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Published October 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Concord, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The purpose of this bid invitation is to establish a contract for Fire Suppression System Testing & Inspection Services - Wet, Clean Agent, and Kitchen/Hood to the State of New Hampshire with services indicated in the SCOPE OF SERVICES and OFFER sections of this bid invitation, in accordance with the requirements of this bid invitation and any resulting contract. Read the entire bid invitation prior to filling it out. Complete the pricing information in the "Offer" section (detailed Information on how to fill out the pricing information can be found in the "Offer" section); complete the "Vendor Contact Information" section; and finally, fill out, and sign the bid transmittal letter. Last day for questions, clarifications, and/or requested changes to bid: 10/15/2024 4.1. Any questions, clarifications, and/or requested changes shall be submitted by an individual authorized to commit their organization to the Terms and Conditions of this bid and shall be received in writing at the Bureau of Purchase and Property no later than 4:00 PM on the date listed in the timeline below. Questions shall not be submitted to anyone other than the Purchasing Agent or his/her representative. Bidders that submit questions verbally or in writing to any other State entity or State personnel shall be found in violation of this part and may be found non-compliant. 4.2. Questions shall be submitted by email to Steve Burgess at Steven.H.Burgess@DAS.NH.Gov. 4.3. Submissions shall clearly identify the bid Number, the Vendor's name and address and the name of the person submitting the question. CONTRACT TERM: 9.1. The term of the contract shall commence on January 1, 2025, or upon approval of the Commissioner of the Department of Administrative Services or the Governor and Council, whichever is later, through December 31, 2027, a period of approximately three (3) years. 9.2. The contract may be extended for up to an additional two (2) years thereafter under the same terms, conditions, and pricing structure upon the mutual agreement between the successful Vendor and the State with the approval of the Commissioner of the Department of Administrative Services or the Governor and Council. 10. CONTRACT AWARD: 10.1. The award shall be made to the Vendor(s) meeting the criteria established in this RFB and providing the lowest cost per location/group. The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof and add/delete items/locations to the contract. All award(s) shall be, in the form of a State of New Hampshire Contract(s). 10.2.The State of New Hampshire reserves the right to add or delete locations/equipment throughout the term of a resultant contract. For the addition of new locations or new equipment, a requesting agency through the Division of Procurement and Support Services shall submit a request for quote (RFQ) including a detailed scope of work to the successful contractor. Quotes shall be consistent with pricing and service requirements contained herein and no service shall be performed until documented acceptance by the State is received. Any addition of new locations/equipment which constitutes a material change or increase in the assigned price limitation shall be effective upon approval of a contract amendment. Changes which do not constitute material change in scope of service or increased contract price limitation shall be effective upon written approval of the requesting agency. 10.3. Successful Vendor shall not be allowed to require any other type of order, nor shall the successful Vendor be allowed to require the filling out or signing of any other document by State of New Hampshire personnel.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Concord, NH

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