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Renovation of a transportation facility in Indianapolis, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

Per IC 5-32-3-3: "(a) A request for proposals must include at least the following: (1) A statement of the criteria, process, and procedures, which must include consideration of qualifications and fees, by which: (A) an offeror will be evaluated; (B) a CMc will be selected; and (C) a CMc contract will be awarded." This Request for Proposals (RFP) process will consist of two stages: RFP-A/B and RFP-C. RFP-A/B will be a qualifications-based selection from which REPONDENTs may be shortlisted to proceed to the RFP-C stage that includes interviews and selection. The IAA has given notice of this project via newspaper advertisements in accordance with the specific requirements of IC 5-32-3-2(b), "Notice of a request for proposals shall be given as other notices are required to be given under the applicable public works statute." 18% DBE, 15% MBE, 10% WBE, & 3% VBE Project: BHS Centralized CBIS at Indianapolis International Airport (Project No. I-16-064) The OWNER intends to procure the services of a qualified Construction Management firm (or team of firms) to support the OWNER's efforts to implement a new BHS Centralized CBIS at the Indianapolis International Airport. The successful RESPONDENT's staff is to act as an extension of the OWNER's Planning and Development Department staff during the development of the project. A more detailed explanation of the services and efforts expected to be part of this project is included as Exhibit A. The RESPONDENT deemed the most qualified from the RFP will be expected to collaborate with the selected design services team during all phases of the project. 1.2 CONTRACT TERM The contract term for preconstruction services will be dictated by the scope of services as shown in Exhibit A. 1.3 INQUIRIES ABOUT THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) All inquiries and requests for information regarding this RFP must be submitted via PlanetBids under the Q&A tab. Questions are due by October 22, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. ET. The solicitation management system will not allow late submissions. Inquiries are not to be directed to any consultant or staff member of the OWNER. Such action may disqualify RESPONDENT from further consideration. The OWNER reserves the right to judge whether any questions should be answered. If responses are provided, the written responses will be posted on the IAA's solicitation management system, If you are a registered vendor, you will receive automatic email notifications. Written responses to questions released October 25, 2024 Interviews (if requested by the IAA) November 2024 Contract award anticipated November 2024 1.5 MODIFICATION OR WITHDRAWAL OF OFFERS Responses to this RFP may be modified or withdrawn prior to the exact hour and date specified for receipt of the PROPOSALs by contacting the OWNER via email at The RESPONDENT'S authorized representative may also withdraw the PROPOSAL by notifying the OWNER at PROPOSALs may not be withdrawn after the PROPOSAL due date and time has passed. Modification to or withdrawal of a PROPOSAL received by the OWNER after the exact hour and date specified for receipt of PROPOSALs will render the PROPOSAL void. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP or if additional data is necessary for an exact interpretation of provisions of this RFP prior to the due date for PROPOSALs, an addendum will be issued by the OWNER. If such addendum(a) issuance is necessary, the OWNER reserves the right to extend the due date and time of the PROPOSALs to accommodate such interpretations or additional data requirements. 1.6 RFP COMPLIANCE It is the responsibility of each RESPONDENT to thoroughly examine this RFP to ensure their PROPOSAL clearly and directly responds to the requirements listed in Section 2. 1.7 CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN RESPONDENTS The OWNER expects to receive the highest level of CMc services available, and thus encourages RESPONDENTs to jointly reply via a PROPOSAL so as to avail the OWNER of the requisite CMc services; however, the PROPOSAL must clearly identify to the OWNER the "prime" (lead firm) and its relationship to all other team members, as well as the specific role(s) each team member is to perform. Supplier Diversity participation should be considered during the formation of the RESPONDENT's team. The OWNER also assumes careful consideration will be paid to not only which firm will be the "prime", but whom from the "prime" firm will be identified as the Project Manager. Any subcontracts entered into by the RESPONDENT must be in compliance with all applicable State of Indiana statutes and be subject to the provisions thereof. For each portion of the proposed products and services to be provided by a subconsultant, the technical proposal must include the identification of the functions to be provided by the subconsultant and the subconsultant's related qualifications and experience. All subcontracts held by the RESPONDENT must be made available for inspection and examination by appropriate IAA officials and such relationships must meet with the approval of the OWNER. 1.8 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION RESPONDENTs are advised materials contained in the PROPOSALs are subject to the Indiana Access to Public Records Act, IC 5-14-3 et seq. ("Act"), and, after the contract award, may be viewed and copied by any member of the public, including news media and competitors. RESPONDENTs claiming a statutory exception to the Act shall identify all confidential documents by clearly marking as "Confidential" and must include a transmittal letter stating confidential materials are included. The RESPONDENT must also specify which statutory exception provision applies to render the information non-disclosable. The OWNER reserves the right to make determinations of confidentiality consistent with the Act. 1.9 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Any or all portions of this RFP and normally any or all portions of the RESPONDENT's response may be incorporated by reference as part of the final contract. Proprietary or confidential material submitted properly (see Section 1.8) will not be disclosed. 