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Published October 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Charleston, West Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Bids must be F.O.B. Delivery Point, unless otherwise indicated in proposal. All bids should be signed and in ink, showing all facts and the total amount of the bid. Multiple bids from the same vendor are to be sealed in separate envelopes. The Kanawha County Commission reserves the right to accept or reject in part or in whole any bid submitted, whichever is in the best interest of the County. The Commission contemplates entering into a contract with the successful bidder, an Asbestos Abatement Contractor ("Contractor"), for a term of twelve (12) calendar months. Based upon the mutual consent of the Commission and the Contractor, same being reduced to writing, the Contract may be extended for an additional twelve (12) calendar months. As with the first extension, a second extension, based upon the mutual consent of the Commission and the Contractor, same being reduced to writing, may be entered into. The maximum period for the contracts, including extensions, shall not exceed thirty-six (36) calendar months. This work shall consist of the complete removal of all previously identified and yet-to-be-identified asbestos- containing materials and/or asbestos contaminated waste materials from all identified and yet-to-be- identified structures. The structures will be identified by the Commission's Agent ("Project Manager"). The work shall include the disposal of asbestos-containing materials and/or asbestos-containing waste materials in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter described. In the event there should arise a conflict between the contents and/or intent of this document and the applicable requirements of state, federal, and local rules and regulations, the latter shall prevail. The Kanawha County Commission is not the property owner, but has jurisdiction to demolish the identified structures based on Kanawha County Commission Ordinance. The work to be completed hereunder includes the furnishing of all supervision, labor, materials, machinery, tools, supplies, equipment, services and appurtenances, including all utilities and transportation necessary for the complete and satisfactory abatement of all the asbestos-containing materials that may be located in and/or on the Structures as well as all asbestos-containing waste materials which may be discovered during the subsequent demolition of the Structures. The Contractor shall, during the course of the abatement of the asbestos-containing materials described in the Asbestos Project Design, remove, segregate, and properly dispose of any asbestos-containing materials either previously verified to contain asbestos at a concentration of greater than one percent (1%) by weight, or previously unidentified asbestos-containing materials either verified or assumed by the Project Manager to contain asbestos at a concentration of greater than one percent (1%) by weight. In the context of this document, the word "verified" shall mean that the suspect asbestos-containing material has been properly sampled under the supervision of the Project Manager and analyzed by a laboratory licensed by the WV Bureau for Public Health. Bid Bond: An insurance agreement in which a third party agrees to be liable to pay five percent of the total bid amount in the event a selected bidder fails to accept the contract as a bid. A "bid guarantee" shall consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder will, upon acceptance of his bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. Five percent (5%) bid bond based on a structure with 800 square feet of asbestos containing floor tile, and 1,800 square feet of asbestos containing transite siding at Davis Bacon Wage Rates is required to be submitted with the bid documents. The bid bond will be accepted in the form of a bid bond or cashier's check. Performance Bond: An insurance agreement in which a valid surety agrees to be liable to pay 100 percent of the contract price in the event the contractor fails to perform a contract as bid. A "performance bond" is one executed in connection with a contract to secure fulfillment of all contractor's obligations under such contract. A blanket one hundred percent (100%) Performance Bond (AIA Document A312) for $25,000 for the asbestos abatement work performed for the first year is required to be submitted to the Commission by the successful bidder prior to the Contractor entering the Project Area to begin preparation to conduct any of the activities necessary for the commencement of any activity necessary to allow the asbestos abatement work to begin. Should the amount of work during the fiscal year exceed $25,000, an increase rider will be required. Payment Bond: A valid bond submitted by the apparent successful contractor for 100 percent of the contract price to ensure payment of labor and materials purchased or contracted for on behalf of the grantee in a construction project. A "payment bond" is one executed in connection with a contract to ensure payment as required by law of all persons supplying labor and materials in the execution of the work provided for in the contract. A blanket one hundred percent (100%) Payment Bond (AIA Document A312) for $25,000 for the asbestos abatement work performed during the first year is required to be submitted to the Commission by the successful bidder prior to the Contractor entering the Project Area to begin preparation to conduct any of the activities necessary for the commencement of any activity necessary to allow the asbestos abatement work to begin. Should the amount of work during the fiscal year exceed $25,000, an increase rider will be required. The Kanawha County Commission reserves the right to accept or reject in part or in whole any bid submitted, whichever is in the best interest of the County.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Charleston, WV

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