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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Louisville, Kentucky. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Louisville Metro Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, and/or to waive any informality in the procurement process. LMHA is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to affirmative action in the involvement of Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) to the maximum extent possible. LMHA encourages MBE firms or individuals to respond. Non-Minority firms or individuals are requested to seek participation of minority businesses as sub-contractors or in partnership arrangements to the maximum extent possible. The Louisville Metro Housing Authority (LMHA) is a Moving to Work designated public housing authority which, as of October 2024, owned and managed 3,297 units of conventional and scattered-site housing in Louisville, Kentucky. LMHA also contracts over 11,141 private units through its Section 8 Rental Assistance Program. Over the last three decades, the Authority has undertaken an ambitious program to redevelop its large family developments. It has completed three award-winning HOPE VI neighborhood revitalization efforts at Park DuValle in West Louisville in the Park DuValle neighborhood, Liberty Green in Downtown Louisville in the Phoenix Hill neighborhood, and Sheppard Square in the Smoketown neighborhood just south of the Downtown Louisville, and is nearing completion of a Choice Neighborhoods revitalization effort at Beecher Terrace in the Russell neighborhood of West Louisville. In preparation for the potential redevelopment of the Authority's last remaining large family site, Parkway Place, LMHA is currently seeking proposals from qualified planning coordinators with extensive community engagement and planning experience, such as leading Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant initiatives or other large-scale neighborhood planning efforts of similar scope and scale. LMHA requires a qualified consultant to assist its staff, partner(s), and other team members in managing and completing a planning process for Parkway Place with residents and stakeholders that results in a full redevelopment plan for the site that reflects the needs of residents and strengthens the neighborhood. The Authority encourages proposals from firms with thorough knowledge and experience in the goals, objectives, requirements, and processes of Public Housing, Community Development, and Mixed-Income/Mixed-Use Development planning processes. LMHA may also pursue a Choice Neighborhoods Planning grant to help fund its planning effort, in which case LMHA will be required to develop and submit a Transformation Plan that meets the grant requirements by the end of the two-year grant period. SCOPE OF SERVICES Primary responsibilities for the Planning Coordinator include but are not limited to the following tasks and services: o Management of a resident and community engagement and planning process for the redevelopment of Parkway Place site under direction of LMHA and in close coordination with Louisville Metro Government, and other LMHA partners or team members; o Familiarity with activities and opportunities in the Algonquin neighborhood and Louisville Metro that can support redevelopment plans and goals; o Familiarity with Federal, State and Local grant programs or other funding sources that can support redevelopment plans and goals; o Raise and resolve any issues, concerns or questions with regard to the planning process or redevelopment plans; o Bring suggestions and innovations to enhance the community engagement and planning process based on the Planning Coordinator's experience and/or knowledge of national best practices; o Develop and secure approval for a timeline and milestones for the community engagement and redevelopment planning process; o Monitor planning progress to assure adherence with all schedules and milestones; o Manage data compilation, analysis and the evaluation process; o Prepare and maintain agendas, sign-in sheets and minutes of meetings with outside groups; o Participate in calls, meetings, and conferences as requested by LMHA; o Assist in reviewing and monitoring budgets; o Assist in the preparation of applications, reports, and communications as requested by LMHA; o Bring to the attention of the team any concerns, questions, opportunities and/or ideas that arise during the planning process; o Work with LMHA staff to draft and finalize redevelopment plan options that include needs assessments, environmental assessments, asset mapping, and conceptual site plans; o Participate in LMHA Board of Commissioners, resident meetings, public meetings, and/or design workshops, making presentations and/or written reports, preparing PowerPoint presentations, etc. as requested; and o Generally, assume a leadership role in all aspects of preparing potential redevelopment plans for Parkway Place, bringing together various parties, continuing the work already completed by others, and assuring a comprehensive, inclusionary, transparent, and effective community engagement and planning process resulting in redevelopment plans that meet LMHA's and the community's expectations, and potential funders' requirements. Services shall be performed in accordance with the one-year contract which shall be executed between the LMHA and the planning coordinator. Should LMHA be awarded a Choice Neighborhoods Planning grant, the planning coordinator will also provide services as related to the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant program. Services will be requested and directed by the Louisville Metro Housing Authority, the lead grant applicant, and will include activities that support the three core Choice Neighborhood goals of Housing, People, and Neighborhood. Question Deadline 11/12/2024 at 2:00 PM ET Questions regarding the scope of work can be sent to Pam Bischoff at All other questions can be sent to Steven Webb at



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November 19, 2025


1737 Patton Ct, Louisville, KY

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