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Saving Project...

Published November 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Scottsville, Kentucky. Working plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

As of 11/8/2024, no bids were received. No additional information is available at this time. Chip and seal of Fanny Tom Gaines Road and Spur, Wilkerson Road, Baldock Road and portion of Claudis Harris Road. Work to be complete by November 15, 2024. Allen County Fiscal Court reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids Fanny Tom Gaines Road 3700 LF and Fanny Tom Gaines Spur 2900 LF Single Layer Claudis Harris Road from Walkers Chapel Road to Bridge 9381 LF Single Layer Wilkerson Road 4425 LF Double Layer Baldock Road 2525 LF Double Layer It is the contractor's responsibility to visit and measure the project. Specification: Prepare the road to be chip and sealed. Grade back the shoulders as required to remove the grass and soil to a width same as existing. Level the roadway with Dense Grade Aggregate. Grade and compact prior to chip sealing. Chip seal with a double application with the following rates: o RS2 at a rate of .4 to .5 gallon per square yard per layer o Stone at a rate of 25 pounds per square yard per layer Price to include all material to jobsite, all labor and equipment required to complete the project. Provide all traffic control and safety for the traffic. Aggregate from Scotty Construction see the attached quote for this material. The Stone will be owner purchased. Provide total tons and size of required aggregate below. Allen County will purchase up to the amount of tons listed in the bid. Contractor will be responsible for the overages.Fanny Tom Gaines Road 3700 LF and Fanny Tom Gaines Spur 2900 LF Single Layer Claudis Harris Road from Walkers Chapel Road to Bridge 9381 LF Single Layer Wilkerson Road 4425 LF Double Layer Baldock Road 2525 LF Double Layer It is the contractor's responsibility to visit and measure the project. Specification: Prepare the road to be chip and sealed. Grade back the shoulders as required to remove the grass and soil to a width same as existing. Level the roadway with Dense Grade Aggregate. Grade and compact prior to chip sealing. Chip seal with a double application with the following rates: o RS2 at a rate of .4 to .5 gallon per square yard per layer o Stone at a rate of 25 pounds per square yard per layer Price to include all material to jobsite, all labor and equipment required to complete the project. Provide all traffic control and safety for the traffic. Aggregate from Scotty Construction see the attached quote for this material. The Stone will be owner purchased. Provide total tons and size of required aggregate below. Allen County will purchase up to the amount of tons listed in the bid. Contractor will be responsible for the overages.

Final Planning

Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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