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Published December 13, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a service station / car wash facility in Lafayette, Indiana. Completed plans call for the construction of a service station / car wash facility; for site work for a service station / car wash facility; and for paving for a service station / car wash facility.

All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted to Engineer in writing. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered. Project Scope: This project includes the construction of a fuel station at the Lafayette School Corporation with associated pavements. In addition, removal of the existing fuel station will be required. Bids may be mailed or delivered in person to the office of Troy Cloum, Chief Financial Officer, Lafayette School Corporation (LSC), at the Hiatt Administration Building, 2300 Cason Street, Lafayette, Indiana 47904, prior to 1:00 PM (local time) on the date of the Bid Opening. All Bid envelopes will be clearly marked in the lower left corner, "BID ENLCOSED" "LAFAYETTE SCHOOL CORPORATION FUEL ISLAND REPLACEMENT". Bids received after the time and date noted will be returned unopened. Bids may be withdrawn prior to such time, but no Bids shall be withdrawn for a period of 60 days thereafter. Bids will be received for a single prime Contract. Bids shall be submitted in duplicate and shall be on a lump sum basis, as indicated in the Bid Form. Bids shall be properly executed, addressed to the Lafayette School Corporation, and submitted on Form 96 (Revised 2013), as prescribed by the State Board of Accounts, giving financial data as recent as possible and in no event more than 90 days old. Each Bid shall be accompanied by an executed Non- Collusion Affidavit, Bid Security and such other documents required by Instructions to Bidders. A Bid Security in the form of EJCDC Document C-430 (Bid Bond), or a certified check, or bank money order, shall accompany each Bid. The Bid Security shall be in the penal amount of 10 percent of the total Bid and made payable to the Lafayette School Corporation. Bid Security shall be forfeited if Bid is withdrawn after closing time on date for receiving bids. Contractor awarded work will be required to furnish a satisfactory Performance Bond and Payment Bond from an acceptable surety in an amount equal to 100 percent of the full contract sum. The Instructions to Bidders contained in the Project Manual and Specifications for the Project are by this reference made a part hereof, and all Bidders shall be deemed advised of the provisions thereof and of the General Conditions, Specifications, and Drawings for the Project. The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: Lafayette School Corporation Hiatt Administration Center, 2300 Cason Street, Lafayette, IN 47904, (765) 771-6049. Contact Becca Walker at becca@tbirddesign.com to register on the Plan Holders List. Prospective Bidders may examine the Bidding Documents at the Issuing Office on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 9:00 AM through 4:00 PM. The date that the Bidding Documents are transmitted by the Issuing Office will be considered the prospective Bidder's date of receipt of the Bidding Documents. Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available from the Office of the Engineer. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including Addenda if any, obtained from sources other than the Office of the Engineer The Owner reserves the right to reject any and/or all Bids, and to waive informalities, irregularities, and/or errors in the bidding to the extent permitted by law. This includes the right to extend the date and time for receipt of Bids.

Bid Results

Service Station / Car Wash


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Paving, Site Work




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2300 Cason St, Lafayette, IN

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