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Published October 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Beulah, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Benzie County, in an effort to prevent disposal of household hazardous materials that would adversely affect the region's environmental resources, is planning household hazardous waste collection days to be held in the year 2024. The County will select a collection site, advertise, and schedule appointments for residents choosing to participate in the program. HHW collections will be scheduled for a four-hour period with approx. 250- 300 available appointments for the program date. The County is hereby soliciting proposals from interested contractors for the collection, sorting, labpacking, transportation, and proper disposal of household hazardous waste from the pre-determined collection sites and dates in 2024. There are two components to this request for proposal (RFP), one being a technical proposal and the second, a cost proposal. A signed service bid form must also accompany the proposal. The County reserves the right to award the contract to any contractor, or reject any or all proposals as it deems to be in its best interest. The County intends to award the contract to the Contractor who best meets the bid evaluation criteria as determined solely by the County and reserves the right to waive any defects, informalities or irregularities in any proposal. All pertinent material(s) must be submitted with the proposal. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Provide at the collection site, employees acceptable to the County, trained in the identification of hazardous waste as defined by federal, state, and local laws or regulations; and such materials and equipment as are necessary to handle, sort, containerize, label, load, and transport such waste from the County's service area in a manner conforming to federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Onsite safety and emergency preparedness is the responsibility of the contractor. 2. The contractor must accept legal generator status (by manifestation) and remove waste from the County facility immediately following the completion of the collection. 3. The contractor shall select methods for waste disposal that include recycling, energy recovery, and incineration in all instances where technically feasible to lessen the potential for negative environmental impact. 4. The contractor shall utilize only US EPA licensed TSD facilities. 5. The contractor is not allowed under any circumstances to subcontract any part of the work outlined in this proposal except that of the final disposal. 6. Contractor shall provide necessary supplies to include such items as US DOT approved drums, absorbents, vermiculite, and labels. RECORD KEEPING AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. All manifests required by the US Environmental Protection Agency and all regulatory agencies through which the wastes are transported and the final destination where the wastes will be disposed of are to be completed by the contractor with verification copies provided on a timely basis to the Benzie County Material Management Department, attention Dave Schaffer. 2. Contractor shall supply verification of general liability, automobile liability, pollution legal liability, and workers compensation insurance. a. General Liability $1,000,000 Comprehensive form, including premises, operations, independent contractors, contractual liability insurance, and products/completed operations hazards. b. Automobile Liability $1,000,000 Combined single limits bodily injury/property damage and Michigan no-fault coverage residential auto liability - comprehensive from covering owned, hired and non-owned automobiles. c. Pollution Legal Liability (Annual Aggregate) $2,000,000 d. Worker's Compensation Statutory 3. Contractor shall provide itemized statements for services rendered that shall include the itemization for labor, transportation, and disposal as provided in the Cost Proposal. Clean Sweep qualifying material will be invoiced separately, if applicable. 4. Contractor shall provide written verification that materials collected at the HHW programs obtained proper disposal, in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws, at the time of invoice for services rendered. Bids will be presented to and reviewed by the Materials Management Advisory Committee and presented to the Benzie County Board of Commissioners for approval. The submitting firm (Bidder) shall examine the Request for Bid Documents in order to collect all the information pertinent in order to become acquainted with the expected conditions. The County reserves the right to reject all bids or to award the contract to any Bidder in the County's sole discretion. The County may make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine the ability of the Bidder to perform the obligations listed in section 3.4 Technical Proposal Instructions (the Work) and the Bidder shall furnish to the County all such information and data for this purpose as the County may request. The County reserves the right to reject any Bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such Bidder fails to satisfy the County that such Bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Agreement and to complete the Work contemplated herein. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS In order for Benzie County Solid Waste Department to determine the contractor's ability to perform the services herein requested, each contractor is required to respond to the following: a. On-site Services to be Offered - Contractor is required to be on site 1 hour prior to collection at start time. A list of on-site services to be provided is to be included. Contractor will leave the collection site in a timely manner, once all waste has been containerized and documentation completed. Contractor shall provide written documentation of the total quantity and types of materials prior to leaving collection site. b. On-Site Equipment List - Contractor shall provide a list of on-site equipment that will be available at the collection facility. The list should include all fire prevention, safety, personal protective equipment, and other equipment, as the contractor deems suitable or necessary for this project. c. Identification of Unknowns - Contractor shall submit procedures by which the identity of unknown materials can be determined. This procedure should be performed at the collection site and should provide sufficient information to permit safe transportation of the chemicals in accordance with DOT regulations. d. Undesirable Waste - All household waste collected will be disposed of by the contractor or returned to the originating household. A list of unacceptable waste is to be included. The County shall not be responsible for any household hazardous waste disposal. e. Employee Profile - A listing of names of employees that will be involved in the on-site project, their level of education, training, and experience specifically related to the collection program is required. f. Flammable Bulking Procedures - Since flammable solvents may be bulked on site, standard operating procedures for bulking of flammable liquids must be submitted. g. Related Project Experience - A list of previous household hazardous waste projects performed by the contractor is required. This list is to include agency name, contact(s) telephone number(s), and a description/scope of the project. h. Transportation and Disposal Facility Lists - A complete listing of storage, transfer, transportation, and disposal facilities that may be utilized throughout the course of this project is required. The TSD facility list is to include the location, contact, phone, and federal identification number of each facility. Permits should be attached. The County requires utilization of US EPA licensed facilities. i. Contractor Truck Equipment - Contractor is required to provide documentation that DOT and all other required licenses have been obtained. j. Recycling - A listing of materials that will be recycled rather than disposed.
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