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Published October 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bangor, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Bangor (City) requests proposals from qualified preservation professionals to conduct a reconnaissance-level architectural survey in two (2) residential neighborhoods, the Tree Streets (Appendix B) and Outer State Street (Appendix C). In particular, the City is interested in undocumented structures in the Tree Streets neighborhood (between Somerset Street and State Street) and six (6) properties on Outer State Street. The City is also interested in a survey of up to nine (9) urban parks and one (1) Grange Hall, as the budget allows. The goal of the project is to determine the listed structures and sites current condition, historic or cultural significance, and whether they may be deemed eligible for national or local designation. The proposal must also include a presentation about historic preservation targeted towards realtors, developers, and contractors Scope of Services :Based on the tenets laid out above, the successful Proposer will research and survey the sites to determine their historic significance and integrity, and eligibility for listing in the National Registry. The following tasks shall be performed by the successful Proposer: A. Hold a kick-off meeting with the Planning Division to review and refine the project scope and schedule, as well as schedule follow-up meetings and coordinate the data and documents needed. B. Obtain and review existing data and documents relevant to the project. C. Conduct check-in meetings (either in person or via video conference) with the City Staff to discuss project development and submit a progress report at least every quarter. Progress reports are expected to be consistent with the specifications and instructions of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission's Interim Progress Report. D. Survey up to fifty (50) sites in the study area shown in Appendix B, six (6) sites shown in the study area in Appendix C, one (1) Grange Hall, and nine (9) urban parks. The specific site locations for surveying are as follows: 1. Appendix B study area: located between State Street and Somerset Street, outside of currently designated historic districts and sites. Of particular interest are the properties located at 164 State Street (All Saints Catholic School), 119 Somerset Street (St. Xavier's Home), and 84 Essex Street (Essex Street Free Baptist Church). The remaining resources that are surveyed in this area should, as judged by the Proposer, be those that reinforce the integrity of this potential historic district, as described in the architectural survey shown in Appendix G. 2. Appendix C study area: 316 State St., 424 State St., 436 State St., 454 State St., 466 State St., and 478 State St. 3. The Grange Hall is located at 1192 Ohio Street, and the parks of interest include Broadway Park, Coe Park, Chapin Park, Fairmount Park, Davenport Park, Old Cemetery Lot Park, Bass Park, Broad Street Park, and Kenduskeag Stream Park Any questions must be directed in writing to bids@bangormaine.gov no later than 4:30 P.M., Friday, November 8, 2024. The City will provide a response by 4:30 P.M. on Friday, November 15, 2024. This response will be in the form of an addendum, accessible on the City Notifications will be sent to the Registered Vendor List when new addenda are released. To receive these updates, the City strongly encourages all potential bidders to register as vendors All submissions should reference "Proposal No. P25-23: CLG HP Survey - Phase 4". Proposals will be publicly opened at the time stated above in the temporary Council Chambers, 262 Harlow Street, Bangor, Maine (see Appendix A - Meeting Location Map). A tabulation of all received proposals will be posted on the City by 4:30 P.M. It is the responsibility of the Proposer(s) to see that their proposals have sufficient time to be received by the Purchasing Department before the submittal deadline. Any proposal, portion of a proposal, or requested proposal revision received at the City Purchasing Department after the time and date specified, will be returned to the Proposer unopened. No Proposer may withdraw their proposal for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of opening. All proposals shall be subject to acceptance by the City during this period. To withdraw a proposal prior to the opening, the Proposer shall request the withdrawal in writing. All costs associated with the withdrawal (i.e. mailing fees) will be borne by the Proposer The City reserves the right to reject any proposals, waive any informalities or defects in proposals, or accept a higher cost proposal if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City also reserves the right to request clarification, of any details, from the successful Proposer. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Residential Subdivision

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May 27, 2025


Multiple Locations, Bangor, ME

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