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Published November 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Menoken, North Dakota. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and bridge / tunnel.

Proposed Work Consists of 9.7030 Miles of Grading, Salvaged Base Course, Doweled Pcc Pavement, Mill and Hma Overlay, Bridge Approach Slabs, Culverts, Guardrail, and Fencing Located I-94, Bismarck E to E of Menoken - Eb And Involves Approximately: 1 L Sum Contract Bond; 1 L Sum E-ticketing; 1 L Sum Clearing & Grubbing; 110166 Ton Remove Aggregate Base & Surfacing; 1 L Sum Removal of Structure-site 1; 1 L Sum Removal of Structure-site 2; 1 L Sum Removal of Structure-site 3; 1 L Sum Removal of Concrete; 70 Lf Removal of Curb & Gutter; 60850 Ton Removal of Pavement; 10 Ea Removal of End Section-all Types & Sizes; 1783 Lf Removal of Pipe All Types and Sizes; 53533 Lf Remove Existing Fence; 4 Ea Removal of Temporary Bypass; 79935 Cy Common Excavation-type a; 59034 Cy Topsoil; 2537 Cy Borrow-excavation; 3895 M Gal Water; 1 L Sum Prepare Stockpile Site; 1 L Sum Restore Stockpile Site; 112.7 Acre Seeding Class Ii; 112.8 Acre Temporary Cover Crop; 225.5 Acre Soil Stabilization; 5540 Sy Ecb Type 3; 227 Cy Riprap Grade I; 277 Cy Riprap Grade Ii; 195 Cy Riprap Grade Iii; 3664 Lf Silt Fence Unsupported; 3664 Lf Remove Silt Fence Unsupported; 39230 Lf Fiber Rolls 12in; 18822 Lf Remove Fiber Rolls 12in; 141394 Ton Salvaged Base Course; 2619 Gal Tack Coat; 11508 Gal Prime Coat; 6034 Sy Milling Pavement Surface - 2 Inch; 10772 Ton Rap - Superpave Faa 43; 118 Ea Cored Sample; 500 Ton Patching; 382 Ton Pg 58s-34 Asphalt Cement; 1008 Sy 8in Non-reinf Concrete Pavement Cl Ae; 187025 Sy 9in Non-reinf Concrete Pvmt Cl Ae-doweled; 74 Lf 3in Expansion Joint; 50 Sy Concrete Sleeper Slab; 4.1 Cy Class Ae-3 Concrete; 164.4 Sy Bridge Approach Slab-remove & Replace; 940 Sy Penetrating Water Repellent Treatment; 50 Sf Curb Repair; 1045 Sf Special Surface Finish; 392 Lf Double Box Beam Rail Retrofit-free Standing; 2 Ea Connection Plate Modification; 1 L Sum Mobilization; 3300 Mhr Flagging; 6803 Unit Traffic Control Signs; 8 Ea Attenuation Device-type B-75; 52 Ea Type Iii Barricade; 240 Ea Delineator Drums; 368 Ea Tubular Markers; 195 Ea Delineator; 609 Ea Flexible Delineators; 6 Ea Vertical Panels-back to Back; 4 Ea Sequencing Arrow Panel-type C; 2 Ea Sequencing Arrow Panel-type C-crossover; 2 Ea Flashing Beacon; 5767 Sf Obliteration Of Pavement Marking; 2840 Lf State Furnished Median Barrier; 2 Ea Vehicle Speed Feedback Sign; 1 Ea Field Office; 1 Ea Aggregate Laboratory; 1 Ea Bituminous Laboratory; 1 Ea Contractor's Laboratory; 323873 Sy Geosynthetic Material Type G; 1094 Sy Geosynthetic Material Type Rr; 2 Ea Temporary Bypass; 122 Lf Pipe Conc Reinf 18in Cl Iii; 16 Lf Pipe Conc Reinf 24in Cl Iii; 28 Lf Pipe Conc Reinf 30in Cl Iii; 10 Lf Pipe Conc Reinf 36in Cl Iii; 22 Lf Pipe Conc Reinf 42in Cl Iii; 14 Lf Pipe Conc Reinf 72in Cl Iii; 9 Ea End Sect-traversable Reinf. Conc.18in; 1 Ea End Sect-traversable Reinf. Conc.24in; 76 Ea Headwall-precast Concrete 4in; 256 Lf Pipe Conduit 12in; 356 Lf Pipe Conduit 15in; 625 Lf Pipe Conduit 24in; 1009 Lf Pipe Conduit 30in; 876 Lf Pipe Conduit 36in; 158 Lf Pipe Conduit 84in; 106 Lf Pipe Conduit 90in; 165 Lf Pipe Conduit 108in; 1 Ea Relay End Section-all Types & Sizes; 12 Lf Remove & Relay Pipe-all Types & Sizes; 13 Ea Remove & Relay End Section-all Type & Sizes; 21332 Lf Underdrain Pipe Pvc Perforated 4in; 7 Ea Right of Way Markers; 7 Ea Alignment Monuments; 2 Ea Iron Pin R/w Monuments; 10 Ea Iron Pin Reference Monuments; 2 Ea Adjust Inlet; 70 Lf Curb & Gutter-type I; 20 Lf Curb & Gutter-type 1 Special; 69 Sy Sidewalk Concrete 4in; 40 Sf Detectable Warning Panels; 51752 Lf Fence Barbed Wire 4 Strand-wood Post; 1302 Lf Fence Chain Link; 4 Ea Fence Terminal; 5 Ea Vehicle Gate; 5 Ea Remove Vehicle Gate; 32 Ea Corner Assembly-wood Post; 4 Ea Corner Assembly Chain Link; 43 Ea Double Brace Assembly-wood Post; 89 Sf Flat Sheet for Signs-type Xi Refl Sheeting; 52 Sf Flat Sheet for Signs-type Iv Refl Sheeting; 102 Ea Delineators-type a-single Sided; 40 Ea Delineators-type B; 12 Ea Delineators-type E; 9 Ea Delineators-type D; 215 Lf Steel Galv Posts-telescoping Perforated Tube; 116 Lf Galv Steel Post-standard Pipe; 517 Lf Galv Steel Posts-w-shape Posts(Two or More); 62 Sf Panel for Signs-type Xi Reflective Sheeting; 775 Sf Panel for Signs-type Iv Reflective Sheeting; 10 Ea Interstate Mile Posts-type C; 82 Ea Object Markers - Culverts; 4 Cy Class Ae Concrete-sign Foundations; 26 Ea Remove Sign Foundation; 19.492 Mile Sinusoidal Rumble Strip - Concrete Shoulder; 2624 Lf Epoxy Pvmt Mk 4in Line; 3837 Lf Epoxy Pvmt Mk 6in Line; 4186 Lf Epoxy Pvmt Mk 6in Line-grooved; 49 Lf Epoxy Pvmt Mk 12in Line-grooved; 22799 Ea Raised Pavement Markers; 7210 Lf Short Term 6in Line-type Nr; 51010 Lf Pvmt Mk Painted 4in Line; 232808 Lf Pvmt Mk Painted 6in Line; 87 Lf Pvmt Mk Painted 24in Line; 66 Lf Pvmt Mk Painted Curb Top & Face; 656 Lf Wbeam Guardrail; 6 Ea W-beam Guardrail End Terminal; 581 Lf Remove W-beam Guardrail & Posts; 3 Ea Remove End Treatment & Transition; 3 Ea Modify Barrel Attenuation Device; 2 Ea Remove Pull Box; 1 Ea Feed Point-flashing Beacon; 1 Ea Flashing Beacon; 3 Ea Temporary Stream Diversion; 2 Ea Shoring; 1600 Lf Crack Sealing. *** End of Project 22957*** Bid Range - $30,000,001 to $40,000,000 Prequalification is required for all bidders submitting a bidding proposal form. Prequalification is required annually. Prequalified contractors who wish to renew their prequalification must submit a complete "Contractor's Prequalification Statement" by July 1 of each calendar year. Bidders who are not currently prequalified must submit a complete "Contractor's Prequalification Statement" at least 10 business days prior to the date of the bid opening. Information is available from the Construction Services Division of the North Dakota Department of Transportation. A bid guarantee is required by Section 24-02-20, NDCC. The bid guarantee may be a bid bond equal to 10 percent of the full amount of the bid or a cashier's check of the bidder on a solvent bank equal to 5 percent of the bid. Bid bond shall be on the department form SFN 14196. Prior arrangements may be made with the department to file bid guarantees in advance. The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals, to waive technicalities, or to accept such as may be determined to be for the best interests of the state. NDDOT - 22957 - Grading, Salvaged Base Course, Doweled PCC Pavement, Mill and HMA Overlay, Bridge Approach Slabs, Culverts, Guardrail, and Fencing - I-94 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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November 15, 2024

January 14, 2025


I-94, Menoken, ND

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