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Published December 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Seattle, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Seattle is seeking qualifications for On-Call Professional Engineering Services. All questions are to be submitted through Electronically no later than 1:00 pm on Thursday, October 24, 2024. Procurement Contact: Valerie Blevins, Contracts Specialist, valerie.blevins2@seattle.gov, (206) 615-1167 The term of the on-call contract(s) shall begin on the date of execution by the General Manager and CEO of Seattle City Light (SCL), or designee, and is expected to span over a maximum of (5) years. SCL is seeking to contract with more than one Consultant. SCL has identified a budget not to exceed Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000.00) for all contracts over a 5-year period. SCL anticipates work done under all contracts not to exceed Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) per year for years 2025-2030. The budgeted dollar amount associated with any Work Assignment/Authorization will be identified when that Work Assignment/Authorization is executed. The specific scope of work, project schedule, due dates for deliverables, and costs shall be developed and negotiated prior to an executed Work Assignment/Authorization. The City expects to achieve the following outcomes through this consultant solicitation: To have a pool of qualified professional engineering firms who have: demonstrated engineering expertise in working on Transmission, Distribution, Streetlighting, and Substation projects. Scope of Work The work to be performed under the On-Call Professional Engineering Services contract is anticipated to be intermittent in nature, with work assigned to the Consultant(s) as required by Seattle City Light (SCL). SCL does not guarantee the amount of work that will be authorized under the Contract. Specific work Assignments/Authorizations will be negotiated between SCL and the awarded Consultant(s) at the time the services are required by SCL. The specific scope, deliverables, cost, and scheduling of such services will be defined in detail in each Work Assignment/Authorization (WA) issued by SCL and accepted by the Consultant. All work shall be performed under the administrative direction of a designated SCL Project Manager. Staff augmentation: the Consultant will provide a resource to work at SCL's discretion on engineering tasks. This resource may need to work on site at SCL facilities which may include the Seattle area, Boundary or Skagit locations. Upon execution of a Work Assignment/Authorization, the awarded Consultant shall be timely in meeting project milestones, as many of these projects will include multiple phases. More specifically, the scope entails: Underground and overhead electrical engineering including, but not limited to, transmission, distribution, service, substation, control systems, conduit, lighting, duct bank systems, trenchless system/horizontal directional drilling design, waterproofing and grounding systems, ducts, vaults, handholes, pole replacements and removals. Civil engineering related to conduit, pole setting, and site restoration. Engineering research, analysis, evaluation, monitoring, recommendations, design, plans, specifications, cost estimates, plan review, policy development, permitting, record drawings, reports, public relations, staff relevant training, evaluations, load forecasting and power system studies, coordination, value engineering, utility mapping, utility coordination, condition assessments and utility data collection, utility relocation design and coordination, construction administration and inspection. Lessons learned, claims mitigation, claim response, and expert witness. Civil, trenchless, and other engineering may be required to complete the scope of work for a specific project. The work assignments may include sub consultants as necessary to fully design a particular project. Consultants shall comply with SCL Standards (construction, design, and material), City of Seattle Standard Plans and Specifications and other governing Standards including National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) compliance. Preferred Qualifications: Principal\Senior Engineer has bachelor's degree in related field with minimum 5 years engineering design experience plus Professional Engineering License from the State of Washington Associate Engineer has bachelor's degree in related field with a minimum 3 years engineering design experience Engineer has bachelor's degree in related field Engineering Support\CAD Drafter has associate's degree or equivalent; Minimum 1 year of CAD design and drafting experience 8.2. Pre-Submittal Conference The City offers an optional pre-submittal conference at the time, date and location on the Timeline. Respondents are highly encouraged to attend but not required to attend to be eligible to submit their qualifications. The meeting answers questions about the solicitation and clarifies issues. This also allows Respondents to raise concerns. Failure to raise concerns over any issues at this opportunity will be a consideration in any protest filed regarding such items known as of this pre-submittal conference. 8.3. Questions Respondents may submit their questions through the Procurement Portal. Respondents may also email questions to the Procurement Contact until the deadline stated in the Timeline. Failure to request clarification of any inadequacy, omission, or conflict will not relieve the Consultant of responsibilities under any subsequent contract. It is the responsibility of the interested Consultant to assure they receive responses to questions if any are issued. The City may reject any or all submissions with no penalty. The City may waive immaterial defects and minor irregularities in any submitted response. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time. Interviews will not be held.



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