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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Burien, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Burien ("City") is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified firms to provide plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E), together with construction management for the city's 2025 Pavement Management project, consisting of asphalt preservation and rehabilitation overlays treatments. The annual project may also require improving pedestrian pathways to meet Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. The selected firm shall assist the city in facilitating its annual pavement management project with street segment selection, pavement treatments, design, project management, public and utility outreach, contract administration, construction management and inspection. The Consultant shall (and not be limited to): A. Finalize quantity of road segments for the project based on asphalt treatment and budget constraints. B. Investigative activities such as ADA Improvements, Utilities locations and surveys. C. Provide updated schedule for design and construction milestones. D. Engineering plans at 30%, 60%, and 100% completion and associated cost estimates. E. Prepare plans, specifications and estimate for construction bid and advertisement. F. Utility and municipal agency coordination. G. Construction Administration and Inspection Services The city's Pavement Management Project falls within the city's biennial budget. Services may be considered for two years (2025 and 2026). The city reserves the right to retain selected firms for additional design and/or construction engineering and administrative services subject to negotiations and at city's discretion. Design $175,000 CM: $85,000 Construction: $1,040,000 Project Total: $1,300,000 Any questions regarding this request or the Pavement Program should be directed to David Traub, at (206) 436-5552, email TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. The City reserves the right to reject all proposals and waive minor irregularities in any proposal. B. The City reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted and request additional information from the consultant. C. The City reserves the rights to award any contract to the next most qualified consultant if the selected consultant does not execute the contract within thirty (30) days after the final selection. D. The City shall provide contract upon negotiation of Scope of Services with selected firm. Key elements from SOQ will become binding as part of contracted Scope of Services. E. A valid Burien business license is required for selected consultant and any subconsultants. F. The City shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the consultant in preparing, submitting, or presenting its qualifications to the City. G. Under Washington state law, the documents (including but not limited to written, printed, graphic, electronic, photographic or voice mail materials and/or transcriptions, recordings, or reproductions thereof) submitted in response to this RFQ becomes a public record upon submission to the City, subject to mandatory disclosure upon request, unless the documents are exempted from public disclosure by a specific provision of the law.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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