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Published December 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Well Redevelopment The Work under this Contract includes, but is not necessarily limited to, furnishing all necessary equipment, labor, tools, chemicals, supplies, and appurtenances to completely redevelop Wells No. 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4, and 5 and furnishing all services, equipment, materials, devices, facilities, and appurtenances. Required for DCAMM contracts over $150,000, Highway Division contracts over $50,000. Question Deadline 10/31/2024 at 5:00 PM ET Every request for such interpretation should be in writing, emailed to Brian McSweeney (BMcSweeney@eastbridgewaterma.gov) If Bid Alternates are awarded for Well Redevelopment in FY26 and FY27, work must be completed by April 30, 2026 and April 30, 2027, respectively. For FY26, Well 5 must be back online by April 10, 2026 and Well 3 shall be completed last and be back online by April 30, 2026. For FY27, Well 5 must be back online by April 9, 2027 and Well 3 shall be completed last and be back online by April 30, 2027 SITE LOCATIONS: Well No. 1 is located at 634 Pond Street, Well No. 2 is located at 81 Crescent Street, Well No. 3a and 3b are located at 1845 Washington Street, Well No. 4 is located at 90 Pine Ridge Road, Well No. 5 is located at 52 Leo Way, East Bridgewater, MA, 02359. WELL SPECIFICATIONS: Well No. 1 is a gravel packed well with a 24-inch diameter well casing. The well depth is 65.5 feet and includes 15 feet of well screen. The pump column pipe is 8-inch. Existing specific capacity is 13.1 gpm/ft while pumping 170 gpm, redevelopment goal is 30 gpm/ft while pumping 300 gpm. See Appendix C for well log and redevelopment history of Well No. 1. Well No. 2 is a gravel packed well with a 20-inch diameter well casing (Original was 24", relined to 20" PS in November 2023). The well depth is 46.4 feet and includes 5.5 feet of well screen. The pump column pipe is 6-inch. Existing specific capacity is 5.5 gpm/ft while pumping 160 gpm, redevelopment goal is 20 gpm/ft while pumping 250 gpm. See Appendix C for well log and redevelopment history of Well No. 2. Well No. 3a is a gravel packed well with a 12-inch diameter well casing. The well depth is 77.7 feet and includes 15 feet of well screen. The pump column pipe is 4-inch. Existing specific capacity is 5.9 gpm/ft while pumping 160 gpm, redevelopment goal is 7 gpm/ft while pumping 205 gpm. See Appendix C for well log and redevelopment history of Well No. 3a. Well No. 3b is a gravel packed well with a 12-inch diameter well casing. The well depth is 65.0 feet and includes 7 feet of well screen. The pump column pipe is 4-inch. Existing specific capacity is 5.6 gpm/ft while pumping 154 gpm, redevelopment goal is 6.5 gpm/ft while pumping 188 gpm. See Appendix C for well log and redevelopment history of Well No. 3b. Well No. 4 is a gravel packed well with a 24-inch diameter well casing. The well depth is 54.8 feet and includes 10 feet of well screen. The pump column pipe is 6-inch. Existing specific capacity is 13.1 gpm/ft while pumping 310 gpm, redevelopment goal is 26.3 gpm/ft while pumping 300 gpm. See Appendix C for well log and redevelopment history of Well No. 4. Well No. 5 is a gravel packed well with a 24-inch diameter well casing. The well depth is 74.2 feet and includes 10 feet of well screen. The pump column pipe is 8-inch. Existing specific capacity is 12.8 gpm/ft while pumping 348 gpm, redevelopment goal is 28 gpm/ft while pumping 500 gpm. See Appendix C for well log and redevelopment history of Well No. 5


Water / Sewer


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Site Work

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Multiple Locations, East Bridgewater, MA

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