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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Richmond, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Richmond is accepting bids for the construction of the Shockoe Retention Facility and Hampton-McCloy Tunnel Sediment Cleaning project to provide general contracting services that include, but are not limited to the removal of Accumulated Material (the "Project"). The Accumulated Material has built up at the City's Shockoe Retention Facilities and Hampton-McCloy Tunnel (the "Locations"). Services required at the Locations include dewatering, cleaning, removing, and disposing of Accumulated Material within the Combined Sewer Overflow ("CSO") structures at the Locations (the "Work"). For purposes of the Project, the term "Accumulated Material" refers to: sediment, refuse, grit, sewage, and any other debris that has accumulated within the CSO structures. Accumulated Material has built up within the City's CSO structures, causing loss of storage volume and other operational issues. The City requires the removal and disposal of Accumulated Material from the Locations. The specific requirements of the Work are provided in the Scope of Work and are further detailed in the attached Technical Specifications. Statement of Work Location The following comprises the Locations where the Work is to be performed: 1. Shockoe Retention Facilities: 1601 East Byrd Street, Richmond, VA 23219 West Diversion Structure, East Diversion Structure, Shockoe Retention Basin, Crossover Chamber, and Diversion Conduits 1, 2, and 3. 2. Hampton-McCloy Tunnel: McCloy shaft located at 3801 Douglasdale Road, Richmond, VA 23221. See the drawings included in the attached Technical Specifications for tunnel alignment and locations of other tunnel elements. Summary of Work The Work requirements are generally described below. However, the awarded Bidder (the "Contractor") shall perform all Work according to the Contract documents and attached Technical Specifications. The Work will include: Mobilization and set up of temporary facilities at the Locations, Preparation of material for removal from the Locations (e.g., stockpile, dewater, apply odor control), Removal of material from the Locations, Hauling material to the approved, off-site waste disposal facilities (as contemplated in the Technical Specifications), and Completion of post-cleaning inspection(s) (e.g., CCTV), as required. The Work also includes preparation and submission of pre-construction submittals and/or operational plans for: cleaning, dewatering, health and safety, ventilation, odor control, and hauling and disposal. Scope of Work 1. City Responsibilities. a. Unless otherwise specified, the City will operate all existing, City-owned valves, gates, pumps, equipment, and appurtenances that will affect the City's operation. b. The City will sign manifest tickets for trucks leaving Locations with Accumulated Material. c. The City will furnish the following equipment: o Truck wash located within Shockoe Retention Basin 2. Contractor's Use of the Locations. a. The Contractor's use of the Locations shall be confined to the areas depicted on the Drawings and specified in the Technical Specifications. b. The Contractor's use of the Locations will not be exclusive: Locations must be shared with other contractors and entities permitted by the City. c. Upon notice from the City, the Contractor shall remove any stored products that interfere with the City's operation of the Locations, including products that interfere with the work of other contractors. d. The Contractor is prohibited from storing Accumulated Material at the Locations. 3. Other Locations Terms & Conditions. a. The Technical Specifications contain other terms and conditions concerning the Contractor's use of the Locations. Bidders are strongly encouraged to review Section 01 11 00 (Summary of Work) including the following sub-sections: i. Section 1.12 (Easements and Rights of Way), ii. Section 1.13 (Notices to Owners and Authorities of Properties Adjacent to the Work) iii. Section 1.15 (Partial Utilization by Owner) 4. Schedule of Contract Items. The Contractor shall include in its Bid Form all labor, services, specialists, materials, and equipment necessary to perform the following Contract Items according to the Technical Specifications: a. Contract Item 1: General Conditions (Including Mobilization) i. The Contractor shall provide for bonds, insurance, permits, submittals, and other administrative requirements (not included in any of the Contract Items below). ii. This item, limited to 3% of the total Bid, shall be expressed as a lump sum. b. Contract Items 2-5: Sediment Cleaning at Shockoe i. The Contractor shall perform sediment cleaning services consisting of dewatering, site restoration, setup and operation of temporary lighting and/or ventilation, cleaning, disposal, CCTV, and other incidentals. ii. The Contractor shall dewater structures prior to and during all cleaning operations as needed to complete the cleaning operations beyond initial draining performed by the City. iii. The cleaning, removal, and disposal of Accumulated Material shall be considered complete after no visible accumulation of sediment and material remains in the indicated project areas. iv. Final inspection