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Published December 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a bridge / tunnel in Wall, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel.

Budget: $150,000 Section #1 1. Contractor shall submit a lump sum price to mobilize and demobilize. Borough shall only be responsible for one mobilization and demobilization. 2. Contractor shall submit a unit price as follows: The entire perimeter of the CMP shall be reinforced per enclosed specifications which includes welded wire fabric and Gunite shotcrete application. Work begins near house 331 and continuous toward Wall Avenue in the direction of flow estimated to be 136 lineal feet. CMP diameter is 72" 3. Flow line light cleaning may be required Section #2 Contractor shall submit unit price as follows: The entire perimeter of the block storm sewer T x 5' shall be reinforced per specifications which includes welded wire fabric and Gunite shotcrete application. See enclosed plan The length is 195 LF and may require light cleaning at the flow line. Note there are storm sewer connections in this section Section #3 Contractor shall submit a unit price to purchase, deliver and install a Bilco or Halliday or equal access door aluminum with stainless hardware with a lock keyed cylinder. Contractor shall utilize an existing opening near house 300. Bid price shall also include preparation and modification of the existing opening to fit a 3' x 5" + H-20 loading hatch cover. Contractor must visit the site to prepare a bid price which is operational. Contact Dennis at 412-539-6077 to arrange an on-site inspection. See enclosed plan Bid price shall include wall repairs on either side required prior to entire perimeter reinforcement which is included with this price. Section #4 Bid price shall include flow line light cleaning and the entire perimeter of the 8' x 6' box culvert shall be reinforced per specifications. Price shall also include any wall repairs required. Section #5 Bid price shall include 304.3 LF of entire perimeter reinforcement of the 8' x 5' brick storm sewer Bid price shall remove 170 + LF of debris estimated to be 2' to 3' in depth. Approximately 179 CY The remaining portion shall require light cleaning Section #6 Bid price shall include reinforcement of entire perimeter of box culvert per specifications. 44 LF Remove debris 2' +. Approximate 40 CY Bid price shall also include a locking access cover. See section #3 for description Section #7 This 30' box culvert was repaired by Allegheny County. Bid price shall only include debris removal approximately 2' in depth. Approximately 27 CY

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Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Site Work




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Valley Ave, Wall, PA

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CD 49 Valley Avenue Culvert

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