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Published December 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Tybee Island, Georgia. Working plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

**As of December 20, 2024, project has been rejected. As of this time it is unknown if an when project will rebid. The City of Tybee Island seeks qualified proposals for the installation of solar panels on the roof of the Marine Science Center located at 37 Meddin Drive, Tybee Island, GA 31328. SCOPE OF SERVICES: o Provide a fully functional solar array on the flat portion of the Tybee Island Marine Science Center (MSC) located at 37 Meddin Drive, Tybee Island, GA 31328. The roof of the MSC is approximately 40' x 80'. o The minimum power requirement output for the solar array shall be 42kW. o The minimum wattage for each solar panel shall be 400 Watts. o All string inverters currently in use at the MSC are the model SMA Sunny Boy. Any string inverters that are required with this project shall be SMA Sunny Boy inverters. o All Photovoltaic (PV) Modules and inverters must be Underwriters Laboratories (UL) certified. o PV Modules shall be from a Q-Cell manufactures and made in the United States of America. o Installation of solar panels shall be in accordance with all Federal, State, and Local City of Tybee Island building requirements and meet the wind loading requirements of 141 miles per hour. o Contractor shall supply all necessary and required documentation for all products used in this proposal. o The existing roof at the MSC is a TPO roof system manufactured by GAF roofing. Contractor shall follow the six (6) step process below to ensure the existing TPO roof warranty is not voided. Contractor is responsible for coordinating with GAF to obtain a warranty amendment with copies of all correspondence given to the City of Tybee Island. 1. Inform GAF Guarantee Services (1-800-ROOF-411) at least 45 days prior to the start of the solar installation. 2. Complete solar installation checklist, pay pre and post inspection fees ($600 Each) and send PV project details to Guarantee Services at least 45 days prior to the start of solar installation. 3. Conduct pre solar inspection prior to the start of solar installation. Address and correct punch list items. 4. Proceed with the solar installation by following manufacturer's instructions. Follow best practices recommended by National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) in its Guidelines for Roof Systems with Rooftop PV Components, GAF Technical Advisory Bulletin on Solar Installation (TAB-C-2011-01) and GAF Solar Roofing Systems Specifications #748. 5. Coordinate with Guarantee Services and conduct post solar inspection. Address and correct punch list items. 6. After all inspections and requirements have been met, GAF will include amendment for solar in the guarantee. o The OMG Power Grip System Plus roof mount panel system shall be required to mount solar panels to the existing MSC TPO roof. 1. Contractor installing the OMG Power Grip System Plus is required to be GAF certified. Contractor shall include inspection costs by GAF into their proposal. o The OMG Power Grip System Plus System shall be Model #PGRPP-GAF-TPO-WH-8. o The OMG Power Grip System Plus System shall be attached using a minimum of four (4) #14, 1-inch Stainless Steel wood screws as specified by the building engineer. o The Polar Bear III HD Flat Roof Mounting system and all necessary appurtenances or approved equal shall be used for the installation of the solar panels. o Sun Power Helix Roof Solution Solar Panels and all necessary appurtenances or approved equal shall be used for the solar panels. The panels should be the Helix ST, single tilt solar panels. o Contractor shall be responsible to tie into the existing building grid and verify where the tie-in will be located prior to the award of the proposal. The building grid is 240 Volt single phase. Grid connection is in the main panel located on the second floor of the MSC. o AC/DC disconnect and combination switches shall be provided by the contractor. o Contractor shall use 2/A WG 10 cable, AWG bare copper, and Tyco grounding clips. o Contractor shall specify the amount of MWh annual generation. o Contractor shall provide production monitoring. o Contractor shall supply a one year warranty on all components and systems. o Contractor shall provide three (3) references with similar size systems in a marine environment. These references will include the name, phone number, City and State where project was completed. o Contractor shall provide the total number of solar systems installed and the total amount of kW produced in each project. o Contractor shall provide delivery and installation dates as part of their RFP submittal. o Contractor shall provide their total cost for furnishing and installing the solar panel system in a lump sum cost. The payment schedule is defined in a later section of this RFP. o The City of Tybee Island obtain all necessary building permits from the City, Chatham County, Georgia and pay the necessary permit fees. o The Contractor will submit all necessary copies of the drawings to the City, along with an electronic copy. The City will approve and forward onto the county for their approval. + o Chatham County Building Inspection will provide the interim and final inspection of the project. Once the County has given approval, it will be forwarded to Georgia Power, and once approved by Georgia Power they will energize they system. Question Deadline 12/03/2024 Questions must be submitted at least seven days before the proposal due date. Mark subject line on e-mail "Questions on RFP 2024-781. POINT OF CONTACT: Peter Gulbronson peter.gulbronson@cityoftybee.org Questions must be submitted. Mark subject line on e-mail "Questions on RFP 2024-781. POINT OF CONTACT: Peter Gulbronson peter.gulbronson@cityoftybee.org Potential bidders must present any written objection to this RFP at leastseven (7) days prior to the proposal due date. The objections contemplated may pertain to form and/or substance of the RFP documents. Objections must be made in writing to the Purchasing agent, Melissa Freeman mfreeman@cityoftybee.org. Email subject line: Objection to

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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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December 10, 2024

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37 Meddin Dr, Tybee Island, GA

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