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Published December 31, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Boston, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Arnold Arboretum Poplar Gate Path Jamaica Plain The following summarizes the RFQ information. The submitting firm is encouraged to read the entire RFQ for details relevant to the project scope and the RFQ response. Projects will be initiated as BPRD project management staffing allows. Improvements to parks and open spaces shall be guided by the City of Boston's sustainability goals and guidelines including Climate Ready Boston and the BPRD Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design and Implementation Guide to keep Boston growing green. Park improvements shall be informed by the City's policy goals of making parks more family-friendly, healthy, and safe, while also reducing energy consumption and minimizing carbon footprint. Where applicable, the creative integration of green infrastructure and programming shall be explored. Scope: The Arnold Arboretum is a unique public/private partnership with Harvard University and the City of Boston. The Arnold Arboretum owns the collection - trees, plant material, and program elements to support the collection - and the City of Boston's Parks Department owns the property and the infrastructure, including pathways and drainage. The Arboretum is a key link in Frederick Law Olmsted's Emerald Necklace. While the project area itself is not a designated City of Boston Landmark, the site has historic significance to Olmsted's legacy and to open space in the City. The Arnold Arboretum is underway with Improvements to the Poplar Gate, an entry to the Arboretum's Peters Hill landscape at the Flora Way (formerly Bussey Street) and South Street intersection. BPRD is planning a companion project from Poplar Gate to Peters Hill Road that will improve the road surface, used primarily by pedestrians, by resurfacing the asphalt and uncovering the hidden historic cobble gutters. The design shall complement the design features of the Poplar Gate project. The selected designer shall be experienced with working in historic landscapes and shall be required to work closely with the Arnold Arboretum and City of Boston staff. Base Fee: $70,000 Supplemental Fee: $15,000 All inquiries and requests for clarification are due in writing to cathy.baker-eclipse@boston.gov by 4:00 p.m. Monday, October 28, 2024. Responses will be sent by Friday, November 1, 2024


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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125 Arborway, Boston, MA

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Arnold Arboretum Poplar Gate Path Jamaica Plain

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