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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Monroe, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

4.20 mi of hot mix asphalt shared-use path rehabilitation including base crushing, shaping and resurfacing, replacing timber deck, rub railing and kick boards and approach work on River Raisin Heritage Trail from National Battlefield Park to International Wildlife Refuge, Monroe County. This is a Local Agency project. Net classification required for this project is 6595 Ea Completion Date:6/30/2026 In addition to the above minimum prequalification requirement for prime contractors this project includes a subclassification of Cb. If the prime contractor is not prequalified in those subclassifications it must use prequalified subcontractors. Those subcontractors must be designated prior to award of the contract to the confirmed low bidder. Control Sec Job No Federal No EAR 58000 219013A 24A0954 MIDOT - 2411 057 - Hot Mix Asphalt Shared-use Path Rehabilitation Including Base Crushing, Shaping and Resurfacing, Replacing Timber Deck, Rub Railing and Kick Boards and Approach Work on River Raisi This special provision consists of requirements and restrictions to maintain traffic on Elm Avenue in the city of Monroe and within Sterling State Park in Monroe County. This work consists of the Contractor consulting with the representative of the Norfolk Southern Corporation (herein after called the Railroad) to determine the necessity for, the type of, and cost of protection required for ensuring the safety and continuity of Railroad traffic and payment to the Railroad for protective services when doing work on, above, or below the Railroad property This work consists of providing Railroad Protective Liability Insurance before work is commenced and kept in effect until all work required to be performed under the terms of the contract is satisfactorily completed as evidenced by the formal acceptance by the Michigan Department of Transportation (Department). Contractors are advised that a known population of Eastern Fox Snake is nearby or within the project area. This state threatened species is protected under Michigan's Endangered Species Act ,1994 PA 451 Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Part 365 Endangered Species Protection. This special provision addresses education, notification, and intentional take prohibitions to protect the Eastern Fox Snake as required by Part 365 and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. This work consists of all tree removals and clearing of vegetation three inches or greater in diameter required for a local agency project as defined in sections 201 and 202 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. Due to the potential presence of state and federally protected bat species, complete all tree removals and clearing between the dates that correspond to the project location as shown on the Michigan Tree Removal Dates map (Figure 1, Page 2) and Supplemental Information tables (pages 3 and 4). This work shall consist of removal of root and woody debris within the limits of HMA Base Crushing and Shaping. This work includes the removal and disposal of existing signs, poles, wire, concrete base, and other miscellaneous items associated with existing signs as shown on the plans and in accordance with section 204 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, except as herein modified. This work includes the removal and disposal of existing bollards as shown on the plans and in accordance with section 204 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, except as herein modified. This special provision identifies the price(s) that will be used in all payment adjustments for work related to HMA item(s) used in conjunction with this contract. If the Contractors bid is lower than the established base price any positive adjustment will use the Contractors bid in the calculation for the adjustment. If the Contractors bid is lower than the established base price any negative adjustment will use the base price established herein in the calculation for the adjustment. If the Contractors bid is higher than the established base price any positive adjustment will use the Contractors bid in the calculation for the adjustment. If the Contractors bid is higher than the established base price any negative adjustment will use the Contractors bid in the calculation for the adjustment. This work consists of providing all labor, materials, and equipment to furnish and install a reinforced earth retaining wall system to the limits shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. The work includes preparing and compacting grades; furnishing, placing, and anchoring the wire forms, furnishing and installing geotextiles, and furnishing, placing, and compacting the fill material, and furnishing and installing all others appurtenances as necessary and as required for the work. Construct in accordance with the manufacturer's published guidelines, the Standard Specifications for Construction, as shown on the Project Plans, and as described herein. This work consists of providing all labor, hardware, materials, and equipment to reinstall bridge deck joint coverplate. Construct in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Construction, as shown on the Project Plans, and as described herein. Provide all materials, equipment and labor to complete gazebo repairs as indicated in the plans and in accordance with the 2020 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction and as modified herein. Gazebo repairs include roof repairs and power washing. This work consists of removing vegetation from the bridge mounted chain link fence and repairing