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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kingsville, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000280952 Question Acceptance Deadline 2024/11/15 12:00:00 AM EST The Proponent should demonstrate its capability to perform the Services, meet Project challenges and to provide a plan of action. Proponent should supply the following information: 1) Schedule: The Proponent shall provide the anticipated schedule (including a GANTT Chart format) of the work assuming the contract is awarded on or about December 11h, 2024, and that the Proponent can complete the full work scope deliverables and re- deliver the vessel, no later than March 28th, 2025: a. Working days to be defined and shift durations; and b. Proponent will indicate that weekends are inclusive within the project day count and whether extra shift options are available on weekdays and weekends. 2) Organizational Structure: The Proponent shall include an organizational plan showing the various team members and their working relationship with an organizational chart that displays the relationship between the team members and the OSTC. The Proponent shall outline how the project will be coordinated among the various. team members, who will ha have leadership responsibilities and what the roles and responsibilities or each will be. 3) Collaboration with the OSTC and the Classification Society: The Proponent shall outline how they plan to keep the OSTC aware of the status of the work, how the Proponent will work with OSTC to address/resolve problems, and how the Proponent plans to work with Lloyds Registry of Canada to ensure all inspection requirements are met. 4) Quality Management & Safety Plan: The Proponent shall outline their Quality Management Plan and how it relates to this project. The plan must describe how the shipyard will safely receive the vessel, define the wintering dock and fender protections arranged. Rfp response shall advise on the local environmental conditions that may pose a risk to vessel during the winter period and how these concerns shall be mitigated by yard to safeguard the vessel. Power supply voltage from shore to be confirmed and transformer KVA rating within RFP response. If any additional costs will be applied for wintering this vessel and it's required services. These must follow or align with original contract pricing and be defined in advance of the ship arrival December 2024. Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Water / Sewer

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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November 22, 2024

February 24, 2025


Multiple Locations, Kingsville, ON

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