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Published November 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, new construction and renovation of a municipal facility in Palmyra, Virginia. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; for the renovation of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

The County desires to engage the services of a qualified Professional Architectural/Engineering Firm for four separate projects relating to the design and construction of a new County Administration Building, a new Department of Social Services Building, the renovation of the current Administration Building and the renovation of the current Department of Social Services Building in Fluvanna County, Virginia. The scope of services relating to these projects shall include, but is not limited to, an updated space study for County Departments and Constitutional Offices, civil engineering & design; architectural design; site planning; construction phase services; drafting of any construction bid documents and review of bids; inspection services; and related engineering, review, surveying, environmental, geotechnical, and architectural services. Any Proposals sent in via facsimile, telephone, or email shall not be considered. Any Proposals that are turned in late will be rejected and returned unopened. 3) SCOPE OF SERVICES a) The County desires to engage the services of a qualified Professional Architectural/Engineering Firm for four separate projects relating to the design and construction of a new County Administration Building, a new Department of Social Services Building, the renovation of the current Administration Building and the renovation of the current Department of Social Services Building in Fluvanna County, Virginia. The scope of services relating to these projects shall include, but is not limited to, an updated space study for County Departments and Constitutional Offices, civil engineering & design; architectural design; site planning; construction phase services; drafting of any construction bid documents and review of bids; inspection services; and related engineering, review, surveying, environmental, geotechnical, and architectural services. b) Location of Buildings. i) The new Administration and Social Services building shall be located along Commons Boulevard in Palmyra, Virginia on land currently owned by the County, tax map parcel # 30-A-3 (see Exhibit 1, GIS maps). ii) The current Administration building is located at 132 Main Street in Palmyra, Virginia, and is known as tax map parcel #30-A-36. It is a three-story building, including the basement, and it was built in 1972. iii) The current Social Services building is located at 8880 James Madison Highway in Fork Union, Virginia 23055 and is known as tax map parcel #42-1-4A. The two-story building was originally a school, and was built in 1934. c) Update the Building Study (see Exhibit 2, Building Study) i) The building study from 2019 needs to be updated to reflect two new departments to include the County Attorney and Emergency Services. In addition, the Sheriff's Office located at 160 Commons Blvd has recognized expanded space needs as well. As part of the new study, the selected firm should re-verify and/or propose any potential recommendations for department occupancy in different buildings than is proposed below. d) Description of needs for Existing Buildings. i) Current Administration Building. 1. The renovation area is 13,812 square feet, excluding the porch area and basement (see Exhibit 3, Floor Plans). 2. It currently houses office space for thirty-one County employees and four employees of the Virginia Department of Health. 3. The building will need to be renovated to accommodate the proposed departments and uses: a. The Commonwealth's Attorney's Office (currently five employees) b. Court Services (currently three employees) c. Judges' offices d. Probation e. Meeting space and a breakroom f. Possible occupancy of Sheriff's Deputies for judicial operations and potentially others with similar functions. ii) Current Social Services Building. 1. The renovation area is 6,913 square feet (see Exhibit 3, Floor Plans). 2. It currently houses office space for thirty-four employees. 3. The building will need to be renovated to accommodate the proposed departments and uses: a. Public Works (currently 3 employees) b. Public Utilities (currently 3 employees) c. Parks and Recreation (currently 2 employees) d. Expandable multi-purpose space for programming, fitness area, breakroom, and meeting space. e) Description of needs for New Buildings. i) New Administration Building 1. The building is planned for 24,023 square feet of space. 2. It will host the following departments, with a current total of 52 employees: a. Administration - four employees b. Building Inspections - four employees (add two in next 10 years) c. Commissioner of Revenue - five employees (add four in next 10 years) d. County Attorney - three employees e. CSA - two employees (add two in next 10 years) f. Economic Development - two employees g. Emergency Services - two employees (add three in next 10 years) h. Finance - five employees (add one in next 10 years) i. Human Resources - two employees (add one in next 10 years) j. IT - three employees (add one in next 10 years) k. Planning and Zoning - five employees (add two in next 10 years) l. Registrar - four employees m. Treasurer - six employees (add four in next 10 years) 3. It is anticipated that several of these departments will grow to a combined total of about seventy employees. 4. The building will also include a meeting room for the Board of Supervisors, expandable multi-purpose space for programming, breakroom, and meeting space. ii) New Social Services Building 1. The building is planned to include 32,307 square feet of space. 2. It will host the Department of Social Services (34 employees) and the Health Department (5-10 employees). 3. The building will also include expandable multi-purpose space for programming, breakroom, and meeting space. f) The services to be rendered for these projects include design services, coordination, and support activities for the project elements listed in this RFP, and are generally described below. i) Final Architectural/Engineering Design Services. This (these) project(s) shall include the tasks and deliverables necessary to complete the final engineering design and prepare bid-ready documents for the project elements listed in this RFP. This includes, but is not limited to, the following major services and deliverables: (1) Presentation of an updated space study for County Departments and Constitutional Officers; (2) Development of a project CPM schedule for design and construction; (3) Quality Control / Quality Assurance; (4) Progress Meetings and Workshops; (5) Coordination with County staff; (6) Final Design of the new County Administration Building, a new Department of Social Services Building, the renovation of the current Administration Building and the renovation of the current Department of Social Services Building; (7) Design support services (survey, geotechnical investigations, sampling, etc.); (8) Presentations to the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors as required; (9) Preparation of an Engineer's Opinion of Cost; and (10) Presentations, meetings and communications to the County staff as requested. RFP Questions: Address questions concerning this RFP to: Victoria Melton, Finance Director P.O. Box 540 132 Main Street Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph: (434) 591-1937 vmelton@fluvannacounty.org Offerors shall submit any questions in writing. Written responses, including the questions, will be posted with the RFP. Questions will not be accepted after October 25, 2024, at 10 a.m. EST.




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New Construction, Renovation, Site Work





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