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Published November 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a museum in Addison, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a museum.

The Village of Addison is requesting sealed bids for providing all necessary labor, material and equipment to completely remove and replace the Museum Century House Roof with additional Alternate Option for replacing existing gutters and downspouts with new period correct gutters and downspouts. The intent of these specifications is to describe the requirements for the removal and replacement of The Museum Century House Roof, 129 Army Trail Blvd., Addison, IL. 60101. The Village of Addison is requesting sealed bids for providing all necessary labor, material and equipment to completely remove and replace the Museum Century House Roof. The contractor shall be responsible for accurately measuring the areas for the required amount surface to be restored. Contractor shall: Measure all areas. Mobilize Construct barricade and protect necessary areas where work is to be completed Remove existing roof Replace any damaged or rotten wood found upon removal of existing roof. Install no less than 36" of ice and water shield on all outside drip edges, and any vales. Install new felt underlayment Install new Period Correct Cedar Shakes General Clean Up Demobilize All interested bidders are required to have these meetings in order to familiarize themselves with the systems and conditions that may affect the time or cost of performance. Illinois Prevailing Wage Project. The self- addressed label provided with the Bid Documents must be affixed to the outside of the sealed envelope. If there are any errors or inconsistencies found in the Bid Documents, bidders must notify the Village of Addison of those errors or inconsistencies before the due date listed above. The Village of Addison reserves the right to waive all technicalities, and to accept and or reject part(s) of any or all bids which it deems advantageous. Minorities and women-owned businesses (W.B.E.) are encouraged to participate. This is an Illinois Prevailing Wage Project. If you have questions pertaining to this bid you may contact: Ewa Adamow 630-693-7507 purchasing@addison-IL.org Contractor shall cause all Work required by the Contract Documents to be substantially completed by no later than One Hundred Eighty (180) calendar days from the commencement of the Work ("Substantial Completion"). "Substantial Completion" means that the Owner can occupy and fully utilize the Project for its intended use, and that all warranties, manuals, instructions, certifications, reports, record or as-built drawings, and any other document required by the Contract Documents have been properly submitted to and accepted by the Owner; and that the only remaining Work is minor cosmetic work that does not interfere with the Owner's operations (the "Punch List Work"). The Contractor shall complete the Punch List Work within ten (10) days after the date of Substantial Completion. Time is of the essence under this Agreement. If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the commencement or progress of the Work by a cause that was reasonably unforeseeable to the Contractor and is not within the Contractor's control, then the Contract Time shall be equitably extended, and such extension shall be reduced to a Change Order. Contractor shall promptly notify Owner immediately in writing: (i) of any information required from Owner and necessary for Contractor to complete its work in a timely manner; and (ii) of any work requested by Owner that is not included in the scope of work provided in the Contract Documents Liquidated Damages - The time of completion of the delivery of these materials is the essence of this Contract. Should the Contractor neglect, refuse or fail to complete the Contract, after giving effect to extensions of time, if any herein provided, then, in that event and in view of the difficulty of estimating with exactness damages caused by such delay, the Village shall have the right to deduct from and retain out of such monies the sum of $250.00 per day for each and every day that such Contract is delayed in its completion beyond the specified substantial completion date, as liquidated damages and not as penalty. The costs of delay represented by the liquidated damage amount are understood to be a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs that will be borne by the Village during extended and delayed performance by the Contractor for the work, remaining incidental work, correction of work improperly completed, or repair of work damaged as a result of the Contractor. The liquidated damage amount specified will accrue and be assessed until final completion of the total physical work of the Contract, even though the work may be substantially complete. If any such monies are due and owing to the Village after such deductions, liquidated damages shall not relieve Contractor or his sureties from any other obligations under this Contract.

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November 19, 2024

December 19, 2024


129 Army Trail Blvd, Addison, IL

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Addison Century House Roof Replacement

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