procedures set forth in the Technical Specifications, Section 01 77 19 (Closeout Requirements). v. Detailed cleaning requirements are located in the Technical Specifications, Section 02 60 01. vi. The City will pay the Contractor by in-situ Cubic Yard for completion of sediment removal and related work from the Shockoe Locations. c. Contract Item 6: Sediment Cleaning at Hampton-McCloy i. The Contractor shall perform sediment cleaning services consisting of dewatering, site restoration, setup and operation of temporary lighting and/or ventilation, cleaning, disposal, CCTV, and other incidentals. ii. The Contractor shall dewater structures prior to and during all cleaning operations as needed to complete the cleaning operations beyond initial dewatering performed by the City using the existing pumping system. iii. The cleaning, removal, and disposal of Accumulated Material shall be considered complete after no visible accumulation of sediment and material remains in the indicated project areas. iv. Final inspection procedures set forth in the Technical Specifications, Section 01 77 19 (Closeout Requirements). v. Detailed requirements are located in the Technical Specifications, Section 02 60 02. vi. The City will pay the Contractor by the Dry Ton for completion of sediment removal and related work from the Shockoe Locations. d. Contract Item 7: Allowance i. The City will pay the Contractor, using available funding from the allowance, for Work beyond the scope of Contract Items 1-6 that are necessary to complete the Work. ii. Examples of permitted allowances include: Removal of excess sediment, based on the Contractor's survey of sediment as compared to quantities on the Bid Form. Mobilization/Demobilization resulting from River flooding. Structural, mechanical, and other minor repairs identified during cleaning. iii. The Contractor will be permitted to bill the City under this Contract Item upon approval from the City, Engineer, and Construction Manager. 5. Authorized Work Hours. a. The Contractor shall perform Work only during the hours authorized for each Location, as specified in the Drawings. b. Generally, the Contractor may perform work during the following hours: i. Shockoe Retention Facilities: Twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week ii. Hampton-McCloy Tunnel: 7:00AM-3:00 PM EST, Monday through Friday. 6. Coordination with City Operations. The Contractor shall provide labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals shown, specified, and required to coordinate with the City's operations during the Work. The Construction Manager shall coordinate between the City and the Contractor during construction activities. a. General Requirements i. Except for Shutdowns specified in Section 01 14 00 of the Technical Specifications, the Contractor shall perform the Work in a manner that permits the Locations to remain in continuous, satisfactory operation for the duration of the Work. ii. The Contractor's activities shall not: impede the City's production or processes, create potential hazards for equipment or personnel, reduce the quality of Locations products or effluent, or cause odors or other nuisances. iii. The City shall have roadway access to all facilities during Regular Working Hours. iv. Contractor vehicles and equipment shall not prohibit City access to any facilities, unless approved as part of the Contractor's operational plan. v. The Contractor shall coordinate shutdowns with the Construction Manager. vi. The Contractor is prohibited from shutting off or disconnecting any existing operating systems, without advance, written approval from the Construction Manager. vii. Where necessary, the Contractor shall seal or bulkhead City-operated gas valves to prevent leakage. viii. The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary watertight plugs, bulkheads, and line stops to the satisfaction of the Engineer. ix. Upon completion of the Work, the Contractor shall remove temporary watertight plugs, bulkheads, and line stops to the satisfaction of the Engineer. x. The Contractor may provide additional temporary facilities, for the purpose of eliminating or mitigating a constraint, provided that such facilities present: no additional cost to the City, no hazards to the public, personnel, structures, or equipment, no adverse affects to the City's ability to comply with laws, regulations, permits, and operating requirements associated with the Work, and no generation of odors and other nuisances. b. Administrative Requirements i. The Contractor shall acquaint itself with all Sections of the Technical Specification to ensure that Work is performed in the proper sequence mandated by the City. ii. The Contractor shall notify the Construction Manager in advance of Work requiring coordination with the City's operations. This is necessary to provide other contractors sufficient time to complete their work, which may need to be completed before or concurrently with the Contractor. iii. As a safety precaution, the Contractor must notify the Construction Manager each day of intended Work activities, areas of Work, Work duration, and personnel involved in the day's Work. c. Suggested Sequencing i. Suggested sequencing is detailed in the Technical Specifications, Section 01 14 00 (Coordination with Owner's