola School District Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any informalities. . Switches are needed for these cameras so we do not have to do port allocation on the ones we have through the E-Rate program. NPSD aims to upgrade its security infrastructure by transitioning to a cloud-based camera system across multiple sites. This project involves the removal of outdated systems and the installation of new, high-definition cameras, PoE switches, and associated cabling. The project must be completed no later than December 31, 2024, with a preference for an earlier completion date if possible. Installation can occur during business hours, after hours, and/or on weekends as necessary. 2. System Removal o Safely remove all existing cameras and DVR systems. o Ensure environmentally responsible disposal of outdated equipment. 3. System Installation o Supply and install new cloud-based IP cameras compatible with Rhombus systems. o Install and configure necessary PoE switches, compatible with existing Aruba network infrastructure. o Run and install all necessary cabling to connect cameras to the appropriate MDF or IDF closets. o Label all installed equipment and cabling for easy identification and maintenance. 4. Configuration onfigure the new camera system, ensuring seamless integration with Rhombus cameras. o Optimize PoE switches for camera operation, ensuring network performance and security. o Test and confirm functionality of all equipment and systems. 5. Training o Provide comprehensive training for SROs and other designated staff members on system operation, including mobile app usage. o Ensure trainees are proficient in managing and monitoring the camera system. Preliminary Camera and Switch Counts Below are the preliminary counts for cameras and closets at each school site. Each school site currently has 5 existing Rhombus cameras that may reduce the number of new cameras needed. o North Panola High School o MDF: 28 o IDF-Back Hall: 16 o IDF-JROTC: 10 o Note: Counts for MDF and IDF on Back Hall may change based on distance. o NP Career and Technical o MDF: 9 o District Office 2/CTC 2nd Building o MDF: 7 o North Panola Middle School o IDF-Downstairs: 17 o IDF-Upstairs: 6 o Como Primary o MDF: 21 o IDF-Counseling Office: 10 o IDF-Kindergarten: 6 o Note: Cameras for the shared cafeteria may run to either Como Primary MDF or Middle School IDF Downstairs based on the shortest distance.




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Multiple Locations, Sardis, MS

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