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Published January 30, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in San Leandro, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

As of January 30, 2025, this project has not been awarded. THIS IS AN OVERAA DESIGN-BUILD PURSUIT AND IS COMPLETELY SEPARATE FROM PACKAGE #1 Overaa Construction partnered with HED Architects is pursuing Alameda County Facilities Needs Priority 1 Program Design-Build Package #2. This project includes HCAI (formerly OSHPD) review and oversight. We are seeking Subcontractor proposals for scopes including but not limited to: selective demolition, concrete, miscellaneous metals (metal fabrications, railings and handrails), rough carpentry, finish carpentry, casework, countertops, roofing, clay tile roofing, gutters and downspouts, flashing, metal wall panels, waterproofing, joint sealants, firestop, glazing systems, doors, frames, door hardware, metal stud framing, gypsum board, plaster, acoustic ceilings, resilient floor, fluid-applied floor, paint, signage, wall and door protection, fabric canopies, loading dock bumpers, plumbing, HVAC, HVAC controls, electrical, fire alarm, asphalt paving, site concrete, striping. Interested parties may reach out to Overaa Construction directly for access to the bid documents. This project has a 20% Small, Local and Emerging Business (SLEB) requirement for Design. SLEB subcontractors are highly encouraged to participate. Overaa asks all Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise subcontractors to participate. This project is made up of five sub-projects. Three are located on Fairmont Hospital Campus, one at Highland Hospital and one in Hayward. Various levels of HCAI apply depending on work and operations at each sub-project. All projects will be in operation during construction and work must be closely coordinated with building occupants. Scope for these projects originates with a Facility Conditions Assessment located in chapter 9 of Design Criteria Document. Documentation is extensive. Overaa will release documents in two formats – one as originally provided and one with all documents combined into a single bookmarked .pdf with reduced file size. To more quickly navigate contract documents, Overaa has compiled all project documents into a single, bookmarked .pdf. File size reduction has been applied to this document resulting in a single ~600MB file. Recommend using this file to navigate project documents. Documents as originally provided come in a 6 GB .zip file. Download and extraction of this file requires patience and free disk space. Extraction yields a file tree with multiple sub-folders with pathnames which can be quite long and may cause errors if extracted to a folder located deep within a file system. To extract with minimized chance of error, please confirm your computer system has adequate free space prior to download and extract to a folder on a local desktop. Overaa will host a series of daily office hours from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM Thursday Aug 29 through Wed Sept 18 to answer subcontractor questions and assist them to navigate contract documents. Office hours are drop-in and all are welcome to join using this link: online: https://overaa.zoom.us/j/87543038098 Overaa will provide a pricing template for all subcontractors to use in a forthcoming message.




Public - State/Provincial

Renovation, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, San Leandro, CA

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RFP D/B - Alameda County Facilities Needs Design-Build Package #2 (HCAI)

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