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Published November 5, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

Closing Time: 12:00 PM (NT) Question Acceptance Deadline 2024/10/29 12:00:00 PM NDT 1. Remove all garbage in unit and exterior yard, including tenant installed items and dispose of at proper waste disposal site. 2. Supply and install new mailbox at front entrance. 3. Remove Satellite from above front entrance and patch where required. 4. Supply and install new framed kitchen cabinets and countertop and related hardware as per specifications and DWG 6-102. Supplier must submit shop drawings for cabinets indicating cabinet sizing, and a countertop sample for approval prior to the start of work. Supply and install new sink into new countertop in existing location. Supply and install new kitchen faucets as per specifications. All plumbing work to be completed as per specifications. Contractor responsible for any damages to walls and finishes as a result of work completed. 5. Supply and install new range hood Broan Sahale 250 CFM 1.5 Sones, or approved equal, white range hood complete with grease filter and light bulb socket and bulb to new location as per attached drawing and as per specification. 6. Remove two interior doors (basement and front right bedroom door) and dispose of at proper waste disposal site. Repairs door boxes where required. Supply and install new doors where removed as per specifications complete with new trim and hardware. 7. Remove all foreign materials such as loose plaster and/or paint, wall anchors, all cable wires, wall paper, etc. from all walls. Plaster any damaged walls, ceilings, etc. throughout unit to a fine finish. Prime walls with fresh start primer to ensure good adhesion to possible possible oil paint. Ensure all new plaster has sufficient coats of primer to prevent burn through into new paint finish. Existing dark colors may require more coats to ensure required finish. All walls. door trim, window trim, baseboards and doors to be painted with Glidden ULTRA Interior Latex Paint Semi-Gloss, Universal Grey, or approved equal. Paint basement walls where sheathing is present. Flat ceiling paint is to be listed as an approved product on masters painters institute #53. 8. Supply and install new Rigid Core Vinyl Plank 150mm x 1211.2mm non-glue Flooring with 4.5mm thickness, 1mm underlay and 0.3 mm wear layer, Torlys Bluepeter(color) or approved equal throughout entire main floor and second floor of unit. Infill missing/reattach loose existing floor tiles to ensure flat level surface for installation of new flooring over existing. Color Samples to be submitted to NL Housing for approval. Supply one extra box of unopened flooring to be left in unit, Possible rot/contamination of floor decking in living room/dining room, porch and bathroom. Replace floor decking if required, unit prices to be entered on page TF-8. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.

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November 5, 2024

December 5, 2024


20 Bartle Pl, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL

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