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Published November 5, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Galloway, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

sealed bids will be received by the Township of Galloway (here- inafter called the "Owner") for: RECONSTRUCTION OF MANNHEIM & ODESSA AVENUES CONTRAC sealed bids for the above named Contract, which is comprised of the reconstruction of Mannheim Avenue and Odessa Avenue in the Township of Galloway, Atlantic County, New Jersey ("Owner"), The work for CONTRACT, RECONSTRUCTION OF MANNHEIM & ODESSA AVENUES, includes the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work shown on the Drawings and as described in the Specifications. The work consists of the HMA pulverization and resurfacing of approximately 21,682 square yards of roadway, driveway apron reconstruction, application of traffic stripes and RPMs, and shoulder restoration in the Township of Galloway. The work is located within the Township of Galloway on Mannheim Avenue from the White Horse Pike to Duerer Street, and on Odessa Avenue from Herschel Street to Liebig Street. The work shall be completed within forty-five (45) days of the Notice to Proceed or be subject to liquidated damages of $500.00 per day. Prospective bidders are advised that all work on the project is to be completed in the Fall of 2024. A Notice to Proceed will be issued no later than November 11, 2024, and all work must be completed within forty-five (45) days of the Notice to Proceed. No bid will be received unless in writing on the forms furnished, and unless accompanied by bid security in the form of an original bid bond or certified check made payable to the Owner in an amount equal to 10% of the amount of the total bid, provided that the said security need not be more than $20,000 nor less than $500.00 and be delivered at the place on or before the hour named above. The bid shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Surety on the form included in the Contract Documents, from a surety company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey, which shall represent that the surety company will provide the Contractor with the required bonds in the sums required in the Contract Documents and in a form satisfactory to the Owner's Attorney and in compliance with the requirements of law. Each bidder shall submit with his bid a "Statement of Ownership Disclosure" and "Non-Collusion Affidavit" on the forms included in the Contract Documents. All submitted bid documents must be originals and no photocopies will be accepted. Bidders must use the prepared proposal form that is contained in the Contract Documents. Each individual proposal must be separately enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Owner and marked on the outside with the number of the contract(s) and name of the project being bid on. After receipt of bids, no bid shall be withdrawn except as expressly authorized herein. The Owner shall award the Contract or reject all bids within 60 days of bid opening, except that the bids of any bidders who consent thereto may, at the request of the Owner, be held for consider- ation for such longer period as may be agreed. The Owner will evaluate bids and any award will be made to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive minor informalities or irregularities in bids received. Successful bidders must provide a photocopy of their "Certificate of Employee Information Report" or the pink copy of the AA-302 form within seven (7) days after the notification of intent to award the contract or receipt of contract, whichever is sooner. Failure to do so will result in the bid being rejected as non-responsive. Successful bidders will also be required to submit bonds and proof of insurance on or before execution of their respective Contracts as explained in the Contract Documents. Prospective bidders are required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et. seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27 (Contract Compliance and Affirmative Action for Public Contracts). A copy of the Law is available at the Township Clerk's Office upon request and is made a part of the bid specifications. Public Works Contractor Registration pursuant to N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.48 et. seq. is required for all projects/contracts which include construction, reconstruction, demolition, alteration, repair or maintenance work on a public building. All Contractors and Subcontractors are required to submit a copy of their Business Registration Certificate issued by the NJ Division of Taxation (PL 2004, c57 effective 9-1-04). Challenges to bid specifications must be made, in writing, addressed to the Owner, at least, three (3) business days prior to the bid opening date. Challenges filed otherwise will not be considered. If for any reason the Contract is not awarded, refunds will be made to bidders pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-24(b) when the Contract Documents are returned in reasonable condition within 90 days of notice that the Contract has not been awarded. It is the purpose of this Notice to Bidders to summarize some of the more important provisions of the Contract Documents. Prospective bidders are cautioned not to rely solely on this summary, but to read the Contract Documents in their entirety. The Contractor is to provide administrative and scheduling personnel as well as provide all the labor, superintendence, materials, plant, tools and equipment necessary and required for properly performing and completing the