and/or replacing broken fence attachments to the bridge members in accordance with sections 201, 707, and 808 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, including any supplemental specifications, and as described herein. This work consists of removing existing approach railing, producing shop drawings, fabricating, furnishing, delivery to the site and installation of all timber members and required hardware for the Timber Approach Rail. Ensure all work is performed in accordance with section 709 of Standard Specifications for Construction, including any supplemental specifications, except as modified herein. This work consists of furnishing and installing signs, supports, and mounting hardware in accordance with the details on the plans and this special provision. This work consists of constructing riprap in accordance with the plans, permits, and in accordance with section 813 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, as modified herein or as directed by the Engineer. This work consists of furnishing and installing removable bollards at locations as shown on the plans. This work consists of furnishing and installing site furniture as detailed on the plans. Perform work in accordance with the standard specifications, this special provision, and as directed by the Engineer. The site furniture includes: 1. Bench 2. Picnic Table 3. Trash Receptacle 4. Bike Rack 5. Bike Repair Station Perform work using experienced personnel with satisfactory record of performance on completed projects of comparable size and quality. Provide documentation if required by the Engineer. All site furniture work will be controlled by shop drawing review and design. This work consists of providing all labor, materials and equipment to furnish and install a geocellular confinement system (geocell) to the limits shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The geocellular confinement system includes, preparing, and compacting grades; furnishing, placing, and anchoring the geocell mattress; and placing and compacting the fill material. Construct in accordance with the manufacturer's published guidelines, the standard specifications and as detailed herein. This work consists of preparing the site, planting, and maintaining native grasses and wildflowers plantings at locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Ensure all work is done in accordance with the standard specifications, except as noted in this special provision and when directed by the Engineer. At least 10 calendar days prior to starting work, the Contractor performing the native grasses and wildflowers seeding work must provide the Engineer with documentation that they meet one or both of the following requirements. 1. At least one person employed by the Contractor and assigned to the job site must have a degree or certificate in Turf Management, Horticulture, or related field. 2. At least one person employed by the Contractor and assigned to the job site must have a least 5 years of experience in native perennial plant establishment. This work consists of preparing all lawns and slopes on non-freeway projects designated for slope restoration on the plans or as directed by the Engineer and applying topsoil, fertilizer, seed, mulch with mulch anchor, mulch blanket, high velocity mulch blanket, permanent turf reinforcement mat (TRM), bonded fiber matrix (BFM), or modified mulch blanket to those areas. Ensure turf establishment is in accordance with section 816 and 917 of the Standard Specifications for Construction and Standard Plan R-100 Series, except as modified herein or otherwise directed by the Engineer. This special provision sets out the requirements for all fine aggregate used in Portland cement concrete (PCC) mixtures to be tested by an independent testing laboratory and determined to be resistant to the potential for deleterious expansion caused by alkali-silica reactivity (ASR). ASR testing is not required for concrete pavement repairs, temporary concrete pavements, and other items covered by the contract. Except as explicitly modified by this special provision, all materials, test methods, and PCC mixture requirements of the standard specifications and the contract apply. This special provision establishes pay factor and price adjustments for Portland cement concrete (PCC) based on Quality Assurance (QA) testing of 28-day compressive strength and fresh concrete air content of PCC. Perform all work in accordance with the standard specifications and this special provision. This special provision establishes the requirements for dissemination of any public relations communications and/or products intended for an external audience pertaining to this contract. Dissemination must not be made without prior written approval from the Department's Office of Communications, and then only in accordance with explicit instructions by the Department. This includes the use of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) logo. A violation of this provision may be considered a default of contract and the Department may exercise its rights in accordance with subsection 108.11 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. A value engineering change proposal (VECP) modifying plans, specifications, or other contract requirements may be submitted for this project if the proposed change results in reduced construction cost, a higher quality product, improved safety, or a shorter contract time. The estimated cost savings must be quantifiable in relation to the contract cost. No work can begin before written authorization. The proposed change must not alter the essential functions or characteristics of the project or significantly delay the completion of the project. A VECP or conceptual