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Published October 31, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Broken Bow, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

Bridge Replacement Projects for the furnishing and delivery of materials for the following four (4) Custer County Bridge Replacement Projects: Project C21(124)A1, Ansley South, Co. Br. 673, just east of Highway 183 on DR 788 located in the SE Quarter of Section 21 - T15N - R18W, Custer County Nebraska. Project C21(324)A1, Callaway SW, Co. Br. 431, near the intersection of DR 785 & Cottonwood Creek Road, just south of the NE Corner of Section 8 - T14N - R23W, Custer County Nebraska. Project C21(924)A1, Anselmo SE, Co. Br. 323, approx. 0.7 mi south of Highway 2 on Road 430, just west of the E1/4 Corner of Section 34 - T19N - R22W, Custer County Nebraska. Project C21(1024)A1, Broken Bow West, Co. Br. 304, on Road 434 approx. 1/4 mile south of Road 801, along the NW line of Section 21 - T17N - R21W, The Custer County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any irregularities in bids based on specifications submitted by bidders, or hold bids over for further consideration till the next regularly scheduled County Board Meeting. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. C21(124)A1 ANSLEY SOUTH As designed in the Plans from Oak Creek Engineering, Materials identified but not limited to all items necessary to complete the project: 2 pc 8 ga. 84" RE 40'-0" 3:1 or 5:1 Corrugated Metal Pipes with Headwalls attached each end on a 0 degree skew with attached 7 ga. 9'-1" sheet pile on outside Headwalls with splice hardware as designed. 28 pc of 7 ga 18" x 14'-0 Black Steel Sheet Piling or equivalent, 4 pc W6 x 15 x 10'-6" Steel Walers, 4 pc 6" x 11'-0" Angle Caps, 225"-0" of 1/2" Galvanized Cable, with 16 -1/2" Galvanized U-Clamps C21(324)A1 CALLAWAY SOUTHWEST As designed in the Plans from Midwest Engineering, Materials identified but not limited to all items necessary to complete the project: 3 pc 8 ga. 84" x 40'-0" 3:1 or 5:1 Corrugated Metal Pipes with Headwalls attached each end on a 0 degree skew with attached 7 ga. 9'-9" sheet pile on the outside Headwalls with splice hardware as designed. 36 pc of 7 ga 18" x 12'-0 Black Steel Sheet Piling or equivalent, 4 pc W6 x 20 x 14'-3" Steel Walers, 12 pc W6 x 20 x 17'-0" Piling, 312"-0" of 1/2" Galvanized Cable, with 36 -1/2" Galvanized U-Clamps C21(924)A1 ANSELMO SOUTHEAST As designed in the Plans from Oak Creek Engineering, Materials identified but not limited to all items necessary to complete the project: 2 pc 8 ga. 84" RE 40'-0" 3:1 or 5:1 Corrugated Metal Pipes with Headwalls attached each end on a 0 degree skew with attached 7 ga. 9'-1" sheet pile on outside Headwalls with splice hardware as designed. 28 pc of 7 ga 18" x 14'-0 Black Steel Sheet Piling or equivalent, 4 pc W6 x 15 x 10'-6" Steel Walers, 4 pc 6" x 11'-0" Angle Caps, 220"-0" of 1/2" Galvanized Cable, with 16 -1/2" Galvanized U-Clamps C21(1024)A1 BROKEN BOW WEST As designed in the Plans from Oak Creek Engineering, Materials identified but not limited to all items necessary to complete the project: 2 pc 8 ga. 84" RE 57'-0" 3:1 or 5:1 Corrugated Metal Pipes with Headwalls attached each end on a 45 degree RHB skew with attached 7 ga. 9'-1" sheet pile on outside Headwalls with splice hardware as designed. 28 pc of 7 ga 18" x 14'-0 Black Steel Sheet Piling or equivalent, 4 pc W6 x 15 x 10'-6" Steel Walers, 4 pc 6" x 11'-0" Angle Caps, 280"-0" of 1/2" Galvanized Cable, with 16 -1/2" Galvanized U-Clamps


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work




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October 29, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Broken Bow, NE

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