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Published November 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in E Harwich, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Monomoy Regional School District (the "District") invites bids from qualified contractors to provide: Labor and materials to install a new HVAC Roof top unit to replace an existing unit at Harwich Elementary School, 263 South Street, Harwich, MA 02645. The district has already purchased the unit. The successful bidder must provide all the necessary labor and materials to remove the existing roof top heating and ventilation unit and install the replacement unit. This must include: Project management. Acquisition of permits as necessary. Disconnect, removal and proper disposal of existing unit. Rig new unit onto roof in existing location Installation of the replacement unit, in same location. o Connect electrical and other piping and wiring as necessary. o Integrate with existing Trane Tracer SC control system. Startup and ensure proper operation The district has already purchased the replacement unit, expected delivery October 30, 2024. Question Deadline 10/18/2024 at 2:00 PM ET All questions must be submitted by email to the primary procurement contact. Each bidder must submit with its bid a bid deposit equal to five percent of the amount of the bid. The bid deposit may be in the form of a certified, treasurer's or cashier's check payable to the awarding authority from a responsible bank or trust company; cash; or a bid bond from a licensed surety. After the lowest responsible and eligible bidder is notified of the contract award, they must provide the District with a payment bond, in the amount of 50% of the contract price. The selected bidder will have ten business days after receiving the contract to furnish the required payment and performance bonds and execute the contract. The District reserves the right to request the original bid deposit document until such Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required Contract Security (Bonds) and Insurance Binders. If the selected bidder fails to execute and deliver the agreement and furnish the required documents within five (5) working days of the Notice of Award, the District may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that Bidder will be forfeited to the District as liquidated damages. DCAMM certification is not required for this project. No filed sub-bids are required for this Project. The District will award the contract within 30 days of the bid opening, which time may be extended by mutual agreement with the selected bidder. The District reserves the right to reject all bids. The District also reserves the right to reject for cause, any bid in whole or in part; to waive technical defects; qualifications, irregularities; and omissions if, in its judgment, it will serve the best interest of the District.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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October 29, 2024

November 28, 2024


263 South St, E Harwich, MA

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