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Published December 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Evansville, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

This work consists of renovations at the existing EFD Fire Station #16 to: Convert the large, open dormitory into 10 partitioned firefighter bunks; Expand the fitness area by converting the existing storage area to conditioned space; Modify Battalion Chief toilet room to provide a new corner shower unit; and provide services for a new clothes dryer unit. The existing HVAC system and lighting will be modified and supplemented. Local building permits and fees shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor. Owner shall provide the State Construction Design Release if applicable. DORMITORY RENOVATIONS Perform limited demolition as indicated. Modify existing HVAC ductwork and diffusers to remain. Construct new bunk room partial height partitions, with doors. Modify existing lighting and electrical work as indicated. Provide new finishes as indicated. Provide new ductless HVAC units at fitness area. Perform all Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical work indicated on the drawings. BATTALION CHIEF'S TOILET ROOM (ADD ALTERNATE) Remove existing water closet and accessories. Store accessories for re-installation. Demo floor as required to install new shower drain and new water closet location under slab piping. Install new corner shower unit as indicated Provide plumbing and electrical work for new fixtures as indicated, including water heater. Install new flooring and base as required to match existing construction as closely as possible. CLOTHES DRYER SERVICES (ADD ALTERNATE) Provide vent and electrical outlet for a new clothes dryer location in mechanical room. Dryer furnished and installed by the Owner. WORK BY THE OWNER Furnish and install locker units. Furnish and install bed units. Furnish and install all other furniture. Furnish and install carpet tile flooring. All Big Phone relocation work. Minor demolition work as indicated on the drawings.


Fire / Police


Public - City






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2801 Washington Ave, Evansville, IN

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