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Published December 2, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Demolition, site work and renovation of a library in Lunenburg, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the demolition of a library; for the renovation of a library; and for site work for a library.
Library Teen Room Expansion - demo, carpentry, flooring, doors, drywall and finishing, ceilings, paint, and electrical Contractor Qualification Required for DCAMM contracts over $150,000, Highway Division contracts over $50,000. Question Deadline 10/28/2024 at 12:00 PM ET Questions on this IFB can be submitted in writing to the Town Manager's Office, via email, to Questions on this IFB can be submitted in writing to the Town Manager's Office, via email, Demo o Furnish all labor and equipment to remove all components indicated to be removed and disposed of offsite per the contract drawings, including all but not limited to all flooring, adhesives, caulking, ceiling systems, walls, drywall, metal framing, wood framing, insulation, doors, frames, glazing, electrical components, lighting, windows, glazing, and associated framing, all areas to be kept clean maintaining broom finish, all materials to be properly disposed of offsite in accordance with all applicable rules, laws and regulations. o Fire protection & HVAC Mechanical systems to remain in place, special care shall be taken when working near these systems. o Furnish all labor, equipment and materials to properly protect existing conditions to remain and provide barriers around work being performed to eliminate the potential injury to workers and/or pedestrians. o It is understood that this Agreement includes all indicated, related and ancillary materials and labor for all demolition of existing conditions. Carpentry & Trim o Furnish and install all casework and custom millwork, including but not limited to all wood trim and all related and ancillary materials and system components per plans and specifications. o Contractor shall ensure that all casework and millwork is fabricated and installed in a professional manner in accordance with the Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards, current edition, published by the Architectural Woodwork Institute. o Contractor shall verify all finish selections prior to the purchase or fabrication of any materials including but not limited to all plastic laminates, solid surface materials, natural woods, wood stain colors, wood finish textures and the style and finishes of drawer and cabinet door pulls. Appropriate samples shall be submitted for review and approval by the Owner and Architect prior to fabrication or purchase. Doors o Furnish and install all hollow metal door frames, welded metal door frames, wood door frames, door frames with side lights, doors and borrowed light assemblies, include all related fasteners, clips, glass stops and related and ancillary materials per plans and specifications. Contractor shall confirm and ensure that all frames are of the proper size, setup and swing to meet each door application per plans and specifications. o Furnish and install all wood doors to include fire rated, non-fire rated and insulated doors per plans and specifications. All doors to have all modifications for complete preparation for all applied and field applied hardware per plans and specifications. All configurations of doors and types to be included. o All door hardware to come with construction cores. o Provide removable cores (IC) and keying for all supplied hardware. Cores to match style and size of current cores throughout the building. o Furnish and install all door hardware as identified in the contract documents for each door assembly, including but not limited to all hardware identified in the hardware schedule, all locksets, entry sets, passage sets, kick plates, pulls, silencers, closers, door stops, door closers, hinges, fasteners and related and ancillary materials to install each piece of door hardware per plans, specifications and manufacturer's installation requirements. o Furnish and install all hollow metal window frames, welded metal window frames, wood window frames include all related fasteners, clips, glass stops and related and ancillary materials per plans and specifications. Contractor shall confirm and ensure that all frames are of the proper size, setup and swing to meet each door application per plans and specifications. o Furnish and install all glass & glazing for doors, sidelites and borrowed lites supplied as part of this contract, excluding exterior windows & automatic doors. o Contractor shall ensure that all door configurations meet the requirements of the contract documents, including but not limited to frame setups, door swings, door types, hardware sets, and all other related requirements indicated on the plans and specifications. Drywall & Framing o Furnish all materials, labor and equipment to complete the following scope, insulation, interior framing, drywall, blocking, finishing of drywall, and any ancillary components to complete the requirements of the project plans. o Furnish and install all wall type assemblies, including but not limited to wood framing, metal framing, metal channel, fiberglass insulation, rigid insulation, vapor barrier, dens glass, pressure treated as indicated, plywood, drywall and drywall finish per plans, specifications, and related contract documents. Contractor shall ensure that all material types and sizes are supplied and installed according to plans, specifications and contract documents, and applicable building code requirements and manufacturers' requirements o Furnish and install all metal framing including but not limited to all metal studs, metal track, fasteners, channels, ceiling framing, soffits, knee walls at nurse station, anchors, supports, silicone, adhesives, blocking, wall opening framing, bracing and all ancillary components per plans, specifications and applicable code requirements. o Furnish and install all gypsum wallboard systems including but not limited to all gypsum wallboard, fire rated wallboard, non-fire rated wallboard, moisture resistance wallboard, single layer and multi-layer drywall assemblies, wallboard walls, wallboard soffits, wallboard ceilings, joint tape, joint compound, fasteners, sand finishes to a paintable finish and all related and ancillary materials per plans, specifications and building code requirements. Furnish all stamped shop drawings for work related to installation of window into shear wall between existing teen room and quiet study room. o Furnish and install all acoustical sealant as indicated for drywall and framing assemblies. o Furnish and install all rated and non-rated wall, ceiling and soffit assemblies, including but not limited to, metal framing, wood framing, metal channel, fiberglass insulation, dens glass, pressure treated as indicated, plywood, drywall and drywall finish per plans, specifications, and related contract documents. Contractor shall ensure that all material types and sizes are supplied and installed according to plans, specifications and contract documents, and applicable building code requirements and manufacturers' requirements. o Furnish and install all fiberglass insulation where required. All fiberglass insulation shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation requirements including but not limited to anchoring methods for fiberglass bats, proper installation to prevent over compression of the fiberglass material, vapor barrier installation and all related and ancillary requirements per plans, specifications and manufacturer's installation requirements. All fiberglass insulation shall bear the correct R-value rating for assembly for which it is installed per plans, specifications and building code requirements. o Furnish and install drywall returns at all windows, existing walls, existing radiators etc. include all related trim at the corners and J-bead at the windows, per plans and specifications. o Furnish and install all labor and materials for control joints in GWB assemblies as shown in the architectural drawings and as required by best practices. o Furnish and install all finishing of all exposed surfaces of all drywall to a level 4 finish in all areas of the building, include fire taping of all gypsum board surfaces that are to be concealed within any space, but require a fire rating to the wall or ceiling assemblies, to include but not limited to walls, ceilings, soffit and all other drywall surfaces per plans, specifications and applicable code requirements. o Furnish and install all required fire treated blocking for mechanical systems, windows, doors, cabinets, hardware, specialties, casework, millwork, bath partitions, grab bars, bath hardware, and other blocking requirements per plans and specifications. o Furnish and install all metal and vinyl drywall accessories, J-bead, stop bead, corner bead, expansion joint, joint reinforcing tape, fasteners and all related and ancillary materials and items to properly install the drywall and accessories systems. o Install all hollow metal door frames, welded metal door frames, wood door frames, door frames with side lights, doors and borrowed light assemblies, include all related fasteners, clips, glass stops and related and ancillary materials per plans and specifications. Contractor shall confirm and ensure that all frames are of the proper size, setup and swing to meet each door application per plans and specifications. o Install all hollow metal and wood doors and hardware
Public - City
Demolition, Renovation, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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1023 Massachusetts Ave, Lunenburg, MA
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