work as described and more particularly specified within the time stipulated. He is to furnish, erect, maintain and remove the construction plant and such temporary works as may be required. These requirements include, but are not restricted to, suitable quarters for workers where necessary, including temporary sanitary facilities, water supply, heat and light for the workers as well as for construction purposes. Existing public roads which are adjacent to the construction site may be affected by construction activities on the site. The Contractor will be required to keep these roads open at all times during the contract and maintain these roads in a safe condition which is suitable for the public use. The connection to, or extension of, existing utility services from locations on the existing property is part of this Contract. Temporary roads, guards, lights and signposts are to be included. The Contractor is to furnish all material, equipment and labor necessary to complete his work in accordance with the terms of this Contract and the requirements thereunder, including all general and detailed Specifications hereinafter outlined. A description of the work is included in the Scope of Contract section of the specifications. This description generally defines the work to be undertaken on this project and is to be supplemented by the remaining contract documents and site visitations. Clearing Site consists of the furnishing of all labor, equipment and materials necessary to obtain access to and to remove existing structures within the construction area. Temporary relocation of existing guiderails, mailboxes, signs, fences and other structures necessary for the construction of the work shall also be included in this Item. All structures, guiderails, mailboxes, signs, fences etc. must be returned to their original locations once construction activities have been completed. This work shall consist of the sawcutting and creation of straight asphalt or concrete seams between the existing pavement and all asphalt or concrete paved driveway or other areas, as directed by the Engineer, to be resurfaced to the prescribed depth. This work shall consist of the pulverization, scarification, reshaping, regrading, and compaction of the existing pavement surface and underlying subbase to a depth of 6 inches to produce a reconstructed soil aggregate base course prior to the placement of HMA Surface Course. Under this Item, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment and all else necessary to construct HMA. Included under this Item, shall the Engineer deem any portion of HMA to be deficient or unacceptable, the Contractor is responsible for HMA Pavement Repair. The Contractor shall make the proper repairs at the direction and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and any materials or methods required to make such repairs, including infrared or remove-and-replace, shall be completed at no additional cost to the Owner. The work in this Section shall include the excavation at the required locations and to the prescribed lines, grades and dimensions. It shall include the removal and disposal of existing concrete and HMA aprons. Item No. 11: 3/4" Stone Driveway shall include furnishing and installing 3/4" stone driveways, 6" thick, at the locations shown on the Plans. This work shall include all excavation, grading, delivery, and placement of 3/4" washed stone to construct a proper driveway apron, as directed by the Engineer. The work of this Item consists of the preparation and placement of topsoil, 4" thick, in locations as directed by the Engineer. This work shall consist of the furnishing and placing of seed mixtures, pulverized limestone and fertilizer on areas where topsoiling has been provided. Seed, lime and fertilizer shall be applied as soon as practicable and approximately 6 months later, at the rates specified. This Section describes the requirements for implementing controls to protect vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Traffic control includes providing, installing, placing, relocating, maintaining, and removing traffic control devices. This work shall consist of the planning for and the carrying out of maintenance and protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and to provide for the safe and convenient passage of such traffic. Maintenance and protection of traffic includes furnishing, assembling, placing, and relocating traffic control devices, including pavement markers, cones, drums, signs, etc., and removing them when they are no longer required. Flashing Arrow Board Portable Variable Message Sign Traffic Control Truck with Mounted Crash Cushions Construction Barrier Signs Sign Posts Temporary Pavement Marking Tape Temporary Pavement Markers When the construction involves improvements of an existing roadway, the roadway shall be kept open to traffic unless otherwise approved or shown on the approved Traffic Control Plan (RefNJ DOT Plan TCD-4). The portion of the project, which is opened to traffic, shall be kept in such condition that traffic is adequately accommodated. Temporary approaches or crossings and intersections shall be provided and maintained in a safe condition. Any restrictions of traffic lane widths or diversions of traffic at any time are subject to approval. Work that closes or alters the use of existing roadways shall not be undertaken until adequate temporary or permanent provisions for traffic have been approved and are in place.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Galloway, NJ

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