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Site work for a water / sewer project in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Osage Nation is soliciting sealed bids for a contractor to provide construction services for replacing selected existing sanitary sewer manholes in Hominy, OK. Osage Preference will apply. This project will be awarded to one contractor. The Osage Nation reserves the right to reject any and bids. The Project is located within one of the Osage Nation's Villages, the Hominy Village, situated on Assessor Parcel No. 06-22-09-00700 in Osage County within northeastern Oklahoma and bounded by Friends Road/E. 3 rd Street to the north; vegetation to the east; Tee Pee Road to the south; and S. Eastern Avenue to the west. The Project consists of replacing selected existing sanitary sewer manholes within the Hominy Village. The primary work elements ("the Work") includes but is not limited to the following: Provide all materials, equipment, and labor necessary to replace existing brick and mortar or broken concrete manholes with new precast concrete manholes that were determined qualified for replacement. The completed Work will also require pre-construction field verification with City of Hominy staff for all selected existing sewer laterals; pre-construction survey; installation of flow control bypass systems into existing sewer mains and around existing manholes, selected for replacement; disconnection of selected existing sewer manholes; construction and installation of new sewer manholes - with new flow lines and inlets/outlets invert elevations sized for future mainline increased sizing and elevations to match existing sewer main flow lines; connection of new sewer manhole to existing sewer main line to match existing reduced sizing and flow lines; removal of flow control bypass system; pressure test of new (connection) pipeline; leakage testing of the new sewer manholes; full removal of replaced sewer pipe and manholes; and post construction cleaning and video inspection of new manholes and new connecting pipe. The Project may require removal of one or two trees. Additional details of the Work are provided in the Contract Drawings. Proper construction phasing will be required for this project to minimize interruption of sewer service to all affected customers located within and outside the Hominy Village. Approval of Successful Bidder's construction schedule will be required prior to issuance of Notice to Proceed. The Nation's Procurement Officer may not answer questions received less than ten (10) Days prior to the date for opening of Bids


Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Pawhuska, OK

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