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Published October 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Hinton, West Virginia. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Design: Developing detailed engineering plans for the kennel. Construction: Building the facility according to the approved designs and specifications. Vendor is responsible for obtaining required permits. Summers County Commission will provide concrete slab under the building and provide water and electric service to the building and septic line from the building. Maintenance (Optional): Providing ongoing maintenance services (if included in the proposal). The design, construction, and installation of a new dog kennel facility. For any questions or clarifications regarding this RFP, please contact: Lisa Eads, County Administrator countyadmin@summerscountywv.gov 304-466-7171 Questions must be received no later than October 16th The Summers County Commission is seeking proposals for the design, construction, and installation of a new dog kennel facility. This facility will serve as the primary holding area for dogs taken into custody by the Animal Control Officer or other deputies under the Sheriff's Department jurisdiction. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit competitive proposals from qualified contractors and designers to ensure the creation of a facility that meets all necessary requirements for safety, health, and operational efficiency. The project must be completed no later than June 2025 with a maximum budget of around $100,000. Scope of Work The successful bidder will be responsible for: Design: Developing detailed engineering plans for the kennel. Construction: Building the facility according to the approved designs and specifications. Vendor is responsible for obtaining required permits. Summers County Commission will provide concrete slab under the building and provide water and electric service to the building and septic line from the building. Maintenance (Optional): Providing ongoing maintenance services (if included in the proposal). . Facility Requirements The new kennel facility should include but is not limited to: Kennel Runs: Enclosed areas for individual or paired dogs. Design must include space to accommodate a minimum of 8 dogs, with at least 2 kennels able to be used for quarantine. Design should include sloped floors with drains for easy cleanup. Feeding Stations: Designated areas for feeding and watering. Storage Areas: For food, equipment, and cleaning supplies. Electrical Requirements: 125 amp circuit breaker panel will be installed by the Commission. Building must contain adequate lighting and no less than 3 outlets, including outlets for a washer and dryer. Plumbing Requirements: The drainage system must be designed so that waste from one kennel never contaminates another. Drain covers should be of stainless steel or other non-corrosive and easily cleanable material. These should be easily removable for cleaning but otherwise kept in place to prevent puppies, other small animals, the public, or staff from falling or slipping into them. Facility should include water hookup for a washer and a tub sink at minimum. Climate Control: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems must be in place to ensure a comfortable environment. General Facility Requirements: Building must be a minimum of 400ft2 and must be insulated with a minimum R value of R-13.




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New Construction, Site Work

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2128 Greenbriar Drive, Hinton, WV

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