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Published December 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Jackson, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Reference Number 0000366813 Delivery Point: JACKSON, MI The work includes the following partial listing of items with approximate quantities: STRIP AND INSTALL ROOF ON HOME & GARAGE, REPLACE GUTTERS ON HOME ONLY No pre-bid meeting will be held; contractors may contact the homeowner to schedule a date and time to access the property to better understand the project's scope of work, if necessary. R05 - ROOF - STRIP AND INSTALL Garage (Specification ID:1.05000 Estimated Qty:8) * PERMIT REQUIRED * Strip existing roof, removing all shingles and felt. Make repairs to the existing roof framing where required to provide adequate strength and a true and level surface. Install 7/16" oriented-strand board sheathing to cover all areas of roof deck. Just before proceeding, sweep roof thoroughly to remove all debris. Install ice shield at all lower roof edges. Ice shield shall extend at least 24" inside the interior surface of the exterior wall line of the building, in accordance with the Michigan Building Code. Install new 15% asphalt saturated felt according to manufacturer's directions. Furnish and install new roofing material of a color as selected by owner, must be architectural style. Installation shall include metal drip and rake edge, two layers of 90# roll valley or metal valley in all valleys. Reflash chimney, plumbing vents, and vertical walls with appropriate neoprene boots and metal step flashing where possible. Install ventilation units sufficient to vent all areas of attic. Ridge venting when used shall cover the full length of the roof ridge. Installation of all materials shall follow manufacturer's printed instructions and G.S. 1. Contractor is responsible for final measurement. Bidders will be required Rights Commission orle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Public Law 90-284), the Michigan Civil Rights, Act 453 of 1976, the Michigan Fair Employment Practice Act (MCL 423.301-423.311), related statues and implementing rules and regulations, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the rules of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, or demonstrate the existence with standards for equal employment opportunity established by the City of Jackson. Buyer Preferences, Guidelines & Requirements General Requirements - Contractors License Required - Federally Funded - Insurance Required - License Required


Residential Subdivision


Public - City


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733 Edgewood St, Jackson, MI

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