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Published December 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Gloucester, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

HVAC Replacement Units (Courthouse & Social Services). To provide all labor, materials, equipment, expertise, and supervision to replace existing 4 tone heat pump on the 1st floor of the Suite 102 in the new courthouse with a new 4 ton split system unit. Carrier brand units will need to include reconnection to existing energy management system. Non Carrier brand units will require a new thermostat that should be a Honeywell model # RTH9580WF01 or comparable that operates with the Honeywell Home Total Connect Comfort software application (Brand Name or Approved Equal). The County may request additional information and make reasonable investigations as deemed proper and necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the services/furnish the goods and the bidder shall provide the County information and data for this purpose. The County may inspect physical facilities if deemed necessary. The results of investigations and inspections may result in rejection of the bid. In addition, the County reserves the right to conduct any test/inspection deemed necessary to assure goods and services conform to the specifications. The County reserves the right to reject any and all quotes in whole or in part, to waive any informality and to delete items before making an award. Bidders agree that decisions of the Purchasing Agent are final, and shall hold harmless the County, its departments, directors, employees, and consultants and others involved in solicitation and selection. The submission of a quote indicates acceptance of this condition. Award will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder. The ability, capacity, skill, character, integrity, reputation, judgement, experience, efficiency, ability to perform within the time specified, quality of performance of previous contracts, financial resources, suitability of goods or services to particular purpose and future maintenance and service and any exceptions noted will be taken into consideration in making an award. SCOPE OF WORK: To provide all labor, materials, equipment, expertise, and supervision to replace existing 4 tone heat pump on the 1st floor of the Suite 102 in the new courthouse with a new 4 ton split system unit. Carrier brand units will need to include reconnection to existing energy management system. Non Carrier brand units will require a new thermostat that should be a Honeywell model # RTH9580WF01 or comparable that operates with the Honeywell Home Total Connect Comfort software application (Brand Name or Approved Equal). BACKGROUND: Gloucester County Courthouse (Clerk's Office Suite 102) is located at 7400 Justice Drive, Gloucester, VA. Work to be completed during normal business hours. Care should be exercised to avoid disruptions of any court proceedings. A crane or alternative equipment capable of safely placing RTU on the roof as well as removing the older unit from the roof will be required. Inspection of Job Site: Bidders signature on this solicitation constitutes certification that they have inspected the job site and are aware of the conditions under which the work must be accomplished. Claims, as a result of failure to inspect the job site, will not be considered by the County 5 years on the compressors and air handler1 year on all other parts and labor




Public - County


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November 6, 2024

December 6, 2024


7400 Justice Dr, Gloucester, VA

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