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Published November 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Biddeford, Maine. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility; and water / sewer project.

Scope of Work: Obtain necessary permits. City permit fees shall be waived. Supply and install 8-inch water line across Adams Street to City Hall. Water line to be installed by coring through the old brick coal chute or adjacent to coal chute. Grout and close opening on the inside of the building Provide all 8-inch SDR pipe and fittings Provide and install 8-inch x 8-inch x 8-inch Gate T Provide 6-inch storm water line to be connected to existing 18-inch separated storm sewer line in Adams Street for roof leaders. Leader connection shall be performed by others. Line to be stubbed and capped approximately 2-feet into the building. Provide all necessary pipe fittings and valve box. Provide clean out at storm water connection with combined sewer line. Storm water line may be able to exit the building through the coal chute opening as well, if not a separate coring may be necessary. Sawcut pavement for utility trench. Excavate excess material and hammer ledge as necessary to provide for water line. Ledge detected at about 3-feet below grade. Excess material and ledge material to be trucked by Biddeford Public works. Provide base and finish gravel for water and storm water line trenches. Paving of the excavated areas must be 4 inches thick in accordance with City of Biddeford Public Works standards. Remove and reinstall granite curbing and repair concreate sidewalk. Granite rim and coal chute manhole cover to remain the property of the City. The City shall make notice of award no later than October 16. The City reserves the right to Make the selection based on price and schedule; Reject any and all bids;


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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205 Main St, Biddeford, ME

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