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Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Richfield, Utah. Completed plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

UDOT Richfield Tow Plow Building Construction, station, shed, electrical The purpose of this IFB is to enter into a contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder to provide: construction services related to The Utah Department of Transportation is seeking proposals for the construction of an addition to an existing building. The purpose of this addition is to provide a snow plow storage bay. This contract will result in one contract award to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The Awarded contractor will need to submit a performance and payment bond upon reward. Length of the Contract The contract resulting from this IFB will be through the completion of the contract. All Work must be completed by June 20 2025. Contacts Cody Nelson The UDOT Procurement Services Division is the issuing procurement unit and Region 4 is the conducting procurement unit for this IFB (referred to as "the State"). The reference number for this IFB is Solicitation #UDOT250105CN. This solicitation number must be referred to on all bids, correspondence, and documentation submitted to the State relating to this IFB. Each bid received shall be evaluated for responsiveness in as outlined in the Utah Procurement Code. This IFB shall be evaluated by the objective criteria described in this IFB. Bids submitted must comply with the prerequisites and questions sections of this IFB. Any bid that does not comply with the prerequisite and questions sections will be deemed non-responsive and will be rejected. The addition is to be a metal building with 3 insulated walls and an insulated roof. The roof height of the addition is to be field determined just below the existing building height. The roof slope will be maintained. The addition is to be 25'x 90' in size, connected to the north side of the existing maintenance station structure. See Photo. Use materials compatible with the existing building, including: gauge, size, color, and industry accepted construction methods and codes. Seal roof and wall connections to prevent entry of birds from the outside. There will be one 16'wide x 14' tall overhead door opening on each end. The garage doors will be installed by others, but the openings, bracing and electrical required will be installed by the contractor per included overhead door attachment. There will be two 3/0 x 7/0 man doors, one on each end. The man doors will be supplied and installed by the contractor. The contractor will connect to the existing building electrical panel and install 3 - LED 24" high bay light fixtures with a single three-way switch at each man door along with a double outlet on the wall below. In addition to the 3 exterior walls, steel post and beam construction will be attached to the existing building. This will carry the necessary additional snow/roof load. the proposed post layout is 22.5' O.C. Attach support columns to existing building footings. Footing dimensions will be 10" thick by 18" wide with 3 strands of #4 bar running longitudinally. The footings are to be below frost depth. The stem wall is 8" thick with #4 rebar vertically 2' on center. The floor is to be attached to the existing building with horizontal #4 rebar 24" O.C. and sealed against moisture and salt. The floor will slope from east to west at a minimum of 1%. The floor is 6" thick with #4 rebar 12" O.C. both directions. Concrete is to be AA/AE 4000 psi State approved mix. Sub-base is 6" of untreated road base underneath compacted to 95 % maximum laboratory density. 1.2 LICENSING: All work (Contractor or subcontractor) must be completed by entities licensed to perform such work in the State of Utah. Licenses must be provided.




Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work

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2385 Industrial Park Rd, Richfield, UT

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