VECP will only be considered after project award. Essential functions and characteristics include, but are not limited to, service life, operating costs, ease of maintenance, desired appearance, impact on utilities and right-of-way, mobility and safety of the motorist, bicyclist and pedestrian; safety of all onsite workers (construction, inspection, testing, etc.) in the progress of the work, design standards, and safety standards. This special provision does not restrict the Contractor from proposing improvements to the project that may not result in net cost savings. A conceptual VECP stating the basic concept and approximate cost savings may be submitted for preliminary consideration. This work consists of meeting MDOT's construction document management (CDM) system requirements. Submit all project documentation for this contract in electronic format and place it in MDOT's CDM system, unless otherwise noted in this special provision. No paper documents, in printed format (faxes, letters, etc.) are permitted except as allowed by this special provision or specifically approved by the Engineer. The Contractor is responsible for keeping all information in the CDM system up to date throughout the execution of the contract. This work consists of the required use of a prevailing wage and labor compliance (PWLC) system for all prevailing wage documentation as directed by the Engineer. Input all required certified payroll documentation into the PWLC system (LCPtracker) and update this documentation throughout the execution of the contract. Certified payroll information is to be submitted in the PWLC system per the time requirements in the 20SP-107D - Labor Compliance. Contractors are advised that bridges and large culverts similar to those in this project are often attractive places for nesting birds such as swallows and phoebes. Burrow nesting species (swallows and the Belted Kingfisher) may also take advantage of banks created during earth-moving or soil storage, making it necessary to prevent excavation of new nesting burrows. Taking of migratory birds or nests with eggs and chicks without a federal permit is prohibited by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. 703-712). This federal law protects migratory birds, their nests and young, and provides enforcement authority to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and contains severe penalties for violations. Adherence of the Department to these provisions by the FHWA is required under federal law. This special provision addresses the actions required of the Contractor to protect the above mentioned bird species as required by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. E-Verify is an Internet-based system that allows an employer, using information reported on an employee's Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to determine the eligibility of that employee to work in the United States. There is no charge to employers to use E-Verify. The E-Verify system is operated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration. E-Verify is available in Spanish. The State of Michigan is requiring all Contractors, and Subcontractors, to verify that new employees are legally present and authorized to work in the United States, using the E-Verify System. Information on registration for and use of the E-Verify program can be obtained via the Internet at the DHS Web site: It is the responsibility of the Contractor to include this specification in all tiers of subcontracts. The required use of the E-Verify system will not be paid for separately as part of the contract but is considered included in the costs for other pay items in the contract. Ensure all levels of contracting (prime, sub, sub-sub, etc.) comply with all labor compliance requirements in this contract. The Contractor is responsible for subcontractors and lower tier subcontractor labor compliance. Job site poster requirements apply to state and federally funded projects. All Contractors must insert this special provision in each subcontract and further require its inclusion in lower tier subcontracts. This work consists of obtaining any necessary permits and notifying the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and/or local airport zoning authority if any permanent structures or temporary structures (temporary scaffolding, forms, poles, crane booms, etc.) exceed the requirements listed in this special provision, no matter the duration. A copy of any permits (FAA, Michigan Tall Structure and local or municipal airport zoning) obtained by the Department are included in the contract. Contractors are advised that the project area has a known population of the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake or is within its known range. This species is listed as federally threatened under the U. S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act). Taking (killing, harming, or disturbing in any manner) of Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake without a federal permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is prohibited under federal law. The Act provides enforcement authority to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and contains severe penalties for violations. The Contractor is liable to the Department for any penalties imposed for violations to the Act due to the Contractor's failure to comply with this special provision. Fines and penalties range up to $50,000 and 1 year in prison. Violation of any requirement listed below can lead to an immediate work stoppage in Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake habitat. FHWA is required under federal law to assure MDOT is compliant with these provisions or risk losing federal funding for