1.10 PROPOSAL LIFE All PROPOSALs made in response to this RFP must remain open and in effect for a period of not less than one hundred eighty (180) days after the due date for the PROPOSALs. Any PROPOSAL accepted by the OWNER for the purpose of contract negotiations shall remain valid until superseded by a contract or until rejected by the OWNER. 1.11 SUPPLIER DIVERSITY PROGRAM While goals have been established for the Project, the OWNER encourages RESPONDENTs to consider partnership, mentoring, and other meaningful opportunities as part of their business diversity participation. Supplier Diversity participation will be a consideration in the overall selection of the RESPONDENT, as indicated in Section 2.2. The RESPONDENT shall identify in their PROPOSAL Supplier Diversity utilization efforts the OWNER should expect to see as part of this project. This information should include the name(s) of the anticipated subconsultant(s), subconsultants' area(s) of expertise and role(s) on this Project, and subconsultants' percentage of participation on this Project. The OWNER reserves the right to verify all of the PROPOSAL's Supplier Diversity information. RESPONDENTs seeking assistance in achieving the goals identified in Exhibit A of this RFP should start by visiting IAA's website. Only those certified entities as identified on the State of Indiana: Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and/or Indiana Department of Administration (IDOA), City of Indianapolis, or Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council certification lists will be eligible for calculation of contract participation percentages. For questions, please contact the IAA Supplier Diversity Department via e-mail at The Authority in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations1 , hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. 1.12 CONE OF SILENCE The IAA has established a cone of silence to be applied to all competitive procurement processes, including this RFP. The cone of silence prohibits any communications regarding this RFP between a potential RESPONDENT and their team member representatives (which includes vendors, service providers, bidders, proposers, lobbyists, and consultants) with the IAA's Selection Committee. The cone of silence does not apply to oral communications at the Pre-submittal meeting. Any violation of the cone of silence will render the PROPOSAL response void and, if awarded, the Contract. 1.13 DISCUSSION FORMAT The OWNER reserves the right to conduct discussions, either oral or written, with RESPONDENTs the OWNER has determined to be reasonably viable of being selected for award. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all PROPOSALs received, or to award, without discussions or clarifications, a contract based on the PROPOSALs received. The OWNER also reserves the right to request clarifications to resolve minor issues. 1.14 CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS After recommendation of a selected RESPONDENT by the selection committee, contract negotiations may commence. As part of the contract negotiations the selected RESPONDENT will be provided a copy of the OWNER'S standard Construction Manager as Constructor Contract. If, at any time, contract negotiations are judged ineffective by the OWNER, all activities with that RESPONDENT will cease and contract negotiations with the next highest qualified RESPONDENT will commence. This process may continue until either both the RESPONDENT and the OWNER execute a contract or the OWNER determines no acceptable alternative PROPOSAL exists. 2 PROPOSAL PROCEDURES 2.1 PROPOSAL FORMAT All PROPOSALs shall be standard letter sized (8 1/2" x 11") sheets; however, up to two (2) 11" x 17" sheets may be included. A specific sheet limit requirement is outlined in Section 2.2. Section tabs and the cover letter are excluded from the sheet limit requirements. Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other presentations, beyond what is sufficient to present a complete and effective PROPOSAL, are not desired. Fonts should be easily readable, and be no smaller than 10 point. All RESPONDENTs shall identify the contact person for each PROPOSAL and include the contact information in their cover letter. All PROPOSALSs shall be submitted electronically via PlanetBids. Any PROPOSAL received after the PROPOSAL Due Date and Time will not be considered for this Project. To submit your PROPOSAL via PlanetBids, do the following: o Download all RFP documents o Acknowledged all addenda o Select Place Ebid (located at the bottom right) o Read each message and agree o Once the above is completed, RESPONDENT will be in the ebid form o Complete all tabs as listed for the solicitation o Please note: A legal submission requires all data to be transferred successfully from the RESPONDENT's server to the PlanetBids' server BEFORE time expires. If the solicitation closes during transfer, the Proposal will be rejected. o When selecting Submit, the system will do validations to ensure RESPONDENT has completed all the information required for submission. If a pop-up notice is received, please read the notice carefully to ascertain what information is needed. o RESPONDENT may delete and re-submit their Proposal, if needed prior to the submission deadline. - Click Save if warranted - Click Submit to officially submit the Proposal to the IAA For support: Click the red question mark, located at the top right corner for FAQs and to submit a support ticket. 