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Published November 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Project Location: Wayne High School 9100 Winchester Rd. Fort Wayne, Indiana 46819 The following information and special instructions are being furnished to pre-qualified Bidders desiring to submit Bids for the Work on the following project. 1. Each Bid shall have the amount clearly and legibly written with ink or typed on the prepared Bid Form. 2. Each Bidder submitting a Bid represents that he/she has read and understands the Bidding Documents and Scope of Work. Each Bidder represents that he/she has visited the site and has adequately familiarized himself/herself with the existing conditions, all bid packages, construction drawings, specifications, and summary of work. 3. No additional cost to the Owner will be allowed by a Bidder's failure to conduct a complete and thorough on-site inspection of existing conditions or all related documents prior to submitting its Bid. 4. The description or naming of materials, products and equipment in the bidding documents is done for the purpose of establishing the Reference Standard of required function, dimension, appearance and quality, and not for the purpose of limiting competition. It shall be the Bidder's responsibility to meet the above requirements if Bidder intends to utilize any of the Acceptable Manufacturers in lieu of the Reference Standard. a. Substitutions and approvals during bidding. 1) Whenever products or materials are specified as "Standards" or they are otherwise named, approval of other equal quality products shall be obtained by requesting in writing and presenting for evaluation such product or material to the Architect no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to date set for receipt of Bids. Submittals made after the above time frame will not be processed. a) If approval is granted, product or material will be added by addendum. b) No direct reply will be made to any requests for changes, however changes approved by the Architect will be stated in an addendum issued to all bidders by the Construction Manager. 5. Bids shall be good for a period of sixty (60) days after the receipt of bids. 6. The Construction Manager reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive any informality in the bidding. 7. Separate Subcontracts will be awarded for various sections and Alternates (if any) as desired for this Work. 8. A complete list of Sub-contractors and Suppliers/Manufacturers of Materials and Equipment (a sample Sub-contractor/Material Supplier List follows this Section) is to be included with the Bids. After approval of this list by the Construction Manager, Architect/Engineer and Owner, the list shall not be changed unless authorized in writing, said change resulting in a cost savings to the Owner or otherwise to the Owner's best interest. Additional unit prices for changes in the Work shall also be provided at the request of the Owner, Architect/Engineer, and Construction Manager. 9. Bidders shall also be prepared to submit a Bid Breakdown including, but not limited to, labor, materials, Sub-subcontractors, overhead, profit, etc. if/when required. Bid Bonds & Performance/Payment bonds will be required. They must adhere to the following criteria; 1. Such bonds shall be written in an amount equal to 100% of the total Bid and Subcontract amount, and the premium cost thereof is to be indicated in the Subcontractor's Bid. 2. Bid Bonds shall be submitted with the Bid on AIA A310-2010. 3. Upon Subcontract execution, the Performance/Payment bonds shall be furnished on AIA Documents A312, Performance & Payment Bond. The successful Bidder shall require the AttorneyIn-Fact that executes the required Bonds on behalf of the Surety to affix thereto a certified and current copy of his Power of Attorney. 4. The Surety on the Performance Bond and Payment Bond shall be released not earlier than one (1) year after the date of the Construction Manager's final settlement with the Subcontractor or substantial completion, whichever is later. 5. Each Bidder shall identify the amount to be deducted to their Bid if Performance and Payment bonds are not required for their portion of the work. See P&P Bonds section of Bid Form for deductive cost for P&P Bond(s) All bidders are to adhere to the following guidelines for RFI's during the bidding process: All RFI's shall be submitted to Jacob Buckland, jbuckland@hagermangc.com, no later than 2:00 PM on October 31, 2024.




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November 7, 2024

December 9, 2024


9100 Winchester Rd, Fort Wayne, IN

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