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Published November 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a service station / car wash facility in Stockbridge, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a service station / car wash facility.

The Stockbridge Community Schools is seeking bids from licensed and bonded certified commercial electricians to connect electric bus chargers to a new transformer in the bus parking area located between Smith Elementary School and Heritage Elementary School. A proposed site plan is attached to this packet to promote a general understanding of the request Electrical Services for Installation of Charging Infrastructure for Electric School Buses SCOPE OF WORK: The Stockbridge Community Schools is seeking bids from licensed and bonded certified commercial electricians to connect electric bus chargers to a new transformer in the bus parking area located between Smith Elementary School and Heritage Elementary School. The Stockbridge Community Schools were awarded to grants through the Federal government, State of Michigan, and Consumers Energy to complete this project. Consumers Energy is providing a new transformer (size to be determined) and separate meter to support our initiative. The Stockbridge Board of Education awarded a bid for four (4) electric school buses and 4 charging units to Lion Electric. The chargers provided are (4) ABB Terra DC Wallbox UL 480V units. Please see attached rough site drawing for proposals. Note that Consumers Energy may require panel to placed closer to the Transformer. All lengths of conduit and wiring runs are conservatively estimated at 100ft sections to ensure adequate materials based on this potential variation. The following specifications are required: To be awarded the bid, contractors MUST have and be able to produce Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) certification for Federal grant compliance requirements. Supply all supervision, safety equipment, labor, tools, and materials to complete the following electrical work. Work collaboratively with Consumers Energy to meet requirements for transformer installation. Consumers will provide a pre-formed concrete pad per the PowerMiFleet grant program on which the transformer will be placed during installation by their electricians. Provide one-line diagram and panel schedule to Consumers Energy. Provide and install underground conduit and wire from Consumers transformer/meter to new panel location. (Within 100ft) Consumers will determine transformer specifications upon review of one-line diagram. Provide and install new 600A outdoor rated distribution panel. Provide and install underground conduit and wire from new panel to EV charger locations. (Use four (4) 100ft sections from panel to charging stations equating to 400 linear feet for estimates) Build and install two (2) charging stands. 2 chargers per stand. Provide site work at charging station stands: Cut asphalt and pour new concrete to ensure level structures. All work must be completed by May 1, 2025. Bids should include estimated start date and finish date if selected by SCS Board of Education on October 28, 2025. We also request an additional quote to add conduit and wiring for two additional charging stands for potential future electric chargers also at an estimate of 100 ft. from the proposed service panel. All questions and answers will be posted to our website at online. Questions should be addressed to: Dr. Stephen Keskes, Ed.D. Director of Grants and Academic Innovation 100 Price Ave., Ste A Stockbridge, MI 49285 (517) 851-7188, ext. 6407 keskess@panthernet.net. The deadline for question submission is October 11, 2024 at 5 p.m.


Service Station / Car Wash


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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October 22, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Stockbridge, MI

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