the project. This special provision addresses education, notification and intentional take requirements of the Contractor and their workers to protect the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake as required under the Act. This special provision outlines the requirements for projects that contain Environmentally Sensitive Area(s) as indicated by the Department's Environmental Services Section. Within these Environmentally Sensitive Areas no access or disturbance of any kind is allowed at any time. Non-compliance with this special provision will result in the issuance of a Notice of NonCompliance with contract requirements and potential involvement of the state/federal regulatory agencies for violation of state/federal environmental laws and regulations. The Contractor is liable for any fines/penalties for violations. This work consists of handling, transporting, disposing of non-hazardous contaminated material, including all laboratory testing required for the proper disposal of the material and site restoration of temporary storage locations. Ensure this special provision is not employed without authorization by the Engineer. The laboratory testing will be used to solicit landfill approval and is not intended to determine whether or not the material is contaminated. Soil delineated on the plans and classified as non-hazardous contaminated cannot be used elsewhere on the project regardless of the laboratory test results unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. This special provision establishes negative adjustments related to the failure to properly install and maintain soil erosion and sedimentation control (SESC) measures and the conditions under which these adjustments will be determined and applied. Nothing in this special provision modifies section 107 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. Delays to the project as a result of the Contractor conducting corrective actions for SESC measures do not constitute a valid reason for an extension of time. Ensure deficiencies with SESC measures are corrected in the time frame stated herein. For those deficiencies not corrected within the stated time frame, the Engineer will make a negative adjustment to the contract as stated herein. This work consists of the Contractor taking samples of the asphalt binder and delivering the samples to the Engineer prior to incorporation into the hot mix asphalt mixture. This special provision provides sampling and testing requirements for local agency projects using the roller method and the nuclear density gauge testing. Provide the hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixture in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications, except where modified herein. This special provision provides sampling and testing requirements for local agency projects using the roller method and the nuclear density gauge testing. Provide the hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixture in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications, except where modified herein. This special provision specifies the AWS Code year and associated revisions to the Code to be used for the project. This work consists of delivering, installing, maintaining, relocating, and removing a temporary pedestrian Type II barricade section as identified in the proposal or on the plans. Use temporary pedestrian Type II barricades to close non-motorized facilities including sidewalks, bicycle paths, pedestrian paths, and shared use paths that are not part of the roadway. One pedestrian Type II barricade is defined as a barricade section at least 43 inches wide, including all supports, ballast, and hardware. This work requires the sampling and testing of grass seed and grass seed mixes for each lot on all projects that include more than 24,200 square yards (5 acres) or 1100 pounds of cool season grass(es) by an independent seed testing laboratory prior to placement. If the Engineer suspects a problem with quality and mix design, sampling and testing frequency may be increased. Tags from seed bags are not a substitution for testing results. For this project, regardless of the application, the use of industrial byproducts covered in 2014 PA 178 is prohibited unless the use and application of a particular material is covered elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor may substitute Type IL Portland cement in lieu of Type I Portland cement for concrete mixtures and other applications where Type I Portland cement is specified, provided documentation showing specification compliance is provided as described herein. The Contractor must provide the Engineer a minimum of 14 calendar days prior notification of their intent to substitute Type IL Portland cement in lieu of Type I Portland cement for the project. This special provision covers when recycled rubber or plastic products may be used. . Micronized copper water based wood preservative systems are an alternate to the preservative systems identified in section 912 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, except on wood posts used for signing. Micronized copper water based wood preservative systems are proprietary systems used to treat timber and lumber for resistance to insect attack, decay, and rot. Proprietary micronized copper based wood preservative systems are evaluated by the International Code Council Evaluation Service, Inc (ICC-ES). This special provision covers the requirements for micronized copper azole (MCA) and micronized copper quaternary (MCQ).


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

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River Raisin Heritage Trail, Monroe, MI

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