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Published October 31, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Lebanon, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Pickleball and Tennis Court Reconstruction Please direct all ques#ons regarding this project to Kevin Krulik, City of Lebanon, Indiana, Department of Engineering, 401 S. Meridian Street, Lebanon, IN 46052, (765) 482-8845, kkrulik@lebanon.in.gov. Question Deadline 10/17/2024 Last Request for Information Due: 7 days prior to due date of bids. The Project consists of the renovation of pickleball and tennis courts and associated sitework at Memorial Park (130 E Ulen Dr. Lebanon, IN 46052) and Abner Longley Park (1601 Longley Dr, Lebanon, IN 46052). Memorial Park Pickleball Court 1. Light Pole Foundation and Light Pole (TYP) to remain. Sand, Prime, and Paint. 2. Remove, salvage, and reinstall existing poles, cover, and nets. 3. Demo all existing fencing. All fences to be replaced with 8' fence. All black vinyl coated. 4. Demo pole, cover, and nets and replace with 120 lineal feet of 4' fence. All black vinyl coated. 5. Excavate grass areas inside existing fence to (-12"). Infill shall be a seamless transition from the new playing surface (8" 53s compacted in 4" lifts, 2.5" Binder, 1.5" Surface) General Scope o Backfill all holes with #53 stone. o Mill asphalt down to existing stone and dispose of millings oY-site. Furnish and place limestone dust in existing cracks on the courts. o Grade, shape, and roll stone subgrade including furnishing 2" #53 limestone aggregate. o Laser grade stone base. o The basis of bid for Work at the Memorial Park Pickleball Courts shall include the installation of Paving Fabric in accordance with the "Product Data" document attached (Exhibit C). The cost (labor and material) for the Paving Fabric shall be submitted as an Alternate. o Furnish and lay 2.5" Hot Mix Asphalt Binder over stone base. o Furnish and lay 1.5" Hot Mix Limestone Surface o Install eight (8) sets of Douglas pickleball net posts with sleeves, center anchors, nets and center straps. o Apply one (1) coat of Laykold Acrylic Resurfacer to the entire surface. o Apply three (3) coats of Fortified Laykold to the tennis courts. o The color(s) shall be determined by Owner. o Stripe court(s) as per USA Pickleball standards and tolerances. o Backfill and fine grade perimeter of courts. o Seed perimeter of courts and any disturbed areas. Abner Longley Tennis and Pickleball Court 1. Light Pole Foundation and Light Pole to be replaced. Please reference Exhibit F. 2. Demo all existing fencing. All fence to be replaced with 8' fence. All black vinyl coated. 3. Demo existing net, posts, and foundations. Provide and install with four sets of Douglas pickleball net posts and one set of tennis net posts with sleeves, center anchors, nets, and center traps. General Scope o Backfill all holes with #53 stone. o Mill asphalt down to existing stone and dispose of millings oY site. Furnish and place limestone dust in existing cracks on the courts. Stone Subbase to be confirmed as 8" (contingency should include the potential for subgrade remediation - unit cost) o Grade, shape, and roll stone subgrade including furnishing 2" #53 limestone aggregate. o Laser grade stone base. o Furnish and lay 2.5" Hot Mix Asphalt Binder over stone base. o Furnish and lay 1.5" Hot Mix Limestone Surface o Apply one (1) coat of Laykold Acrylic Resurfacer to the entire surface. o Apply three (3) coats of Fortified Laykold to the tennis courts. o The color(s) shall be determined by Owner. o Stripe court(s) as per USTA & USA Pickleball standards and tolerances. o Install new nets and center straps. o Backfill and fine grade perimeter of courts. o Seed perimeter of courts and any disturbed areas.

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Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Lebanon, IN

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