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Published October 28, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Los Angeles, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering (BOE), is seeking a consultant to provide staff support to the Sidewalk Repair Program (SRP) for horizontal design, full design, design support during construction, and limited survey services. The scope of work will span four Fiscal Years (24-25 through 27-28) for CTIEP projects that will include replacement of sidewalks, driveways, curb ramps, utilities, and trees work for approximately 175 access request sites for SRP Packages 78-79. Any subconsultants that have been added to the contract and not originally a part of Schedule A must be registered with RAMP. This TOS is only applicable to the firms on the Pre-Qualified On-Call Civil Engineering Services Consultants List. The Consultant is responsible for determining its scope of survey and 3D design to complete the work in their proposal. The services shall start as early as January 29, 2025 and continue through the end of the PQOC Civil Engineering Services Consultants Contract term, currently being extended to October 22, 2029. The Consultant's design team shall be required to work in their home office or remotely with oversight provided by the City. The lead designer shall be required to attend weekly meetings to provide Project updates to the SRP, and periodic in-person meetings at a City office and/or a field location, as needed. The Consultant is responsible for determining its scope of survey The City of Los Angeles (City), Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering (BOE) is seeking services from an Engineering Consultant (Consultant), active on the current PQOC Civil Engineering Services Consultants List, to submit their Statement of Qualifications and Cost Proposal to provide horizontal layout design, full design, and design support services during construction for two (2) Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program (CTIEP) projects (Project) for the BOE's Sidewalk Division. It is anticipated that a single Consultant team will be selected to provide the services for this TOS through the anticipated extended expiration of the current PQOC List on October 22, 2029. Submittals should consider a level of support services necessary for the Project over the next four (4) fiscal years with a combined approximate total construction cost of $4.2 million. BOE's Sidewalk Division oversees the Citywide Sidewalk Repair Program (SRP). The work performed by the SRP includes reconstruction of inaccessible and damaged pedestrian facilities throughout the City's public right-of-way to ensure they are compliant pursuant to the City's obligations under the Willits Settlement Agreement and Exhibits (Attachment No. 1). Work performed by the SRP includes reconstruction of said facilities to ensure they are compliant with disabled access regulations and usable by all pedestrians. Along with addressing accessibility of sidewalks, the SRP may also address related elements such as curb ramps, street trees, utilities, driveways, curb and gutter, roadway transitions, crosswalks, etc. As the SRP continues to expand and develop, the BOE requires professional services from the Consultant to help successfully achieve the goals of the SRP. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


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January 29, 2025


Multiple Locations, Los Angeles, CA

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