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Saving Project...

Published December 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Mequon, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

As of December 11, 2024. Project was awarded to Vinton Construction Company in the amount of $921,992.04. 2025 City Brush Site Improvement Project The project consists of excavation, pulverizing existing asphalt pavement and base, fence and storm sewer removal, traffic control, erosion control, and installation of asphalt or concrete pavement construction staking, grading, security fencing, automated entrance gate system with card reader, security cameras, license plate reader, lighting, poles, restoration and other associated improvements at the City Brush Site. Project includes all labor, equipment, materials and all work necessary in connection with the construction of this project to provide a complete project. BID FORM Bids shall be submitted on the forms included in the bidding and contract requirements section of these Contract Documents START DATE, PHASING, INTERIM DATES AND COMPLETION DATE Brush site open to Mequon residents on Wednesdays and Saturdays - April through November Stage 1 - July 5th to September 30th Stage 1 Preliminary Work Start construction after July 4th. City will have all brush ground and removed end of June. Build east driveway first up through gravel. Relocate existing swing gate from west driveway to east driveway. Erect temporary fence across lot north to south just west of new east driveway. Residents will use east half of site for brush drop off while contractor builds west side. Stage 1 Construction Use barricades to close west driveway when no work is going on. Excavate new parking lot expansion on west side. Pulverize pavement west side of temporary fence & west driveway. Construct, grade, compact & pave west side of site including west side driveway. Install automated gates, new fencing, and manual swing gates. Stage 2 - October 1st to November 30th Stage 2 Preliminary Work Move temporary fencing west onto new pavement. Residents will use newly constructed west entrance and west half of brush site for brush drop off. City will have all brush ground or removed from east half of site. Stage 2 Construction Pulverize east side pavement. Pulverize, grade, compact east side lot. Pave east side pavement and east driveway. Complete all contract work by November 30th, 2025. The staging plan above represents completion by November 30th, 2025. The work and staging can be accelerated and completed earlier with coordination and approval from the City of Mequon. BID PRICE The bid price for each bid item shall include the furnishing of all materials, tools, labor, etc. It shall include all needed work items such as excavation, disposition of surplus material, pipe laying, paving, backfilling, surface replacement, sheeting, shoring, trenching tunneling, auguring, dewatering, furnishing and installing of fittings, erection of fencing, restoration of public or private property disturbed or damaged by the Contractor's operation and cleanup, all as specified to provide for a complete project. Any item required to complete the work within each bid item, even if not listed, is considered incidental to that item. All work and costs to complete the project as shown on the plans are included in the bid items, even if not listed, and all associated work is considered incidental and by submitting and signing the bid proposal the contractor understands the following is a general list of work associated but is not all inclusive and no payment outside of these items will be considered. QUALIFICATION STATEMENT In accordance with Wis. Stat. 66.0901(2), Bidders shall be required to submit a statement of financial ability, equipment, and experience in the work prescribed. This Qualification Statement shall be submitted to the office of the Engineer no less than five days prior to the opening of bids. Failure to submit a qualification statement at least five days prior to bid opening will result in the rejection of the bid. Qualification Statement forms can be obtained at the office of the City Engineer. An evaluation of qualification statements will be made by the Engineer who will provide a recommendation to the Common Council prior to award. Those firms whose qualifications are found to be unacceptable shall be disqualified from consideration of award. BID SECURITY A certified check, or satisfactory Bid Bond payable to the City of Mequon in the amount of not less than five (5%) percent of the Bid shall accompany each Bid as guarantee that if the Bid is accepted the Bidder will execute and file the Contract Performance Bond and Insurance Certificate as required by this contract within ten (10) calendar days after Notice of Award of the Contract by the City. BID REJECTION The City reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, waive any informalities or irregularities in Bidding or accept any Bid or Bids which, in the opinion of the City, shall serve the City's best interest. BID WITHDRAWAL No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the time and date set for the opening thereof, without the consent of the City. AWARD OF CONTRACT It is anticipated that authorization to award to the selected qualified, responsive and responsible low bidder will be granted at the November 2025 or December, 2025 Common Council meeting. The selected contractor shall, within ten (10) calendar days after notification, provide the City of Mequon the required contract documents for signature. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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