Operations). ii. The Contractor shall prepare a sequence of construction for Engineer approval. iii. Certain phases or stages of the Work may require working 24-hour days or working during hours outside of Regular Working Hours. iv. The City may allow Work to be accelerated from a later stage to an earlier stage if approved by the Engineer and if the City's operations are not adversely affected by the proposed sequence change. d. Suggested Sequencing Deviations i. Deviations from the suggested sequence will require the Contractor to provide the Construction Manager with a detailed explanation for the proposed sequence change. ii. Deviation requests must detail any subsequent positive or negative effects. iii. Benefits of the proposed sequence change, including benefits to the Progress Schedule, must be detailed in the deviation request. iv. Deviation requests must affirmatively show that the City's operations will not be adversely affected by the proposed change. e. Tie Ins i. Tie ins may be required to connect the Contractor's temporary dewatering system to existing pipelines. ii. The Contractor shall provide connection details for all proposed tie ins as part of the Temporary Dewatering Plan submittals (further described in Technical Specification, Section 02 60 01 and Section 02 60 02). f. Isolated Facilities Through Shutdown i. The City will dewater facilities prior to or at beginning of each shutdown to extent feasible. ii. Facilities to be isolated and shutdown include: Shockoe Location: Crossover Chamber, Diversion Conduits 1, 2 and 3, and Shockoe Retention Basin. These basins will be isolated jointly. Hampton-McCloy: Shaft and Tunnel g. Contractor Requirements for Shutdowns Detailed Shutdown requirements are specified in Section 01 14 00 (Coordination with Owner's Operations), Subsection 3.02 (Detailed Shutdown Requirements). A Shutdown occurs when any portion of the normal operation of the City's facility has been temporarily suspended or taken out of service to perform Work. i. Work that may interrupt normal operations shall be accomplished at times approved by the City. ii. Pre-Shutdown Meeting Requirement: Contractor shall schedule and conduct a meeting with the City, the Engineer, and the Construction Manager, no later than thirty (30) Calendar Days before any shutdowns. iii. Denial of Shutdown Requests: The City will deny any shutdown request where the Contractor has not received approval for the proper Pre-Construction submittals. iv. The Contractor shall furnish at the Locations, in close proximity to the shutdown and tie-in work areas, tools, equipment, spare parts and materials, necessary to successfully complete the shutdown. v. The Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer that Contractor has complied with all requirements before commencing the shutdown. vi. Short-term shutdowns of smaller piping, conduits, equipment, and systems may be required. The Contractor shall coordinate requirements for such shutdowns with the City and the Engineer. vii. The Contractor shall bear the cost of unscheduled shutdowns leading to fines/penalties from violating local, state, or federal ordinances, laws, or regulations. viii. The Contractor shall immediately cease any activity causing unscheduled interruptions of the City's operations. 7. Project Meetings. a. Pre-Construction Meeting i. The Contractor shall attend a Pre-Construction meeting to: designate responsible personnel, establish working relationships, discuss preliminary schedules submitted by Contractor, and review administrative and procedural requirements for the Project. ii. Matters requiring coordination will be discussed and procedures for handling such matters will be established. iii. A conference will be held after execution of the Contract and before Work begins on the Project. iv. The Construction Manager will establish the date, time, and location of meeting and notify involved parties. b. Progress Meetings i. Regular monthly progress meetings will be held throughout the Project's duration with the City, Engineer, Construction Manager, and Contractor. ii. Additional meetings may be conducted, as progress of Work requires, at a mutually agreed date, time and location. 8. Construction Progress Schedule. a. The Contractor shall develop, provide, and revise all information required for the Project Schedule. b. Project planning, scheduling, coordination, and execution is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 9. Traffic Control. a. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for traffic control plans and maintenance of traffic sequencing. b. The Contractor must comply with Virginia Department of Transportation requirements, as specified in the Technical Specifications, Section 01 55 26 (Traffic Control). c. The Contractor shall follow all City requirements for maintenance of traffic on roads located on City property. d. This Project is expected to require multiple hauling trucks over several days to drive to and from the Locations and the selected disposal facilities. e. The Contractor shall submit a Debris Loading, Hauling, and Spill Containment Plan in accordance with the Technical Specification, Section 02 60 01 and Section 02 60 02, which includes proposed truck routes.


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