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Published December 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Fairfield, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

The Town of Fairfield is seeking competitive bids from qualified Contractors to provide all materials, labor and equipment necessary to complete the lower-level bathroom renovations at the Fairfield Police Department located at 100 Reef Road, Fairfield, CT as detailed in the bid specifications. 1. Bidders are to complete all requested data in the upper right corner of this page and must return this page and the Bid Proposal page with their bid. 2. No bid shall be accepted from, or contracts awarded to, any person/company/affiliate or entity under common control who is in arrears to the Town of Fairfield upon debt, or contract or who has been within the prior five (5) years, a defaulter as surety or otherwise upon obligations to the Town of Fairfield, and shall be determined by the Town. 4. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to see that the bid is received by the Fairfield Purchasing Department prior to the time and date noted above. Bid proposals are not to be submitted via email or fax. 5. Bid proposals are not to be submitted with plastic binders or covers, nor may the bid proposal contain any plastic inserts or pages. 6. All Request for Bid (RFB) submissions shall be opened publicly and recorded as received. There will be no public reading of Request for Proposals (RFP). Submissions received later than the time and date specified will not be considered. No proposal may be withdrawn within 90 days after the submission due date. Written requests for information will not be accepted after 4:30pm Friday, 18th October, 2024. Response will be in the form of an addendum that will be posted approximately Tuesday, 22nd October, 2024 to the Town of Fairfield website. Questions concerning this bid must be submitted in writing and directed only to: Lee A. Flaherty, Assistant Director, lflaherty@fairfieldct.org. A five (5) percent bid bond or equal approved security as stated per the Terms and Conditions must be submitted with the proposal. All bonds, including payment and performance bonds when applicable, shall be written by a surety company or companies licensed to issue bonds in the State of Connecticut, and shall have at least an A-VII policy holders rating, as reported by A.M. Best Rating Services, or otherwise deemed acceptable by the Town. The Town always reserves the right to reject surety companies, if an approved surety bond cannot be provided the bidder shall be deemed non-responsive. Scope of Work The Town of Fairfield is seeking a Contractor to provide all necessary labor, supplies, material, equipment, services and permits for the lower-level toilet/shower room alterations at the Fairfield Police Department in accordance with the approved drawings. Proposal must be a "not to exceed" fee with cost breakouts per site. See Bid Proposal Form below and attached Bid Recording Sheet. Price is to include all labor, materials, tools, equipment, plans, mobilization, permits, insurances, etc., required to properly complete the project. The bidder MUST complete the attached bid recording sheet. Bids will be considered void without the bid recording sheet submission. Contractor shall provide a single point of contact to serve as the project manager for this project. If total project exceeds $100,000 prevailing wage rates shall apply. Construction meetings will be held weekly with the Town's Project Managers/representatives. Contractor shall coordinate all necessary inspections and testing with the Building Department and shall receive final sign offs from all applicable departments upon completion of the work. Provide all certifications, testing and warranties as per the manufacturer's recommendations for all equipment and material provided and installed. The Contractor shall further warranty all work for one-year period following project acceptance. A hazardous materials report will be provided in a forthcoming addendum document. This report will show asbestos to be under 12x12 white floor tiles in the hallway outside the bathroom renovations. These tiles may be disturbed minimally due to modifications to the bathroom doors. Contractor shall carry all costs associated with this work. Upon Award, all bidding documents shall constitute a legal contract including but not limited to the following; Bid Invitation, Addendum, CT DOL Prevailing Wage Documents, Award Resolution, Town Purchase Order, and AIA Contract or equivalent when applicable. In the instance the Contactor discovers unanticipated hazardous material, whether it be in nature or capacity, the Town reserves the right to terminate the Contract and regain possession of the project site. Provide one (1) complete set of as-built drawings to accurately indicate conditions after project completion. The successful bidder, within seven (7) business days after notification of award, will be required to furnish Performance and Labor and Material Bond provided by a company authorized to issue such bonds in the State of Connecticut, or Certified Check or properly executed Irrevocable Letter of Credit equal to a hundred per cent (100%) of the award. In the event that the Contractor where required to provide evidence of insurance and a performance bond does not do so before beginning work, the Town of Fairfield reserves the right to withhold payment from such supplier until the evidence of insurance and performance bond has been received by the Town. All payment and performance bonds shall be written by a surety company or companies licensed to issue bonds in the State of Connecticut, and shall have at least an A-VIII policy holders rating, as reported by A.M. Best Rating Services, or otherwise deemed acceptable by the Town. The Town always reserves the right to reject surety companies, if approved surety bonds cannot be provided the contract shall be terminated.


Fire / Police


Public - City




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100 Reef Rd, Fairfield, CT

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Fairfield Police Department - Lower-Level Toilet Renovations

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