2.2 PROPOSAL ORGANIZATION AND CRITERIA In order to facilitate the OWNER's reviews of the PROPOSALs, the RESPONDENTs are strongly encouraged to follow the PROPOSAL outline provided below, and thus provide the information requested in an orderly fashion. Page limits are to be adhered to, but it is not required to provide the maximum pages per section, only those needed by the RESPONDENT to convey an effective response. The PROPOSAL shall be limited to a total of 32 pages, including a maximum of two (2) 11 x 17 sheets. o Cover Letter: The cover letter shall include the point of contact for the RESPONDENT (name, phone number, and email address) as well as confirm the RESPONDENT's submittal is in response to the project included within this RFP. (No more than 2 pages, not included in page limit) (no points available) o Office Location: Provide the specific location of the office in charge of the project and other project team members' offices, as applicable. (No more than 1 page) (points available: 5) o Organizational Chart & Background(s): Explain the Organization of the Firm/Team, individual and Team member roles relative to the project, and experience in working as a Team. The Organizational Chart & Background(s) should specifically outline the Team's experience in working together in a CMc driven project. Identify the Principal-in-Charge for this project and key factors considered in forming the project team. (No more than 4 pages). (points available: 5) o Project Manager and Discipline Leaders' Resumes: The OWNER expects one point of contact for the duration of the project. This point of contact is assumed to be the RESPONDENT's Project Manager or Project Executive. Provide a detailed resume for the Project Manager/Team Lead and summary resumes for the discipline leaders whom will be assigned to this project. The Project Manager/Team Lead's resume should highlight their experience leading similar multi-faceted teams on comparable CMc delivered projects. All resumes shall indicate specific CMc project experience, and experience in BHS/CBIS projects. (No more than 6 pages) (points available: 15 - Project Manager and 10 - Discipline Leaders) o Recent Similar Experience, with References: Recent experience of the Firm/Team's proposed STAFF on similar CMc projects, including Baggage Handling Procurement and Installation, TSA tested project, FAA funded projects including development of Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) type contracts. Include the following for each similar project: the specific role on the project of the proposed STAFF, construction estimate and final project costs and the project schedule including the timeline for the GMP submission. Owner and project references (Owner and Designer) are required for each project included within the submission. A minimum of three (3) projects constructed within the last eight (8) years with a construction value greater than $50 million shall be included. (No more than 3 pages) Provide recent Baggage Handling Alternative Technology (Individual Carrier System, Loop Sorters or Cross-Belt Sorters) experience of the Firm/Team's proposed Staff and Firm/Team's philosophy on acceptance and implementation of Alternative Technologies. (No more than 3 pages). (points available: 15) o Supplier Diversity: A narrative explaining the Supplier Diversity program the RESPONDENT will employ during this project for mentoring diverse suppliers. In addition, the commitments and results obtained by the RESPONDENT in the mentoring of diverse suppliers on other projects should be included. RESPONDENT must also demonstrate efforts made to meet the IAA's supplier diversity goals for this project. The RESPONDENT shall also include a table indicating the anticipated participation of each of their proposed diverse suppliers. (No more than 2 pages) (points available: 10) o Sustainability: Detailed resume for the Sustainability Lead and summary resumes for other sustainability team members whom will be assigned to this project. Resumes should emphasize sustainability experience in both the professional and construction services areas. (No more than 3 pages) Provide a brief but detailed project Sustainability approach that your team envisions. (No more than 2 pages) (points available: 10) o Project Management Plan: The RESPONDENT shall include a narrative explaining their specific project management plan for this project. The narrative shall include, but not be limited to, the following items: specific details regarding GMP approach (timing of GMP, percentages and types of anticipated contingencies, etc.), value engineering through design (specific examples from past projects should be included), project and cost control measures throughout the duration of the project, self-performance trades and expectations for this project, number of bid packages for this project and descriptions of each, and anticipated technology to be utilized on the project (BIM, contract administration, safety, etc.). (No more than 4 pages) (points available: 15) o Proposed Construction Management fee and staff plan: Identify the proposed fee the Construction Management Team would receive (as a percentage of construction cost) during the development and execution of a GMP amendment. Submit a proposed staff plan for the preconstruction period prior to development of the GMP. Staff rates during the preconstruction period to be all inclusive of CMc costs including hourly rate, taxes, benefits, paid vacations, insurance, contractor office overhead, fee, etc. The RESPONDENT shall provide a summary table to include the following information: Staff Position/Title, assumed Staff hours per month, total Staff hours, Staff Hourly Rate, and Total Staff Cost per Position. The RESPONDENT shall assume a six (6) - nine (9) month preconstruction schedule for this response. Additionally, the RESPONDENT is to identify their expected bond rate and general liability insurance rate for a project in excess of $120,000,000. (No more than 4 pages) (points available: 15) o Outstanding Disputes or Errors and Omissions(E/O) Claims: Fill-in and insert Exhibit B in order to provide a brief explanation of any disputes or E/O claims any member of the Team is currently involved. (not counted in page limit) (no points available/Exhibit B must be included) o Safety: RESPONDENT shall provide copies their OSHA 300A summaries for the prior three (3) years. (not counted in page limit). (no points available) o Ability to meet Insurance Requirements as listed in Exhibit C. Acknowledge Team's ability to meet insurance requirements by inserting Exhibit C. (not counted in page limit) (no points available/Exhibit C must be included)


Transportation Terminals


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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7800 Col. H. Weir Cook Memorial Dr, Indianapolis, IN

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