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Published November 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Plymouth, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

USNH, representing Plymouth State University (PSU) Physical Plant, is requesting bids for Belknap & Pemi Hall Mechanical Room Upgrades. Deadline for written questions 11/06/2024 at 12:00 p.m. Questions and answers will be submitted on the Q&A Board under Tools. It is the firm's responsibility to ensure that the entire solicitation package and links are reviewed prior to submittal of a response. Questions and inquiries concerning this solicitation shall be submitted through the UShopNH Event Q&A Board. Oral questions or responses will not be recognized as confirmed information. Interpretations or supplemental attachments will be posted in the Event not less than four (4) business days, prior to the bid opening date. Response to questions by 10/25/2024 Award announcement Week of 11/04/2024 Project Site: Belknap & Pemi Hall 31 Langdon Street Plymouth, New Hampshire Construction Schedule: Construction Begins 05/06/2025 Construction Complete 08/22/2025 The general scope of work for this project includes replacement of MEP/FP systems in the main mechanical rooms in Belknap Hall and Pemi Hall, including by not limited to: o Demolition of existing systems, including abatement of asbestos containing materials. o Mechanical: New steam entrance, PRV, heat exchanger, distribution pumps, condensate pump, VFDs, and all new pipe insulation. o Electrical: New power distribution, fire alarm, lighting, and emergency. o Plumbing: New domestic hot water generation. o Fire Protection: Modification of existing wet sprinkler system based on new equipment layout (if necessary). General Information All interested subcontractors, suppliers, distributors, etc. should submit their sub-bids to the bidding contractor(s) of their choice. Special attention is called to: o The University System of New Hampshire (USNH) uses a modified form of ConsensusDocs 200 Standard Agreement and General Conditions Between Owner and Constructor (Lump Sum). This document is available in the Buyer Attachments section of this event online. o This solicitation package contains a mix of USNH documents and documents provided by the design professional. If any discrepancy is noted between a USNH document and one provided by the design professional, the USNH document shall prevail. o All definitions in the bid, contract, general conditions, supplemental conditions, specifications, and other bidding and contract documents are incorporated herein by reference and are fully applicable hereto. o For all construction contracts; wherever the word "Contractor" is used, it is also meant to apply to Design/Build firms and CM firms. o If there is no outside (third party) design engineer on the project, then the word "Owner" should be substituted in any place where the term "design engineer" is stated. BID SECURITY AND BONDING (See Document 00020) Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond, bank draft or certified check in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the base bid. If a bid bond, it must be duly executed by the Bidder as the principal, and have as surety a company authorized to transact business in the state of New Hampshire and appearing in the U.S. Treasury Department's most current Circular 570, as amended. The completed bid bond shall be submitted as a PDF attachment in the Jaggaer tool with the bid. If a bank draft or certified check, it shall be drawn upon a state, or national, bank or trust company to the order of the University System of New Hampshire and must be dated on or before the date named for the opening of bids. A copy of the bank draft or certified check must be submitted as a PDF attachment in the Jaggaer tool with the bid. The original bank draft or certified check must be submitted within 24 hours of the bid due date & time in an envelope with the Event number and the name and address of the successful bidder on the envelope. Within ten (10) days after the formal opening of bids, bid securities in the form of bank drafts and certified checks will be returned to all except the three (3) lowest bidders. Except for the successful bidder, bid securities in the form of bank drafts and certified checks of the three lowest bidders will be returned within three (3) days after the execution of the contract. The successful bidder's bid security will be returned upon delivery of satisfactory one hundred percent (100%) performance and payment bonds. Performance and Payment Bonds (See Document 00020) Simultaneously with delivery of the fully executed contract, the successful bidder shall deliver to the Owner's Agent executed performance and payment bonds, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract sum, as security for the faithful performance of his contract and for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith. The bonds shall be drawn and have as surety a surety company acceptable to the Owner. Performance and payment bonds shall carry the Event number and the name and address of the successful bidder on the envelope. Should the successful bidder fail or refuse to execute and deliver the contract and the performance and payment bonds required within ten (10) days after the date of mailing, faxing, or delivery of the Owner's notice of the bid acceptance, the Bidder shall forfeit to the Owner, as liquidated damages for such failure or refusal, the deposit which the Bidder makes pursuant to the Bid Security section above, or the difference between his bid and the amount of the contract which the Owner actually enters into for the Work, whichever is less. If the contractor is a partnership, the bonds shall be signed and sealed by each of the individuals who are partners; if a corporation, the bonds shall be signed and sealed in the correct corporate name by a duly authorized officer, agent, or attorney-in-fact. The executed bonds shall be accompanied by (a) appropriate acknowledgments of the respective parties; (b) appropriate duly certified copy of power of attorney or other certificates of authority when bonds are executed by an agent, officer, or other representative of contractor or surety; (c) a duly certified extract from by-laws or resolutions of surety under which power of attorney or other certificate of authority of its agent, officer or representative was issued; and (d) certified copy of latest published financial statement of assets and liabilities of surety.




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November 14, 2024

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31 Langdon St, Plymouth, NH

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