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Published October 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Baltimore, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Baltimore Department of Public Works has been authorized to request the Office of Boards and Commissions (OBC) to advertise Project 1385R for the design, build, finance, operate and maintain sludge processing and disposal at the Back River wastewater Treatment Plant. It is the expectation of the City's that interested firms providing these services must demonstrate and document the following goals: . Achieve sludge processing solution at the Back River WWTP to generate Class A biosolids. . Engage the market and identify sustainable and revenue producing outlets for Class A biosolid product. . Establish an alternative revenue source through profit sharing from the sale of the biosolid product. . Maximize cost savings for the City, both present and future. . Improve odor conditions by eliminating or mitigating odors associated with the processing of digested sludge. . Develop a long-term (20 years) sustainable solution that minimizes or eliminates detrimental operational gaps and downtime at the Back River WWTP. . Minimize the City's carbon footprint to the greatest extent possible in its operations. . Establish a monitoring and reporting regime that ensures regulatory compliance. . Provide operational and financial transparency to foster fairness and equitable risk sharing. In addition, the City recognizes the evolving regulatory landscape and potential market disruptions that may arise from the presence of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). At this moment, the City does not intend to implement PFAS destruction technology and does not require its inclusion in the proposed RFP for heat drying. However, the proposal should include a provision for incorporating PFAS destruction technology with the proposed heat drying option in the future. The goal is to understand how these technologies could be integrated with the proposed solutions at a later date and explore innovative methods for the long-term removal of PFAS and other emerging contaminants. SCOPE OF WORK The project entails the design, construction, financing, operation, and maintenance of a new dewatering system followed by a sludge heat drying system at the Back River WWTP to replace the current operations. Based on current operational data, the system shall have a processing capacity starting from 45 dry tons as a guaranteed daily tonnage, with a typical processing capacity of approximately 70 dry tons per day, and up to a maximum capacity of 90 dry tons. It shall be capable of achieving a moisture content of less than 10%. The awarded service provider must process sludge regardless of its quality and other feedstock variability. Moreover, the treatment process and constructed facility shall be designed to accommodate future capacity expansion. Additionally, at the end of the contract, the transfer of equipment, maintenance records, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and other relevant documentation to the City will be required. The following tasks should be performed as part of the project: 1. Design and Construction . Design and construction of the digested liquid sludge processing facilities capable of handling the total maximum designed volume of biosolids that can be produced at Back River WWTP, including all necessary equipment, piping, and electrical systems. . The design and construction will ensure that the existing processes run efficiently without interference. The heat drying section will have ts own dewatering facilities, which will also be included in the proposal. Question Deadline 12/27/2024 Should you have any questions regarding the scope of the project, please contact Mr. Mahmudul Hasan, Ph.D. (email Mahmudul.Hasan@baltimorecity.gov).


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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8201 Eastern Ave, Baltimore, MD

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