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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Astoria, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Inspection and pumping of septic tanks in the Westport, Oregon area. Part of the Westport Sewer District collection and treatment system involves septic tanks which need to be pumped regularly. Some of the tanks that are proposed to be pumped may be slightly overdue while others may or may not need to be pumped. The District is requesting quotations for the inspection and pumping of these septic tanks in the Westport area. Contractor will be required to locate and uncover tanks without the assistance of the County as there is not staff available to help in this regard. Check/inspect tanks to verify if they are indeed in need of pumping. If they do not need pumping, provide the County with an estimate of when it is believed they should be pumped. There is a separate line item for the cost of checking tanks without pumping them. The number of tanks that only need to be checked and not pumped and is merely an estimate to get a unit price for these tanks. Pump and legally dispose of the septage for as many as 12 residential tanks at 1,000 to 1,500 gallons per tank along with multi-unit tanks located in the Westport Villa Mobile Park, the Westmart Store and the Berry Patch Restaurant. Total volume for all tanks is estimated to be 38,000 gallons which includes pumping multiple times for the commercial tanks. Some of the residential tanks have not been pumped for 7-21 years but have varying degrees of usage. The multi-unit tanks are on a regular schedule and the dates to pump are provided in the spreadsheet labeled as Exhibit A. Only pump those multi-unit tanks that contain sludge and require pumping. All material collected shall be removed from the sites and legally disposed of. This pumping quote should assume that the septage will be hauled to an outside disposal area other than the Rainier treatment plant due to the limitations of dumping there. Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete work in accordance with this request and the terms of the contract. The selected contractor for the project will be responsible for safety in its entirety. Contractor will comply with all OSHA safety guidelines. All work shall be completed by December 31, 2025. Clatsop County reserves the right to limit the actual number of tanks to be pumped if the quotes received exceed the available funding for the work. The potential pumping sites are listed on the attached spreadsheet identified as Exhibit A as well as identified on the attached map. The tank configurations for the multi-unit sites may have changed from what is shown on the maps. There are additional diagrams for some but not all sites that can be provided to the awarded contractor upon request.


Water / Sewer

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Astoria, OR

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