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Published November 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Bismarck, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The bids consist of the following bid packages and descriptions: Bid Package No. 1: General Contract Generally includes the demolition of pumps 3, 4, and 6; rehabilitation of pumps 1 and 2; furnishing, installation pumps 3 and 4, installation of motor for pumps, 1, 3, and 4; as shown on the plans and specifications. Includes equipment handling, piping, valves, interior and exterior equipment pads, insulation, door, masonry, and protection of existing facilities. Restoration of exterior disturbed areas. Bid Package No. 2: Mechanical Contract Generally includes the demolition of the existing electrical room ventilation. Furnish and install of existing electrical room new CRAC system with exterior condenser, floor standing air handler, ducts, piping, insulation, and controls. Bid Package No. 3: Electrical Contract Generally includes the demolition of three existing pump drives and wiring. Installation of CMAR furnished transformer. Furnish and install of three new VFD drives, switchboard, conductors, and control system. One rehabilitated pump is currently on a VFD drive. Technical bid questions shall be directed to Russ Sorenson, PE at 701-527-2451 or email at russ@pkg-inc.com. Only questions submitted by email and answered by addenda are binding to the bids. The deadline for questions is October 21, 2024 at 5:00 pm Neither CMAR, Engineer, or City has any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of any bid documents obtained from any source other than the source indicated in these Bid Documents. Obtaining bid documents other than these Bid Documents from any other source(s) may result in obtaining incomplete and inaccurate information. Obtaining bid documents from any source other than directly from the source(s) listed herein may also result in failure to receive any addenda, corrections, or other revisions to these documents that may be issued. Low bidder(s) will be required to perform a vetting process questionnaire and interview to ascertain the completeness of their bids. All Bids shall be prepared according to the Instruction to Bidders. Bidders will be submitting to the project CMAR and not required to obtain Bidder s Security. All Bidders shall strictly follow the directions outlined in the CMAR s Bid Package and Instructions to Bidders when submitting their Bid Form. All Bids will be made on the basis of cash payment for such Work. PKG reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities, and to award the Contracts for each respective Bid Package in the best interests of the Project. PKG reserves the right to hold the three (3) low Bids for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of the Bid opening.


Water / Sewer


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Site Work

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615 River Rd, Bismarck, ND

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