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Published October 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Hope Hull, Alabama. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING, NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. The Federal Aviation Administration is conducting a Market Survey/Request for Information to gain understanding of the current marketplace and to identify responsible, capable sources. Responses to this Market Survey will be used to determine if there is adequate competition to set this requirement aside for Small Disadvantaged Businesses. This survey is being conducted in accordance with FAA Acquisition Management System (AMS) Section for the purpose of soliciting statements of interest and capabilities from interested vendors. This survey will be utilized for acquisition planning, as well as to determine if there are any responsible small disadvantages businesses or other small businesses capable of performing this project. This Market Survey is for the requirement to perform the Replacement of the Sewage Lift Station and 2" Water Main & 3" Force Main located at Montgomery Air Traffic Control Tower, Montgomery Regional Airport, Montgomery, AL. The FAA anticipates issuing the formal Request for Proposals (RFP) during the month of October 2024. Responses to the RFP will be due approximately 30 days after RFP issuance. Proposals/Offers will be evaluated in accordance with terms noted in the RFP and a subsequent contract award will be made shortly thereafter. All responses to this Market Survey will be used for informational purposes only. This is not a screening information request or request for proposal of any kind. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is not seeking or accepting unsolicited proposals at this time. Presently, the nature of the competition has not been determined. Upon solicitation the FAA may decide to do a full and open competition or set aside all or part of the procurement for small businesses, service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, woman owned small businesses or eligible socially and economically disadvantaged businesses that are certified by the SBA for participation in the SBAs 8(a) Program. All interested vendors are advised that the FAA will not pay for any information, or any administrative costs incurred that are associated with any response received in response to this Market Survey. Therefore, any costs associated with Market Survey submissions will be solely at the interested vendor's expense. The FAA is seeking eligible responsible contractors who would be interested in the performing the Replacement of the Sewage Lift Station and 2" Water Main & 3" Force Main Project located at Montgomery Air Traffic Control Tower, Montgomery Regional Airport, Montgomery, AL in accordance with the published Statement of Work (SOW). SECTION I: Description of work to be performs: Project Description: This project will require the successful Contractor to furnish all necessary supervision, labor, material, equipment, transportation, and services to complete the Replacement of the Sewage Lift Station and 2" Water Main & 3" Force Main Project. PLEASE NOTE: The Successful Offeror will be responsible & required to perform all of the aforementioned tasks under the contract award. This Market Survey will serve as a market analysis to assist the FAA in determining which procurement method to use. The failure to obtain adequate responses from responsible SBA 8(a) firms or other small businesses may result in the determination to conduct this procurement action under full and open competition. SECTION II - CAPABILITY STATEMENT: In order to make this determination the FAA requires the submission of the following information from interested vendors: All respondents must provide a Capability Statement that addresses the following (in order): a. Type of services provided by interested firm that demonstrate its ability to perform the services described in the Project Description. b. Services provided under previous contracts that are similar in size, scope and complexity to this effort. Provide detailed information and past performance information for at least three (3) previous contracts including program title, customer name, project dates, project value, customer point of contact, and description of work performed. c. Respondent's access to additional resources, skills, subcontractors, etc, if necessary to perform the contract. If subcontracting, teaming, or partnering arrangements are anticipated, those arrangements must be identified, as well as the estimated percentage of the total effort that each subcontractor, partner, or team member will provide of the total effort. d. Copies of certification letters from all responding small businesses, service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, woman owned small businesses or eligible socially and economically disadvantaged businesses that have been certified by the Small Business Administration (SBA), if applicable. Response submittals must include the following information: A) Name of company B) Address C) Phone and Fax number D) Point of contact E) Email address F) Business size status: 8(a), Small Business, SDVOSB, VSB, WOSB etc. G) Verification of registration in the System for Award Management (SAM) H) Any other pertinent information. Information on pricing is NOT required. However, if vendors submit General information on prices/costs or a commercial/catalog price list, the FAA may use the information for informational purposes only and is NOT binding in any way. Note if you are viewing this announcement from other than the FAA's contract opportunities website, attachments may not transfer correctly. This Posting is best viewed at FAA Contract Opportunities thru the www.sam.gov website; therefore, please visit SAM.gov. All responses to this Market Survey must be received by 18 October 2024, 5:00 PM EDT. All submissions must be submitted via email to my attention at regina.singleton@faa.gov; however, the FAA will not be responsible for any failure attributable to transmitting or receiving the submittal. Please refer all questions in "writing" only to regina.singleton@faa.gov. All changes (if any) to the subject Market Survey will be promptly posted to the applicable FAA Internet web page at: www.sam.gov and complete adherence to the published changes is required. Please visit www.SAM.gov. No individual notification of any amendments will be provided. It is the Offerors' responsibility to visit this website frequently for updates on this procurement. This Notice is for informational purposes for Minority, Women-Owned and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises: The Department of Transportation (DOT), Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, has a program to assist small businesses, small businesses owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and women-owned concerns to acquire short-term working capital assistance for transportation-related contracts. Loans are available under the DOT Short Term Lending Program (STLP) at prime interest rates to provide accounts receivable financing. The maximum line of credit is $750,000. For further information and applicable forms concerning the STLP, call the OSDBU at (800) 532-1169. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.


Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Site Work




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Administrative Requirements, Project Management and Coordination, Execution and Closeout Requirements, Examination and Preparation
Division 31 - Earthwork

Division 31 - Earthwork

Site Clearing
Division 44 - Pollution Control Equipment

Division 44 - Pollution Control Equipment

Water Treatment Equipment

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October 20, 2025


To Be Determined, Hope Hull, AL

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RFQ Contractor - Replacement of the Sewage Lift Station and 2 Water Main & 3 Force Main Project- Montgomery Air Traffic Control Tower, Montgomery Regional Airport, Montgomery, AL

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